During S.level 3, you will get to access to this Sphere
break tournament at Luca. Simply enter Luca, after some events, you will get to start hunting for people to play. In
this event, you need to win 3 matches to procceed. If you lose 3 times, you will lose the tournament. After battling and
winning three rounds, you will have to beat Shinra to complete this event.
The range of players are at the Luca
stadium entrace, the walkway towards Luca stadium, the Square and the area with the stairs leading to Mi'hen highroad.
Dream Shop Core Sphere Location: The woman near to the save point at the stairs leading to Mi'hen highroad Rules: Turns:15,
Quota: 25 coins, Time limit: 60 seconds Difficulty: 2 Strategy: She's an average player, and definitely the one for
you to practice since the save point is just around the corner. If you are new to Spherebreak, she's a good practice
player. To win, you need to get in echo combos as usual. 2, 3 coins would be enough.
Name: Fisherman Core Sphere Location:
He's walking around at the Square. He's wearing a green-colour with brown shorts. Rules: Turns: 15, Quota: 20 coins,
Time Limit: 60 seconds Difficulty: 2 Startegy: If you want an easy game, he's the one. Just keep using 2, 3 coins to
win. The 3 other players listed below are the ones if you want to win the 3 rounds easily.
Name: Shades Core Sphere Location:
He's hiding behind the statue at the Square Rules: Turns: 15, Quota: 20 coins, Time limit: 60 seconds Difficulty: 2 Strategy:
Another easy one. Use 2, 3 combos to win.
Name: Grannie Core Sphere Location: At the walkway leading to Luca
stadium, she's sitting at the side, wearing a purple shirt Rules: Turns: 15, Quota: 20, Time limit:60 Difficulty:
2 Strategy: Again, another easy one. Use 2, 3 coin combos to win.
Name: Intimidator Core Sphere Location:
She's standing in front of the counter, talking to a woman. Rules: Turns: 15, Quota: 20, Time limit: 60 Difficulty:
2 Strategy: Like the 3 other players, she's easy. Just use 2, 3 coin combos to win.
Name: Gigolo Core Sphere Location:
He's standing near to the radio station at the Square. He's wearing a very flashy yellow pants Rules: Turns: 15, Quota:
30, Time limit: 60 seconds Difficulty: 3 Strategy: He's a fairly good player. If you have get the hang of Sphere break, he's
not a big problem for you. 2, 3 coin combos again.
Name: Pet Core Sphere Location: Talk to the woman sitting
with a dog at the Square. Rules: Turns: 15, Quota: 40, Time limit: 45 Difficulty: 3 Strategy: This is slightly tougher,
but it's still possible. If you are trying to practice for the Shinra match, she's the one that gives you that pressurised
feel. If possible, make 3 coin count combos. 2 coin combos are pretty slim because core number 1 occasionally appears. Items:
White Signet Grid (can someone confirm with me?) (Thanks Kurasu Soratobu: When you compete with the dog/woman, you will
get 10 turns instead of 15. A glitch? A mistake?)
Name: Punk Core Sphere Location: The two kids jumping
around at the Square. You need to win at least one game to compete with them. (If not, they will be trashing another guy
and have no time to play with you) Rules: Turns: 15, Quota: 40, Time limit: 60 Difficulty: 3 Strategy: The kid
is a good player so don't under-estimate him. However, you can beat an AI kid any time. Use 2 and possibly 3, 4 coin combos
to beat him.
*Strategy 2 from em?*: If you have a echo coin (like malboro) just put that in and a 1, 2, 5 coin and
set the multiplier to 1 when you start. From then on, just add up to the core number and you should be done by turn 11 without
too much effort. It works because the multiplier starts to add up after turn 4, where even just using a entry coin gives
you 4 quota, and by turn 11 thats 11 quota points x whatever border coins you used (so one border coin = 22 quota points
at turn 11).
Name: Shinra Core Sphere Location: Once you defeat 3 people, there will be a scene and you will need
to battle him. Rules: Turns: 15, Quota: 50, Time Limit: 40 Difficulty: 4 Strategy: Shinra is the most difficult
among all the players. Getting 50 might seems impossible as Core Sphere 1 appears a lot more frequently, as much as 5
times in a row. If it happens too many times, you should really... restart. Even if it means, playing the third round of
Sphere break again. You can defeat him by using 3, 4 coins each time, but still the core sphere 1 is very damaging. Need
a lot of patience and luck for this one. If you are lucky, you can even add in 2 coin combos to win him. (without even
1 core number 1.) Items: Lady Luck dress sphere, Treasure Hunt grid
Still have problems? You can check out the General
Strategy at the later section.
IV. Sphere Break players in Luca =============================================================================== You
can start playing Sphere Break in S.Level 1. How do you get to access them? After completing the Yuna moogle sidequest,
get back to Luca, and go to the east side of the Luca stadium. There will be a little scene with Rin and you can start
playing from that point.
A lot of people have emailed me about the point of playing spherebreak besides the Sphere
Break tournament in S.level 3. I have been playing for a while, but other than getting the Treasure Hunt grid and Lady
Luck dress sphere, there's nothing you can get much out of Sphere Break. Basically, all the items can be found available
else where, and it doesn't play such an important role in FFX-2. (Unlike the FF8 Triple Triad which you can get great items
from refining cards)
That aside, I will list out all the players that are available in the west and east side of
the Luca stadium. I have excluded the strategy involved, since I figured that it's more or less the same, just that the
number of coins, and the coins you used varies. ^_^ (Okay, I'm lazy, so sue me.)
West Hall of Luca Stadium ------------------------- Name:
Practice Core Sphere Location: He's the first beak guy on the screen, and the one who has access to the Sphere Break
game tutorial Rules: Turns: 15, Quota: 20, Time Limit: 60 Difficulty: 1
Name: Mi'hen Core Sphere Location:
He's just beside the tutorial guy on the right. Rules: Turns: 30, Quota: 150, Time Limit: 20 Difficulty: 5
Gigolo Core Sphere Location: He's talking with someone, and his yellow pants makes him very distinctive. Rules: Turns:
15, Quota: 30, Time Limit: 60 Difficulty: 4
Name: Punk Core Sphere Location: He's right~ at the back, being the
only other kid in the hall, it's easy to spot him. Rules: Turns: 20, Quota:80 , Time Limit: 45 Difficulty: 4
Dream Shop Core Sphere Location: Talking with the Gigolo (yellow pants) Rules: Turns: 20, Quota: 50, Time Limit: 45 Difficulty:
Name: Shades Core Sphere Location: Behind the beak tutorial guy Rules: Turns: 15, Quota: 20, Time Limit: 60 Difficulty:
Name: Bevelle Core Sphere Location: On the right side of the screen near to the Mi'hen core sphere player Rules:
Turns: 30, Quota: 200, Time Limit: 30 Difficulty: 5
Name: Macalania Core Sphere Location: Close to the Shades
core sphere player Rules: Turns: 30, Quota: 80, Time Limit: 45 Difficulty: 4
East Hall of Luca Stadium -------------------------
Shoopuf Core Sphere Location: The only Hypello in the room Rules: Turns: 20, Quota: 50, Time Limit: 45 Difficulty:
Name: Gagazet Core Sphere Location: he's leaning on the left wall Rules: Turns: 30, Quota: 100, Time Limit:
60 Difficulty: 3
Name: Pet Core Sphere Location: Right at the back, left of the screen Rules: Turns: 15, Quota:
50, Time Limit: 30 Difficulty: 3
Name: Shinra Core Sphere Location: Right at very back of the hallway, you can't
miss him, can you? ^_^ Rules: Turns: 20, Quota: 100, Time Limit:30 Difficulty: 5
V. Frequently Asked Questions ===============================================================================
How am I supposed to defeat Shinra?! He's so difficult. Getting 50 quota is totally impossible! A: Like I said, patience
and practice is the key. To defeat Shinra, you need to get in 3, 4 coin combos as frequent as possible. If there are too
many core number 1, there's always the restart button. Yes, Shinra seems highly annoying, but just as the seemingly
impossible Blitzball match against the Luca goers, it's very difficult, but not impossible. Good luck!
Q: The rules
are very confusing. I followed what they says, and still I can't win!!! Why?! A: Again, practice and patience. In this
game, just getting the multiples is not enough. You need to make use of echoes and multipliers to get as much quota
as possible. Never wait till the last turn to get in the quota.
Q: I lost in the tournament and Shinra won it. I want
to get the Lady Luck dress sphere but how? A: You can play against Shinra at S.level 5 to get it. Be warn though, he
seems more difficult that time. I would definitely encourage you to beat him during S.level 3, not only for the dresssphere
but also to get the required % that contributes to getting the perfect ending. If you lose in the tournament, it also
means losing the story %.
Q: I can't beat _____!!! That ___ quota is crazy! A: If echoes can't work, you can start
searching for coins. There are coins in the Bikanel desert and by competing against players. This is only reccomended when
you are really hard core in Sphere Break. ^^;
Q: What's the point of playing Sphere break beside the tournament in
S. level 3? A: Well, so far (unless someone proves me wrong), no point. ^^; Other than the Treasure Hunt grid and Lady
Luck you get from Shinra, there's no real rare items you can get ONLY in sphere break. The items can be found elsewhere
in the game. ===============================================================================
VI. General Strategy ===============================================================================
lots of strategies to win in Spherebreak, but basically you need to make some mental note on how to get by this mini-game.
Patience. Practice. I can't stress enough. Just like the chocobo mini-game in FFX, you need a lot of patience. But Sphere
break is a 100 times easier than the highly annoying chocobo game.
2. One word. Echoes. They are the key to getting
a lot of quota. Just getting in the correct number without combos are not enough. It's not even enough to make it to
20. Try to be as consistent as possible, and you will pwned the game. ^_~
3. Never ever attempt to wait till the
last turn to complete your quota. Seriously, I make this mistake too often. Your top priority is to get as much quota
as possible within a turn. I don't mean to use all the numbers, but if your mind allows it, try to make it 3.
They tell you the quota, time limit and turns are not for nothing. Before you even start, you need to plan how many coins
you need to use per turn! For example, 50 quota. You have about 15 turns. Considering the core number 1 appearing,make
it down to 10. 50/10=5. With combos, take consideration you need about 3 coins each turn to win.
5.*Thanks Nioden
for this tip* "For beating hard people... there should be a multiplier echo coin with the number 6. If you can use that
with any coin of numbers 1, 2, 3. You can make any number with just the entry coins. This way you won't be messed
up if the number 1 comes up. So basically you can keep the multiplier echo going for the whole game and it's an easy
win. Other than that a multiplier echo coin with #8 is more common, can use 1,2,4 coins with it and that should work
as well."
6. Loves Sphere break? But can't get in the overwhelming ___ quota?! If echoes still can't help you. There's
one more magical word for you. COINS! You can get coins in the Bikaniel desert and by competing against Sphere break players.
*Thanks to Murray McGuire for this tip*
"Simply use any coins with the numbers 1,2 and 3 and use the defender coin which
is 8 and has the multiplier echo. You can get this coin early in the game by digging at the dessert. Now even without using
any border coins (except for when the core number is 8 or 9) you can create a sphere break that is twice the core number.
Number:1 Coins to use: 2 Core Number:2 Coins to use: 1 and 3 Core Number:3
Coins to use: 1,3 and 2 *Make sure it is in this order otherwise it will corebreak with multiplier one and ruin ur echo
streak* Core Number:4 Coins to use: 8 Core Number:5 Coins to use: 2
and 8 Core Number:6 Coins to use: 1,3 and 8 Core Number:7 Coins to use:
1,2,3 and 8.
With this, all you have to worry about is core number 8 and 9 which can easily be done since u will
have lotz of border coins because you have not used any. Using this method you will only use about 10 border coins the
whole match (approx.) and you can get 300 quota in 30 turns no problem!
8. Lastly, no matter what happens, DO NOT
throw your controller or your PS2 or the disc out the window! Not only dangerous, but you will lose your game as well.(Basically
I mean, don't resort to violence when you lose your patience)
VII. Tips and Cheats ===============================================================================
is not the gameshark area where you could really cheat. ^^; It's the stuff some players and I have observed that could
made the game a little easier.
1. (Thanks to Bhekar_Ro and Gabe Routh)"Make use of the pause between turns - specifically,
when the "Start Turn X" dialogue comes up. The game is paused and will not proceed forward until you press X.
method calls for a pad of paper and a pencil. During said pause, note the outer coins and your inner coins.
Write on the paper 8 equations - each one adding up to a multiple of a different number. So, you would write an
equation for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. This allows for easy and stress-free play."
2. This also make use
of the pause between turns. When the "start turn X" appears, you can check out what's the core number. Even though it's
covered partially, you can guess the number and make that turn easier. ^^;
Making Money with Sphere Break ------------------------------ Gil
is hard to get by, and Sphere Break is the way for you to earn great bucks. How to do it? Thanks Brian Suh for the tip!
Basics ------
On the bottom left corner when your cursor is on a border coin it shows the effects that will happen if you select the
certain border coin.
2. Gil raises/lowers value of a coin. Coin raises/lowers amount of coin(s).
3. Gil effects
will raise/lower only the last picked entry coin.
4. Coin effects will raise/lower all picked entry coins at the time
when the coin effect goes into effect.
How to use the Basics to "MAKE GIL" -----------------------------------
Using good effects on only one coin is highly recommended. I chose the entry coin 1. Always select entry coin 1 sweep all
or most possible good effects border coins and it should be core break if not you can then use another entry coin to
finish. Do this every turn and many matches and the coin you chose to have good effects will gradually become more expensive and
numerous. Be sure if it reaches 99 coins to sell some because you can't get more than 99 coins. I always keep my main coin
at 70 coins. Happy gil making.
My coin stats
Entry Coin 1 Value: 825 gil Amount: 70 Total value: 57750
My goal Value: 1000 or more gil Amount: 70 Total value: At least 70000 gil
My average income per
game: 17400 gil and going up My average income per minute: 3480 gil and going up My average income per second: 58 gil
and going up
Sakuracream's note: For this tip, it takes quite some time to build up the amount of gil (per coin).
Unless you are serious with Sphere break, I doubt people who just want to pass Chapter 3 mission would find this a way
to make gil.
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