How To Customize
When Rikku joins your party upon reaching Guadosalam, you’ll gain the ability to customize your
equipment. This may seem familiar to anyone who played Final Fantasy VIII and IX, which had "junk" and "combine" shops, but
Square has since overhauled the system to give the player limitless customizing options, not to mention greater ease in finding
the components to customize. You may customize weapons and armor as you see fit with ANY auto-ability, so long as you have
the necessary items, and there is at least one open slot on the equipment you're customizing.
All weapons and armor are unremarkable until you add certain combinations of auto-abilities. Think
of each piece of equipment as a blank slate, devoid of any special powers. Unlike previous Final Fantasy games, the auto-abilities
make the weapon, the weapon doesn't make the auto-abilities.
In the weapon and armor lists to follow, you'll see numbered names of weapons and armor, and auto-abilities
associated with them. The higher a particular auto-ability combination is on the list, the more it dominates other auto-abilities.
You can add any combination of auto-abilities you want to your equipment, but again, the highest auto-ability on the list
will dominate the name and appearance of the equipment.
For example, [Triple AP] is the #11 auto-ability on all of the weapon lists, [One MP Cost] is the #15
auto-ability, and [Icestrike] is the #51 auto-ability. If you created a weapon with all three of these auto-abilities on it,
because #11 is higher on the list than #15 or #51, the weapon would be named whatever the eleventh weapon is. In Tidus' case,
the weapon is called Durandal; in Yuna's, it’s called Wonder Wing; in Wakka's, Triple Score; in Lulu's, Cactuar Comet,
and so on and so forth.
Another example: if you made a weapon with any two of [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike],
or [Icestrike], which together are #40 on the list, plus any two of [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch], [Poisontouch],
[Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch] or [Slowtouch], which together are #41 on the list, what would it be? Because #40
is higher on the list than #41, and thus dominates it, the weapon would be whatever that character's fortieth weapon is. Tidus’
#40 weapon is called Double Edge; Yuna’s #40 weapon is called Dual Rod; and Kimahri’s is called Twin Lance.
And now, an armor example: if you created an armor with the [Break MP Limit] auto-ability, which is
#4 on the list, [MP Stroll], #21, [Lightning Eater], #46, and [Silenceproof], #57, what armor would you have? It would be
the fourth armor, because the [Break MP Limit] auto-ability is highest on the list. In Tidus' case, the armor is called Emblem;
in Auron's, it's the Dragon Lord; in Kimahri's, it's Shaman Armlet.
One final armor example: if you customized an armor with the [HP Stroll] and [MP Stroll] auto-abilities,
which together are #17 on the list, as well as any other auto-abilities that are lower on the list (and therefore do not dominate
the combination of [HP Stroll] and [MP Stroll]), you would have an "...of Hope" armor. In Yuna's case, it's the Ring of Hope;
in Auron's, it's the Bracer of Hope; in Rikku's, it's the Targe of Hope, et cetera.
Once you’ve put an auto-ability into your armor, however, there is absolutely no way to remove
it, so caveat remodeler. Hopefully you’ll find that fiends drop equipment so often, you're almost never lacking in things
to remodel.
Tidus' Swords -
Equipment Appearance:
1: Cobalt and aquamarine blue sword with gold
gilt near the hilt and towards the tip. 2, 5, 51, 53: The infamous "water sword" from the cover of the
North American box art. 3, 38, 39, 49, 56, 60, 62, 64: Magenta hook shaped sword with silver edging. 4,
22, 40, 50, 52: Slightly curved cobalt blue sword with silver edging, and lots of baroque criss-crossing
silver lines near the hilt. 6-15, 21, 24-27, 54: Flat yellow sword with no pointy protrusions, and three
holes at the tip. 16, 20, 23, 31-37, 41-48: Black cyber-looking sword that splits in two at the tip. 17-19,
28-30, 55, 57-59, 61-63: Light blue curved rectangular sword with Yevon writing along the blade.
name and auto-abilities:
1. Caladbolg; Celestial Weapon - cannot be made through Customizing! 2. Brotherhood; [Str
+5%] + [Str +10%] + [Sensor] + [Waterstrike] 3. Taming Sword; [Capture] 4. Crystal Sword; [Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike]
+ [Waterstrike] + [Icestrike] 5. Excalibur; [Break Damage Limit] 6. Ragnarok; [Triple AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple
Overdrive] 7. Balmung; [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive] 8. Save the Queen; [Double AP] + [Double Overdrive] 9.
Heartbreaker; [Triple Overdrive] 10. Lionheart; [Double Overdrive] 11. Durandal; [Triple AP] 12. Ascalon; [Double
AP] 13. Ambitious; [Overdrive -> AP] 14. Hrunting; [SOS Overdrive] 15. Astral Sword; [One MP Cost] 16. Apocalypse;
Any 4 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike],
[Slowstrike], or [Zombiestrike] 17. Master Sword; [Attack +x%] in 4 slots 18. Runemaster; [Magic
Attack +x%] in 4 slots 19. Warlock; [Magic Booster] + [Magic Attack +x%] in the other 3 slots 20. Arc Sword; [Half MP
Cost] 21. Gilventure; [Gillionaire] 22. Tri-Steel; Any 3 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
[Icestrike] 23. Helter-Skelter; Any 3 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike],
[Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike], or [Zombiestrike] 24. Vendetta; [Magic Counter] + [Counter]
or [Evade & Counter] 25. Avenger; [Counter] or [Evade & Counter] 26. Prism Steel; [Magic Counter] 27. Mirage
Sword; [Magic Booster] 28. Lifesaver; [Alchemy] 29. Sonic Steel; [First Strike] 30. Vigilante; [Initiative] 31.
Danse Macabre; [Deathstrike] 32. Largamente; [Slowstrike] 33. Gravestone; [Stonestrike] 34. Sidewinder; [Poisonstrike] 35.
Nightmare; [Sleepstrike] 36. Mage Masher; [Silencestrike] 37. Nightbringer; [Darkstrike] 38. Knight Sword; [Attack
+x%] in 3 slots 39. Wizard Sword; [Magic Attack +x%] in 3 slots 40. Double-Edge; Any 2 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike],
[Waterstrike], or [Icestrike] 41. Razmatazz; Any 2 of: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch],
[Poisontouch], [Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch] or [Slowtouch] 42. Deathbringer; [Deathtouch] 43.
Stunning Steel; [Slowtouch] 44. Basilisk Steel; [Stonetouch] 45. Poison Steel; [Poisontouch] 46. Lullaby Steel; [Sleeptouch] 47.
Muted Steel; [Silencetouch] 48. Twilight Steel; [Darktouch] 49. Hunter's Sword; [Sensor] 50. Flametongue; [Firestrike] 51.
Ice Brand; [Icestrike] 52. Lightning Steel; [Thunderstrike] 53. Liquid Steel; [Waterstrike] 54. Variable Steel; All
empty slots on a 4-slotted weapon 55. Force Saber; [Attack +x%] + [Magic Attack +x%] 56. Baroque Sword; 2 or 3 empty
slots on a 2, 3 or 4-slotted weapon 57. Sorcery Sword; [Magic +10%] or [Magic +20%] 58. Soldier's Saber; [Str +10%]
or [Str +20%] 59. Rune Steel; [Magic +5%] 60. Enchanted Sword; [Magic +3%] 61. Fencing Saber; [Str +5%] 62. Warrior's
Sword; [Str +3%] 63. Slasher; [Piercing] 64. Longsword; Starting weapon
Tidus' Shields -
1-3, 10-15, 26: Shield with an intricate navy and cobalt blue design, reinforced with
gold banding, and an odd spiky shape that branches out four ways. 4, 5, 18, 23, 28, 41, 43-46, 58-65: Primarily
gold and silver shield with blue, orange, and purple between the banding, in an upside down trapezoid shape. 6-9,
21, 22, 25, 27, 42, 47-57: Spiky dark blue and silver shield with three red diamond shaped stones in the center,
and a large silver point protruding from each stone. 16, 17, 19, 20, 24, 29-40, 66-77: Blue and bronze
eight pointed star shaped shield. 78-83: Blue round shield with a gold-edged green cloverleaf design in
the center.
Equipment name and auto-abilities:
1. Endless Road; [Break HP Limit] + [Break MP
Limit] 2. Sanctuary; [Ribbon] 3. Genji Shield; [Break HP Limit] 4. Emblem; [Break MP Limit] 5. Crystal Shield;
[Fire Eater] + [Water Eater] + [Lightning Eater] + [Ice Eater] 6. Aegis Shield; [Fireproof] + [Waterproof]
+ [Lightningproof] + [Iceproof] 7. Golem Shield; [Auto Shell] + [Auto Protect] + [Auto Reflect] + [Auto Regen] 8. Revive
Shield; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med] + [Auto Phoenix] 9. Rescue Shield; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med] 10. Paladin Shield;
Any 4 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof], [Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof],
[Slowproof], [Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] 11. Diamond Shield; [Defense +x%] in 4 slots 12.
Ruby Shield; [Magic Defense +x%] in 4 slots 13. Dynasty Shield; [HP +x%] in 4 slots 14. Magister Shield; [MP +x%] in
4 slots 15. Collector's Shield; [Master Thief] 16. Treasure Shield; [Pickpocket] 17. Shield of Hope; [HP Stroll]
+ [MP Stroll] 18. Assault Shield; [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect], [Auto Regen], [Auto
Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 19. Phantom Shield;
[Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice Eater] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 20.
Recovery Shield; [HP Stroll] 21. Spiritual Shield; [MP Stroll] 22. Phoenix Shield; [Auto Phoenix] 23. Curative Shield;
[Auto Med] 24. Rainbow Shield; [SOS NulBlaze] + [SOS NulTide] + [SOS NulShock] + [SOS NulFrost] 25.
Shining Shield; Any 4 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste], or [SOS Regen] 26.
Faerie Shield; Any 3 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof], [Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof],
[Zombieproof], [Slowproof], [Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] in a 3 or 4-slotted armor 27. Peaceful
Shield; [No Encounters] 28. Shaman Shield; [Auto Potion] 29. Barrier Shield; any 3 of [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof],
or [Iceproof] in a 3 or 4-slotted armor 30. Star Shield; [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect],
[SOS Haste], or [SOS Regen] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 31. Marching Shield; Any 2 of:
[Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect], [Auto Regen], [Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix] 32.
Moon Shield; Any 2 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste], or [SOS Regen] 33.
Regen Shield; [Auto Regen] or [SOS Regen] 34. Haste Shield; [Auto Haste] or [SOS Haste] 35. Reflect Shield; [Auto Reflect]
or [SOS Reflect] 36. Shell Shield; [Auto Shell] or [SOS Shell] 37. Protect Shield; [Auto Protect] or [SOS Protect] 38.
Platinum Shield; [Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 39. Sapphire Shield; [Magic Defense +x%] in 3 slots
of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 40. Knight's Shield; [HP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 41. Wizard Shield; [MP
+x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 42. Elemental Shield; Any 2 of: [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof],
[Iceproof], [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice Eater] 43. Savior Shield; Any
2 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof], [Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof],
[Slowproof], [Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] 44. Crimson Shield; [Fire Eater] 45. Snow Shield;
[Ice Eater] 46. Ochre Shield; [Lightning Eater] 47. Cerulean Shield; [Water Eater] 48. Medical Shield; [Curseproof] 49.
Lucid Shield; [Confuseproof] or [Confuse Ward] 50. Serene Shield; [Berserkproof] or [Berserk Ward] 51. Light Shield;
[Slowproof] or [Slow Ward] 52. Soul Shield; [Deathproof] or [Death Ward] 53. Blessed Shield; [Zombieproof] or [Zombie
Ward] 54. Soft Shield; [Stoneproof] or [Stone Ward] 55. Serum Shield; [Poisonproof] or [Poison Ward] 56. Alert Shield;
[Sleepproof] or [Sleep Ward] 57. Echo Shield; [Silenceproof] or [Silence Ward] 58. Bright Shield; [Darkproof] or [Dark
Ward] 59. Red Shield; [Fire Ward] or [Fireproof] 60. White Shield; [Ice Ward] or [Iceproof] 61. Yellow Shield; [Lightning
Ward] or [Lightningproof] 62. Blue Shield; [Water Ward] or [Waterproof] 63. NulTide Shield; [SOS NulTide] 64. NulBlaze
Shield; [SOS NulBlaze] 65. NulShock Shield; [SOS Thunder] 66. NulFrost Shield; [SOS NulFrost] 67. Adept's Shield;
Any 2 of: [HP +x%] and [MP +x%] 68. Tetra Shield; All empty slots on a 4-slotted armor 69. Mythril Shield; [Defense
+x%] + [Magic Defense +x%] 70. Gold Shield; Any 2 of: [Defense +3%], [Defense +5%], [Defense +10%], or
[Defense +20%] 71. Emerald Shield; Any 2 of: [Magic Defense +3%], [Magic Defense +5%], [Magic Defense
+10%], or [Magic Defense +20%] 72. Soldier Shield; Any 2 of: [HP +5%], [HP +10%], [HP +20%] or [HP +30%] 73. Mage's
Shield; Any 2 of: [MP +5%], [MP +10%], [MP +20%] or [MP +30%] 74. Silver Shield; [Defense +10%] or [Defense +20%] 75.
Onyx Shield; [Magic Defense +10%] or [Magic Defense +20%] 76. Sorcery Shield; [MP +20%] or [MP +30%] 77. Warrior's Shield;
[HP +20%] or [HP +30%] 78. Glorious Shield; All empty slots on a 3-slotted armor 79. Metal Shield; [Defense +3%] or
[Defense +5%] 80. Pearl Shield; [Magic Defense +3%] or [Magic Defense +5%] 81. Magic Shield; [MP +5%] or [MP +10%] 82.
Seeker's Shield; [HP +5%] or [HP +10%] 83. Shield; Both empty slots on a 2-slotted armor 84. Buckler; Starting armor
Yuna's Staves -
Equipment Appearance:
1: Peach and gold butterfly shaped headed rod with three jewels,
red tassles tied in a bow, and a blue haft. 3, 20, 64: Yellow circular headed rod with three carved ovals,
and a blue haft. 4, 22, 23, 31-37, 40-48, 50-54: White and purple headed rod with a "feathered" appearance,
with one blue jewel and gold rings around the base, gold tassles, and a magenta haft. 5-16, 21: Green and
teal highly stylized rod, and a blue and gold diagonally striped haft. 17, 24-26, 29, 30, 38, 58, 61-63:
Cotton candy pink scalloped headed rod, blue and red braided midsection, and coral lower haft. 18, 19,
27, 28, 39, 49, 55-57, 59, 60: Turquoise ball headed rod with white and purple designs on it, two small ball
tassles, dark blue midsection, and a light green lower haft.
Equipment name and auto-abilities:
Nirvana; Celestial Weapon - cannot be made through Customizing! 2. N/A 3. Herding Staff; [Capture] 4. Arc Arcana;
[Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike] + [Waterstrike] + [Icestrike] 5. Abraxas; [Break Damage Limit] 6. Heavenly Axis; [Triple
AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive] 7. Judgement; [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive] 8. Seraphim
Rod; [Double AP] + [Double Overdrive] 9. Rod of Roses; [Triple Overdrive] 10. Nimbus Rod; [Double Overdrive] 11.
Wonder Wing; [Triple AP] 12. Wing Wand; [Double AP] 13. Wonder Wand; [Overdrive -> AP] 14. Laevatein; [SOS Overdrive] 15.
Astral Rod; [One MP Cost] 16. Chaos Rod; Any 4 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Sleepstrike],
[Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike], or [Zombiestrike] 17. Power Staff; [Attack
+x%] in 4 slots 18. Shining Staff; [Magic Attack +x%] in 4 slots 19. Faerie Staff; [Magic Booster] + [Magic Attack +x%]
in the other 3 slots 20. Magistral Rod; [Half MP Cost] 21. El Dorado; [Gillionaire] 22. Tri-Rod; Any 3 of: [Firestrike],
[Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or [Icestrike] 23. Wicked Hand; Any 3 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike],
[Zombiestrike], [Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike] 24. Nemesis
Rod; [Magic Counter] + [Counter] or [Evade & Counter] 25. Defender; [Counter] or [Evade & Counter] 26. Prism
Rod; [Magic Counter] 27. Mirage Rod; [Magic Booster] 28. Healing Rod; [Alchemy] 29. Wind Rod; [First Strike] 30.
Conductor; [Initiative] 31. Punisher; [Deathstrike] 32. Impasse; [Slowstrike] 33. Calcite Staff; [Stonestrike] 34.
Bizarre Staff; [Poisonstrike] 35. Staff of Thorns; [Sleepstrike] 36. Reticent Staff; [Silencestrike] 37. Darkness
Staff; [Darkstrike] 38. Monk Staff; [Attack +x%] in 3 slots 39. Mage's Staff; [Magic Attack +x%] in 3 slots 40. Dual
Rod; Any 2 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or [Icestrike] 41. Ominous Rod; Any
2 of: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch], [Poisontouch], [Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch]
or [Slowtouch] 42. Death Wand; [Deathtouch] 43. Entangling Rod; [Slowtouch] 44. Break Rod; [Stonetouch] 45. Belladona
Wand; [Poisontouch] 46. Lullaby Rod; [Sleeptouch] 47. Rod of Silence; [Silencetouch] 48. Rod of Darkness; [Darktouch] 49.
Rod of Wisdom; [Sensor] 50. Rod of Flame; [Firestrike] 51. Rod of Ice; [Icestrike] 52. Rod of Thunder; [Thunderstrike] 53.
Rod of Water; [Waterstrike] 54. Malleable Staff; All empty slots on a 4-slotted weapon 55. Force Rod; [Attack +x%] +
[Magic Attack +x%] 56. Ductile Rod; 2 or 3 empty slots on a 2, 3 or 4-slotted weapon 57. Sorcery Rod; [Magic +10%] or
[Magic +20%] 58. Full Metal Rod; [Str +10%] or [Str +20%] 59. Rune Rod; [Magic +5%] 60. Enchanted Rod; [Magic +3%] 61.
Rod of Striking; [Str +5%] 62. Rod of Beating; [Str +3%] 63. Spiked Rod; [Piercing] 64. Staff; Starting weapon
Yuna's Rings -
Equipment appearance:
1-3, 6-8, 14, 15, 26: Pink to yellow gradiented (is that a word?)
symmetrical flame shaped glowing shield with cobalt blue splotches. 4, 5, 18, 23, 28, 41, 43-46, 58-65:
Putple, light green, yellow, and orange glowing shield in the shape of a perfect circle. 9, 25, 42, 47-57:
Green to teal to violet gradiented glowing shield in an upside down fleur-de-lis shape. 10-13, 16, 17,
19-22, 24, 27, 29-40: Pink, orange, yellow, and cobalt blue glowing shield in the shape of a breaking wave. 66-83:
Purple and pink glowing oval shaped shield.
Equipment name and auto-abilities:
1. Solomon Ring; [Break HP Limit]
+ [Break MP Limit] 2. Holy Ring; [Ribbon] 3. Arcane Ring; [Break HP Limit] 4. Mystical Ring; [Break MP Limit] 5.
Sophia Ring; [Fire Eater] + [Water Eater] + [Lightning Eater] + [Ice Eater] 6. Aegis Ring; [Fireproof] + [Waterproof] +
[Lightningproof] + [Iceproof] 7. Blessed Ring; [Auto Shell] + [Auto Protect] + [Auto Reflect] + [Auto Regen] 8. Saviour
Ring; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med] + [Auto Phoenix] 9. Healing Ring; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med] 10. Forbidding Ring; Any
4 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof], [Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof],
[Slowproof], [Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] 11. Diamond Ring; [Defense +x%] in 4 slots 12.
Ruby Ring; [Magic Defense +x%] in 4 slots 13. Fortitude Ring; [HP +x%] in 4 slots 14. Magical Ring; [MP +x%] in 4 slots 15.
Collector Ring; [Master Thief] 16. Treasure Ring; [Pickpocket] 17. Ring of Hope; [HP Stroll] + [MP Stroll] 18. Assault
Ring; [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect], [Auto Regen], [Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto
Phoenix] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 19. Phantom Ring; any 3 of: [Fire Eater], [Water Eater],
[Lightning Eater], or [Ice Eater] in a 3 or 4-slotted armor 20. Recovery Ring; [HP Stroll] 21.
Spiritual Ring; [MP Stroll] 22. Phoenix Ring; [Auto Phoenix] 23. Curative Ring; [Auto Med] 24. Rainbow Ring; [SOS
NulBlaze] + [SOS NulTide] + [SOS NulShock] + [SOS NulFrost] 25. Shining Ring; Any 4 of: [SOS Shell],
[SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste], or [SOS Regen] 26. Faerie Ring; Any 3 of: [Darkproof],
[Silenceproof], [Sleepproof], [Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] in a 3 or 4-slotted armor 27. Peaceful Ring; [No Encounters] 28.
Shaman Ring; [Auto Potion] 29. Barrier Ring; [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof], or [Iceproof]
in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 30. Star Ring; [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste], or [SOS
Regen] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 31. Marching Ring; Any 2 of: [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect],
[Auto Regen], [Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix] 32. Moon Ring; Any 2 of: [SOS Shell],
[SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste], or [SOS Regen] 33. Regen Ring; [Auto Regen] or [SOS Regen] 34.
Haste Ring; [Auto Haste] or [SOS Haste] 35. Reflect Ring; [Auto Reflect] or [SOS Reflect] 36. Shell Ring; [Auto Shell]
or [SOS Shell] 37. Protect Ring; [Auto Protect] or [SOS Protect] 38. Platinum Ring; [Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3
or 4-slotted armor 39. Sapphire Ring; [Magic Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 40. Guardian Ring; [HP
+x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 41. Wizard Ring; [MP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 42. Elemental
Ring; Any 2 of: [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof], [Iceproof], [Fire Eater], [Water Eater],
[Lightning Eater], or [Ice Eater] 43. Defending Ring; Any 2 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof], [Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] 44.
Crimson Ring; [Fire Eater] 45. Snow Ring; [Ice Eater] 46. Ochre Ring; [Lightning Eater] 47. Cerulean Ring; [Water
Eater] 48. Medical Ring; [Curseproof] 49. Lucid Ring; [Confuseproof] or [Confuse Ward] 50. Serene Ring; [Berserkproof]
or [Berserk Ward] 51. Light Ring; [Slowproof] or [Slow Ward] 52. Soul Ring; [Deathproof] or [Death Ward] 53. Blessed
Ring; [Zombieproof] or [Zombie Ward] 54. Soft Ring; [Stoneproof] or [Stone Ward] 55. Serum Ring; [Poisonproof] or [Poison
Ward] 56. Alert Ring; [Sleepproof] or [Sleep Ward] 57. Echo Ring; [Silenceproof] or [Silence Ward] 58. Bright Ring;
[Darkproof] or [Dark Ward] 59. Red Ring; [Fire Ward] or [Fireproof] 60. White Ring; [Ice Ward] or [Iceproof] 61.
Yellow Ring; [Lightning Ward] or [Lightningproof] 62. Blue Ring; [Water Ward] or [Waterproof] 63. NulTide Ring; [SOS
NulTide] 64. NulBlaze Ring; [SOS NulBlaze] 65. NulShock Ring; [SOS NulShock] 66. NulShock Ring; [SOS NulFrost] 67.
Adept's Ring; Any 2 of: [HP +x%] and [MP +x%] 68. Tetra Ring; All empty slots on a 4-slotted armor 69. Mythril Ring;
[Defense +x%] + [Magic Defense +x%] 70. Gold Ring; Any 2 of: [Defense +3%], [Defense +5%], [Defense +10%], or
[Defense +20%] 71. Emerald Ring; Any 2 of: [Magic Defense +3%], [Magic Defense +5%], [Magic Defense
+10%], or [Magic Defense +20%] 72. Soldier's Ring; Any 2 of: [HP +5%], [HP +10%], [HP +20%] or [HP +30%] 73. Mage's
Ring; Any 2 of: [MP +5%], [MP +10%], [MP +20%] or [MP +30%] 74. Silver Ring; [Defense +10%] or [Defense +20%] 75. Onyx
Ring; [Magic Defense +10%] or [Magic Defense +20%] 76. Sorcery Ring; [MP +20%] or [MP +30%] 77. Sheltering Ring; [HP
+20%] or [HP +30%] 78. Glorious Ring; All empty slots on a 3-slotted armor 79. Metal Ring; [Defense +3%] or [Defense
+5%] 80. Pearl Ring; [Magic Defense +3%] or [Magic Defense +5%] 81. Magic Ring; [MP +5%] or [MP +10%] 82. Seeker's
Ring; [HP +5%] or [HP +10%] 83. Wide Ring; Both empty slots on a 2-slotted armor 84. Ring; Starting armor
Blitzballs -
Equipment Appearance:
1: Red, yellow, and black ball with numerous blades around the
middle and two sides. 3-16, 20, 21, 24-27: Purple and black striped ball with three rows of silver
spikes encircling it. 17-19, 38, 39, 55-64: Regulation blitzball, the same kind you play the minigame
with. 22, 40, 50-53: Red and silver striped ball with silver studs, and two large spikes at either end. 23,
31-37, 41-48: Black inner ball with dark blue outer ringed supports. Looks a little like a big blue pumpkin. 28-30,
49, 54: Cheap-looking brown and tan striped ball with a thick band of green reinforced stitching along the
Equipment name and auto-abilities:
1. World Champion; Celestial Weapon - cannot be made through Customizing! 2.
N/A 3. Catcher; [Capture] 4. Four-on-One; [Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike] + [Waterstrike] + [Icestrike] 5. Grand Slam;
[Break Damage Limit] 6. Blowout; [Triple AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive] 7. Rout; [Overdrive -> AP]
+ [Triple Overdrive] 8. Tie Breaker; [Double AP] + [Double Overdrive] 9. Winning Streak; [Triple Overdrive] 10. Scoring
Spree; [Double Overdrive] 11. Triple Score; [Triple AP] 12. Double Score; [Double AP] 13. Rookie Star; [Overdrive
-> AP] 14. Buzzerbeater; [SOS Overdrive] 15. Overtime; [One MP Cost] 16. Penalty Master; Any 4 of: [Darkstrike],
[Silencestrike], [Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike], or
[Zombiestrike] 17. Ace Striker; [Attack +x%] in 4 slots 18. Ace Wizard; [Magic Attack +x%] in 4 slots 19. Over the
Top; [Magic Booster] + [Magic Attack +x%] in the other 3 slots 20. Halftime; [Half MP Cost] 21. Free Agent; [Gillionaire] 22.
Tricolor; Any 3 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or [Icestrike] 23. Triple Penalty;
Any 3 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Zombiestrike], [Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike],
[Deathstrike], [Slowstrike] 24. Turnover; [Magic Counter] + [Counter] or [Evade & Counter] 25. Rematch; [Counter]
or [Evade & Counter] 26. Prism Ball; [Magic Counter] 27. Mirage Ball; [Magic Booster] 28. Comeback; [Alchemy] 29.
Breakaway; [First Strike] 30. First Goal; [Initiative] 31. Sudden Death; [Deathstrike] 32. Timeout; [Slowstrike] 33.
Stone Cold; [Stonestrike] 34. Violation; [Poisonstrike] 35. Sleeper; [Sleepstrike] 36. Muffler; [Silencestrike] 37.
Blackout; [Darkstrike] 38. Power Play; [Attack +x%] in 3 slots 39. Virtuoso; [Magic Attack +x%] in 3 slots 40. Double
Header; Any 2 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or [Icestrike] 41. Double Penalty;
Any 2 of: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch], [Poisontouch], [Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch]
or [Slowtouch] 42. Rough Play; [Deathtouch] 43. Delay of Game; [Slowtouch] 44. TKO; [Stonetouch] 45. Rulebreaker;
[Poisontouch] 46. Dream Team; [Sleeptouch] 47. Noisebreaker; [Silencetouch] 48. Blind Pass; [Darktouch] 49. Scout;
[Sensor] 50. Fire Ball; [Firestrike] 51. Ice Ball; [Icestrike] 52. Thunder Ball; [Thunderstrike] 53. Water Ball;
[Waterstrike] 54. All-Rounder; All empty slots on a 4-slotted weapon 55. Ovation; [Attack +x%] + [Magic Attack +x%] 56.
Switch Hitter; 2 or 3 empty slots on a 2 or 3-slotted weapon 57. Trickster; [Magic +10%] or [Magic +20%] 58. Striker;
[Str +10%] or [Str +20%] 59. Rune Ball; [Magic +5%] 60. Magic Ball; [Magic +3%] 61. Hyper Ball; [Str +5%] 62.
Power Ball; [Str +3%] 63. Center Forward; [Piercing] 64. Official Ball; Starting weapon
Armguards -
Equipment Appearance:
1-3, 10-15, 26: Sturdy-looking red bracer with stitching between
sides, and a navy blue strip down the middle. 4, 5, 18, 23, 28, 41, 43-46, 58-65: Sturdy-looking deep red
bracer with silver edging and vertical stitching between each "scale". 6-9, 21, 22, 25, 27, 42, 47-57:
Medium blue bracer in three sections, with silver edging and bronze clamps framing each section. 16, 17,
19, 20, 24, 29-40, 66-77: Green bracer in two sections, with orange stitching down the center of each section,
and white edges. 78-83: Flimsy-looking dark blue and brown leather bracer, with green stitching around
the outer edge of the brown leather section.
Equipment name and auto-abilities:
1. Indomitable; [Break HP Limit]
+ [Break MP Limit] 2. Shutout; [Ribbon] 3. Super Goalie; [Break HP Limit] 4. High Spirits; [Break MP Limit] 5.
Final Four; [Fire Eater] + [Water Eater] + [Lightning Eater] + [Ice Eater] 6. Great Four; [Fireproof] + [Waterproof] +
[Lightningproof] + [Iceproof] 7. Keeper; [Auto Shell] + [Auto Protect] + [Auto Reflect] + [Auto Regen] 8. Automatic;
[Auto Potion] + [Auto Med] + [Auto Phoenix] 9. First Aid; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med] 10. Keeper; Any 4 of: [Darkproof],
[Silenceproof], [Sleepproof], [Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] 11. Power Armguard; [Defense +x%] in 4 slots 12. Magic Armguard;
[Magic Defense +x%] in 4 slots 13. Power Ace; [HP +x%] in 4 slots 14. Magic Ace; [MP +x%] in 4 slots 15. Best Play;
[Master Thief] 16. Great Play; [Pickpocket] 17. Benchwarmer; [HP Stroll] + [MP Stroll] 18. Triple Guard; [Auto Shell],
[Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect], [Auto Regen], [Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix] in 3 slots
of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 19. Element Save; [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice
Eater] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 20. Recovery Armguard; [HP Stroll] 21. Spiritual Armguard;
[MP Stroll] 22. Miracle Comeback; [Auto Phoenix] 23. Top Shape; [Auto Med] 24. Pep Talk; [SOS NulBlaze] + [SOS NulTide]
+ [SOS NulShock] + [SOS NulFrost] 25. Last-Ditch; Any 4 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste],
or [SOS Regen] 26. Triple Guard; Any 3 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof], [Poisonproof],
[Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof], [Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] in a 3 or
4-slotted armor 27. Off Season; [No Encounters] 28. Shaman Armguard; [Auto Potion] 29. Hat Trick; [Fireproof], [Waterproof],
[Lightningproof], or [Iceproof] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 30. Danger Armguard; [SOS Shell],
[SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste], or [SOS Regen] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 31.
Auto Armguard; Any 2 of: [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect], [Auto Regen], [Auto Potion],
[Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix] 32. Danger Armguard; Any 2 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS
Haste], or [SOS Regen] 33. Second Wind; [Auto Regen] or [SOS Regen] 34. Fast Break; [Auto Haste] or [SOS Haste] 35.
Reflect Armguard; [Auto Reflect] or [SOS Reflect] 36. Shell Armguard; [Auto Shell] or [SOS Shell] 37. Protect Armguard;
[Auto Shell] or [SOS Shell] 38. Platinum Armguard; [Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 39. Sapphire Armguard;
[Magic Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 40. Power Armguard; [HP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 41.
Energy Armguard; [MP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 42. Elemental Armguard; Any 2 of: [Fireproof], [Waterproof],
[Lightningproof], [Iceproof], [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice Eater] 43.
Low Risk; Any 2 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof], [Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof],
[Zombieproof], [Slowproof], [Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] 44. Crimson Armguard; [Fire Eater] 45.
Snow Armguard; [Ice Eater] 46. Ochre Armguard; [Lightning Eater] 47. Cerulean Armguard; [Water Eater] 48. Medical
Armguard; [Curseproof] 49. Lucid Armguard; [Confuseproof] or [Confuse Ward] 50. Serene Armguard; [Berserkproof] or [Berserk
Ward] 51. Light Armguard; [Slowproof] or [Slow Ward] 52. Soul Armguard; [Deathproof] or [Death Ward] 53. Blessed
Armguard; [Zombieproof] or [Zombie Ward] 54. Soft Armguard; [Stoneproof] or [Stone Ward] 55. Serum Armguard; [Poisonproof]
or [Poison Ward] 56. Alert Armguard; [Sleepproof] or [Sleep Ward] 57. Echo Armguard; [Silenceproof] or [Silence Ward] 58.
Bright Armguard; [Darkproof] or [Dark Ward] 59. Red Armguard; [Fire Ward] or [Fireproof] 60. White Armguard; [Ice Ward]
or [Iceproof] 61. Yellow Armguard; [Lightning Ward] or [Lightningproof] 62. Blue Armguard; [Water Ward] or [Waterproof] 63.
NulTide Armguard; [SOS NulTide] 64. NulBlaze Armguard; [SOS NulBlaze] 65. NulShock Armguard; [SOS NulShock] 66. NulFrost
Armguard; [SOS NulFrost] 67. Adept's Armguard; Any 2 of: [HP +x%] and [MP +x%] 68. Tetra Armguard; All empty slots on
a 4-slotted armor 69. Mythril Armguard; [Defense +x%] + [Magic Defense +x%] 70. Gold Guard; Any 2 of: [Defense +3%],
[Defense +5%], [Defense +10%], or [Defense +20%] 71. Emerald Guard; Any 2 of: [Magic Defense +3%],
[Magic Defense +5%], [Magic Defense +10%], or [Magic Defense +20%] 72. Soldier's Guard; Any 2 of:
[HP +5%], [HP +10%], [HP +20%] or [HP +30%] 73. Mage's Guard; Any 2 of: [MP +5%], [MP +10%], [MP +20%] or [MP +30%] 74.
Silver Guard; [Defense +10%] or [Defense +20%] 75. Onyx Armguard; [Magic Defense +10%] or [Magic Defense +20%] 76. Sorcery
Armguard; [MP +20%] or [MP +30%] 77. Warrior's Armguard; [HP +20%] or [HP +30%] 78. Glorious Guard; All empty slots
on a 3-slotted armor 79. Metal Armguard; [Defense +3%] or [Defense +5%] 80. Pearl Armguard; [Magic Defense +3%] or [Magic
Defense +5%] 81. Magic Armguard; [MP +5%] or [MP +10%] 82. Seeker's Armguard; [HP +5%] or [HP +10%] 83. Guardian
Armguard; Both empty slots on a 2-slotted armor 84. Armguard; Starting armor
. Lulu's Dolls -
1: A cute little onion knight doll with yellow pants, a yellow cape, and an orange onion
hat. Check out the sprite detail on his shield! From Final Fantasy IIIj. 3, 5, 19, 28, 38, 39, 54, 56,
59-64: A cute little moogle doll with X's stitched over its eyes. (Really, does anyone NOT know what a moogle
looks like?) From numerous Final Fantasy and Seiken Densetsu games. 4, 22, 40, 50-53, 55, 57, 58: A cute
little spiky-headed moomba doll. From Final Fantasy VIII. 6-10, 14, 17, 18, 21: A cute little blue space
alien Pupu doll. Also from Final Fantasy VIII. 11-13, 15, 20, 24-27, 29, 30, 49: A cute little green Cactuar
doll with a permanently surprised look on its face. From any recent Final Fantasy. 16, 23, 31-37, 41-48:
A cute little Cait Sith doll, sans moogle golem and megaphone. From Final Fantasy VII.
Equipment name
and auto-abilities:
1. Onion Knight; Celestial Weapon - cannot be made through Customizing! 2. N/A 3. Trapper
Mog; [Capture] 4. Moomba Quartet; [Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike] + [Waterstrike] + [Icestrike] 5.
Soul of Mog; [Break Damage Limit] 6. Space Soul; [Triple AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive] 7. Space Master;
[Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive] 8. Space King; [Double AP] + [Double Overdrive] 9. Space Force; [Triple Overdrive] 10.
Space Energy; [Double Overdrive] 11. Comet Cactuar; [Triple AP] 12. Star Cactuar; [Double AP] 13. Lord Cactuar; [Overdrive
-> AP] 14. Space Power; [SOS Overdrive] 15. Magical Cactuar; [One MP Cost] 16. Chaotic Cait Sith; Any 4 of: [Darkstrike],
[Silencestrike], [Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike], or [Zombiestrike] 17.
Space Warrior; [Attack +x%] in 4 slots 18. Space Mage; [Magic Attack +x%] in 4 slots 19. Mana Mog; [Magic Booster] +
[Magic Attack +x%] in the other 3 slots 20. Cactuar Wizard; [Half MP Cost] 21. Space Bandit; [Gillionaire] 22. Moomba
Trio; Any 3 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or [Icestrike] 23. Abaddon Cait Sith;
Any 3 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Zombiestrike], [Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike],
[Deathstrike], [Slowstrike] 24. Vengeful Cactuar; [Magic Counter] + [Counter] or [Evade & Counter] 25. Raging Cactuar;
[Counter] or [Evade & Counter] 26. Prism Cactuar; [Magic Counter] 27. Booster Cactuar; [Magic Booster] 28. Medical
Mog; [Alchemy] 29. Swift Cactuar; [First Strike] 30. Cactuar Spy; [Initiative] 31. Wicked Cait Sith; [Deathstrike] 32.
Chronos Cait Sith; [Slowstrike] 33. Stone Cait Sith; [Stonestrike] 34. Toxic Cait Sith; [Poisonstrike] 35. Dreamy
Cait Sith; [Sleepstrike] 36. Mute Cait Sith; [Silencestrike] 37. Dark Cait Sith; [Darkstrike] 38. Power Mog; [Attack
+x%] in 3 slots 39. Magician Mog; [Magic Attack +x%] in 3 slots 40. Moomba Duo; Any 2 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike],
[Waterstrike], or [Icestrike] 41. Ominous Cait Sith; Any 2 of: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch],
[Poisontouch], [Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch] or [Slowtouch] 42. Fatal Cait Sith; [Deathtouch] 43.
Late Cait Sith; [Slowtouch] 44. Fossil Cait Sith; [Stonetouch] 45. Noxious Cait Sith; [Poisontouch] 46. Sleepy Cait
Sith; [Sleeptouch] 47. Quiet Cait Sith; [Silencetouch] 48. Blinding Cait Sith; [Darktouch] 49. Cactuar Scope; [Sensor] 50.
Fire Moomba; [Firestrike] 51. Ice Moomba; [Icestrike] 52. Thunder Moomba; [Thunderstrike] 53. Water Moomba; [Waterstrike] 54.
Morphing Mog; All empty slots on a 4-slotted weapon 55. Moomba Force; [Attack +x%] + [Magic Attack +x%] 56. Variable
Mog; 2 or 3 empty slots on a 2 or 3-slotted weapon 57. Moomba Mage; [Magic +10%] or [Magic +20%] 58. Moomba Warrior;
[Str +10%] or [Str +20%] 59. Rune Mog; [Magic +5%] 60. Magical Mog; [Magic +3%] 61. Buster Mog; [Str +5%] 62.
Attack Mog; [Str +3%] 63. Stinger Mog; [Piercing] 64. Moogle; Starting Weapon
Lulu's Bangles -
1-8, 14, 15, 26: Black, purple, and light blue butterfly shaped stained glass- like glowing
shield. 9, 25, 42, 47-75: Cobalt blue and violet flower shaped glowing shield. 10-13, 16, 17, 19-22, 24, 27, 29-40:
Fucshia, purple, and dark blue nautilus shaped glowing shield. 18, 23, 28, 41, 43-46, 58-65: Pale pink
and lavender fang-esque rorschach shaped glowing shield. 66-83: Dark blue to violet gradient flame shaped
glowing shield.
Equipment name and auto-abilities:
1. Samantha Soul; [Break HP Limit] + [Break MP Limit] 2.
Eternity; [Ribbon] 3. Minerva Bangle; [Break HP Limit] 4. Mythical Bangle; [Break MP Limit] 5. Draupnir; [Fire Eater]
+ [Water Eater] + [Lightning Eater] + [Ice Eater] 6. Elemental Bangle; [Fireproof] + [Waterproof] + [Lightningproof] +
[Iceproof] 7. *Gorgeous Bangle; [Auto Shell] + [Auto Protect] + [Auto Reflect] + [Auto Regen] 8.
Imperial Bangle; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med] + [Auto Phoenix] 9. Auto Bangle; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med] 10. Black Ribbon;
Any 4 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof], [Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof],
[Slowproof], [Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] 11. Diamond Bangle; [Defense +x%] in 4 slots 12.
Ruby Bangle; [Magic Defense +x%] in 4 slots 13. Queen's Bangle; [HP +x%] in 4 slots 14. Magister Bangle; [MP +x%] in
4 slots 15. Collector Bangle; [Master Thief] 16. Treasure Bangle; [Pickpocket] 17. Bangle of Hope; [HP Stroll] +
[MP Stroll] 18. Assault Bangle; [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect], [Auto Regen], [Auto
Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 19. Phantom Bangle; [Fire
Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Iceeater] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 20.
Recovery Bangle; [HP Stroll] 21. Spiritual Bangle; [MP Stroll] 22. Phoenix Bangle; [Auto Phoenix] 23. Curative Bangle;
[Auto Med] 24. Rainbow Bangle; [SOS NulBlaze] + [SOS NulTide] + [SOS NulShock] + [SOS NulFrost] 25.
Shining Bangle; Any 4 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste], or [SOS Regen] 26.
Faerie Bangle; Any 3 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof], [Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof],
[Zombieproof], [Slowproof], [Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] in a 3 or 4-slotted armor 27. Peaceful
Bangle; [No Encounters] 28. Shaman Bangle; [Auto Potion] 29. Barrier Bangle; [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof],
or [Iceproof] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 30. Star Bangle; [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS
Reflect], [SOS Haste], or [SOS Regen] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 31. Marching Bangle; Any
2 of: [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect], [Auto Regen], [Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto
Phoenix] 32. Moon Bangle; Any 2 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste], or [SOS
Regen] 33. Regen Bangle; [Auto Regen] or [SOS Regen] 34. Haste Bangle; [Auto Haste] or [SOS Haste] 35. Reflect Bangle;
[Auto Reflect] or [SOS Reflect] 36. Shell Bangle; [Auto Shell] or [SOS Shell] 37. Protect Bangle; [Auto Protect] or
[SOS Protect] 38. Platinum Bangle; [Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 39. Sapphire Bangle; [Magic Defense
+x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 40. Power Bangle; [HP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 41. Wizard
Bangle; [MP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 42. Elemental Bangle; Any 2 of: [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof],
[Iceproof], [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice Eater] 43. Savior Bangle; Any
2 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof], [Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof],
[Slowproof], [Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] 44. Crimson Bangle; [Fire Eater] 45. Snow Bangle;
[Ice Eater] 46. Ochre Bangle; [Lightning Eater] 47. Cerulean Bangle; [Water Eater] 48. Medical Bangle; [Curseproof] 49.
Lucid Bangle; [Confuseproof] or [Confuse Ward] 50. Serene Bangle; [Berserkproof] or [Berserk Ward] 51. Light Bangle;
[Slowproof] or [Slow Ward] 52. Soul Bangle; [Deathproof] or [Death Ward] 53. Blessed Bangle; [Zombieproof] or [Zombie
Ward] 54. Soft Bangle; [Stoneproof] or [Stone Ward] 55. Serum Bangle; [Poisonproof] or [Poison Ward] 56. Alert Bangle;
[Sleepproof] or [Sleep Ward] 57. Echo Bangle; [Silenceproof] or [Silence Ward] 58. Bright Bangle; [Darkproof] or [Dark
Ward] 59. Red Bangle; [Fire Ward] or [Fireproof] 60. White Bangle; [Ice Ward] or [Iceproof] 61. Yellow Bangle; [Lightning
Ward] or [Lightningproof] 62. Blue Bangle; [Water Ward] or [Waterproof] 63. NulTide Bangle; [SOS NulTide] 64. NulBlaze
Bangle; [SOS NulBlaze] 65. NulShock Bangle; [SOS NulShock] 66. NulFrost Bangle; [SOS NulFrost] 67. Adept's Bangle;
Any 2 of: [HP +x%] and [MP +x%] 68. Tetra Bangle; All empty slots on a 4-slotted armor 69. Mythril Bangle; [Defense
+x%] + [Magic Defense +x%] 70. Gold Bangle; Any 2 of: [Defense +3%], [Defense +5%], [Defense +10%], or
[Defense +20%] 71. Emerald Bangle; Any 2 of: [Magic Defense +3%], [Magic Defense +5%], [Magic Defense
+10%], or [Magic Defense +20%] 72. Vita Bangle; Any 2 of: [HP +5%], [HP +10%], [HP +20%] or [HP +30%] 73. Mage's Bangle;
Any 2 of: [MP +5%], [MP +10%], [MP +20%] or [MP +30%] 74. Silver Bangle; [Defense +10%] or [Defense +20%] 75. Onyx Bangle;
[Magic Defense +10%] or [Magic Defense +20%] 76. Sorcery Bangle; [MP +20%] or [MP +30%] 77. Tough Bangle; [HP +20%]
or [HP +30%] 78. Glorious Bangle; All empty slots on a 3-slotted armor 79. Metal Bangle; [Defense +3%] or [Defense +5%] 80.
Pearl Bangle; [Magic Defense +3%] or [Magic Defense +5%] 81. Magic Bangle; [MP +5%] or [MP +10%] 82. Seeker's Bangle;
[HP +5%] or [HP +10%] 82. Guardian Bangle; Both empty slots on a 2-slotted armor 84. Bangle; Starting armor
Spears -
Equipment Appearance:
1: Large golden-headed spear with yellow and blue feather trim. 3-16,
20, 21, 24-27: Red arrowhead shaped spearhead with gold tassles. 17-19, 38, 39, 55, 57-59, 61: Wing-shaped double pole
axe with white padding around the middle of the haft. 22, 28-30, 40, 50-54: Pole axe with an extra long
spear point, and a bamboo- looking haft. 23, 31-37, 41-48: 5-pointed spearhead with a hole in the middle,
red tassles, and green and yellow braided haft. 49, 56, 60, 62-64: Plain pole axe with a brown wooden haft.
name and auto-abilities:
1. Spirit Lance; Celestial Weapon - cannot be made through Customizing! 2. N/A 3. Taming
Spear; [Capture] 4. Quadforce; [Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike] + [Waterstrike] + [Icestrike] 5. Gungnir; [Break Damage
Limit] 6. Luin; [Triple AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive] 7. Gae Bolg; [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple
Overdrive] 8. Venus Gospel; [Double AP] + [Double Overdrive] 9. Highwind; [Triple Overdrive] 10. Berserker; [Double
Overdrive] 11. Horn of the Ronso; [Triple AP] 12. Chariot; [Double AP] 13. Transmuter; [Overdrive -> AP] 14.
Kain's Lance; [SOS Overdrive] 15. Astral Spear; [One MP Cost] 16. Chaos Lance; Any 4 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike],
[Always Sleeptouch], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike],
or [Zombiestrike] 17. Giant Spear; [Attack +x%] in 4 slots 18. Titan Lance; [Magic Attack +x%] in 4 slots 19. Eldritch
Lance; [Magic Booster] + [Magic Attack +x%] in the other 3 slots 20. Shamanic Spear; [Half MP Cost] 21. Prospector;
[Gillionaire] 22. Trident; Any 3 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or [Icestrike] 23.
Vicious Lance; Any 3 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Zombiestrike], [Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike],
[Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike] 24. Dragoon Lance; [Magic Counter] + [Counter] or [Evade & Counter] 25.
Rebel Lance; [Counter] or [Evade & Counter] 26. Prism Spear; [Magic Counter] 27. Mirage Lance; [Magic Booster] 28.
Healer Spear; [Alchemy] 29. Sonic Lance; [First Strike] 30. Detector; [Initiative] 31. Thanatos Lance; [Deathstrike] 32.
Net Spear; [Slowstrike] 33. Rock Buster; [Stonestrike] 34. Venom Spike; [Poisonstrike] 35. Hypno Spear; [Sleepstrike] 36.
Mage Hunter; [Silencestrike] 37. Darkbringer; [Darkstrike] 38. Knight Lancer; [Attack +x%] in 3 slots 39. Wizard
Lance; [Magic Attack +x%] in 3 slots 40. Twin Lance; Any 2 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
[Icestrike] 41. Calamity Spear; Any 2 of: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch], [Poisontouch],
[Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch] or [Slowtouch] 42. Matador Spear; [Deathtouch] 43. Web Lance; [Slowtouch] 44.
Break Lance; [Stonetouch] 45. Snakehead; [Poisontouch] 46. Dream Lance; [Sleeptouch] 47. Silent Spear; [Silencetouch] 48.
Dusk Lance; [Darktouch] 49. Hunter's Spear; [Sensor] 50. Heat Lance; [Firestrike] 51. Ice Lance; [Icestrike] 52.
Thunder Spear; [Thunderstrike] 53. Tidal Spear; [Waterstrike] 54. Shapeshifter; All empty slots on a 4-slotted weapon 55.
Force Lance; [Attack +x%] + [Magic Attack +x%] 56. Halberd; 2 or 3 empty slots on a 2 or 3-slotted weapon 57. Magic
Lance; [Magic +10%] or [Magic +20%] 58. Full Metal Spear; [Str +10%] or [Str +20%] 59. Rune Lance; [Magic +5%] 60.
Enchanted Lance; [Magic +3%] 61. Striking Spear; [Str +5%] 62. Heavy Spear; [Str +3%] 63. Harpoon; [Piercing] 64.
Spear; Starting weapon
Kimahri's Armlets -
Equipment Appearance:
1-8, 19, 20: Native
American-looking shield with gold serrated edging, a banded green and yellow center, and maroon feathers along
the bottom. 9, 14-16, 42, 44-57: Masai tribal-looking shull shield with red and blue hanging beads along
the bottom. 10-13, 17, 21-27, 29-40: Aztec-looking brown, light gray, and dark green carved stone shield. 18,
28, 41, 43-46, 58-65: Mayan-looking dark silver and purple shield with gold serrated edges along the top. 66-83:
Grecian-looking gold and bronze shield with 4 blue tassels hanging from the bottom.
Equipment name
and auto-abilities:
1. Pride of the Ronso; [Break HP Limit] + [Break MP Limit] 2. Acropolis; [Ribbon] 3. Genji
Armlet; [Break HP Limit] 4. Shaman Armlet; [Break MP Limit] 5. Crystal Armlet; [Fire Eater] + [Water Eater] + [Lightning
Eater] + [Ice Eater] 6. Aegis Armlet; [Fireproof] + [Waterproof] + [Lightningproof] + [Iceproof] 7.
Adamantite; [Auto Shell] + [Auto Protect] + [Auto Reflect] + [Auto Regen] 8. Orihalcum; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med] + [Auto
Phoenix] 9. Safe Passage; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med] 10. Ronso Armlet; Any 4 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof], [Confuseproof],
or [Berserkproof] 11. Diamond Armlet; [Defense +x%] in 4 slots 12. Ruby Armlet; [Magic Defense +x%] in 4 slots 13.
Enhanced Armlet; [HP +x%] in 4 slots 14. Magical Armlet; [MP +x%] in 4 slots 15. Collector Armlet; [Master Thief] 16.
Treasure Armlet; [Pickpocket] 17. Armlet of Hope; [HP Stroll] + [MP Stroll] 18. Assault Armlet; [Auto Shell], [Auto
Protect], [Auto Reflect], [Auto Regen], [Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix] in 3 slots of a
3 or 4-slotted armor 19. Phantom Armlet; [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice
Eater] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 20. Recovery Armlet; [HP Stroll] 21. Spiritual Armlet; [MP Stroll 22.
Phoenix Armlet; [Auto Phoenix] 23. Curative Armlet; [Auto Med] 24. Rainbow Armlet; [SOS NulBlaze] + [SOS NulTide] +
[SOS NulShock] + [SOS NulFrost] 25. Shining Armlet; Any 4 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect],
[SOS Haste], or [SOS Regen] 26. Faerie Armlet; Any 3 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof], [Confuseproof],
or [Berserkproof] in a 3 or 4-slotted armor 27. Peaceful Armlet; [No Encounters] 28. Shaman Armlet; [Auto Potion] 29.
Barrier Armlet; [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof], or [Iceproof] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted
armor 30. Star Armlet; [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste], or [SOS Regen] in
3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 31. Marching Armlet; Any 2 of: [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect],
[Auto Regen], [Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix] 32. Moon Armlet; Any 2 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS
Reflect], [SOS Haste], or [SOS Regen] 33. Regen Armlet; [Auto Regen] or [SOS Regen] 34. Haste
Armlet; [Auto Haste] or [SOS Haste] 35. Reflect Armlet; [Auto Reflect] or [SOS Reflect] 36. Shell Armlet; [Auto Shell]
or [SOS Shell] 37. Protect Armlet; [Auto Protect] or [SOS Protect] 38. Platinum Armlet; [Defense +x%] in 3 slots of
a 3 or 4-slotted armor 39. Sapphire Armlet; [Magic Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 40. Warrior's Armlet;
[HP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 41. Wizard Armlet; [MP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 42. Elemental
Armlet; Any 2 of: [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof], [Iceproof], [Fire Eater], [Water Eater],
[Lightning Eater], or [Ice Eater] 43. Defending Armlet; Any 2 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof], [Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] 44.
Crimson Armlet; [Fire Eater] 45. Snow Armlet; [Ice Eater] 46. Ochre Armlet; [Lightning Eater] 47. Cerulean Armlet;
[Water Eater] 48. Medical Armlet; [Curseproof] 49. Lucid Armlet; [Confuseproof] or [Confuse Ward] 50. Serene Armlet;
[Berserkproof] or [Berserk Ward] 51. Light Armlet; [Slowproof] or [Slow Ward] 52. Soul Armlet; [Deathproof] or [Death
Ward] 53. Blessed Armlet; [Zombieproof] or [Zombie Ward] 54. Soft Armlet; [Stoneproof] or [Stone Ward] 55. Serum
Armlet; [Poisonproof] or [Poison Ward] 56. Alert Armlet; [Sleepproof] or [Sleep Ward] 57. Echo Armlet; [Silenceproof]
or [Silence Ward] 58. Bright Armlet; [Darkproof] or [Dark Ward] 59. Red Armlet; [Fire Ward] or [Fireproof] 60. White
Armlet; [Ice Ward] or [Iceproof] 61. Yellow Armlet; [Lightning Ward] or [Lightningproof] 62. Blue Armlet; [Water Ward]
or [Waterproof] 63. NulTide Armlet; [SOS NulTide] 64. NulBlaze Armlet; [SOS NulBlaze] 65. NulShock Armlet; [SOS NulShock] 66.
NulFrost Armlet; [SOS NulFrost] 67. Adept's Armlet; Any 2 of: [HP +x%] and [MP +x%] 68. Tetra Armlet; All empty slots
on a 4-slotted armor 69. Mythril Armlet; [Defense +x%] + [Magic Defense +x%] 70. Gold Armlet; Any 2 of: [Defense +3%],
[Defense +5%], [Defense +10%], or [Defense +20%] 71. Assault Armlet; Any 2 of: [Magic Defense +3%],
[Magic Defense +5%], [Magic Defense +10%], or [Magic Defense +20%] 72. Soldier's Armlet; Any 2 of:
[HP +5%], [HP +10%], [HP +20%] or [HP +30%] 73. Mage's Armlet; Any 2 of: [MP +5%], [MP +10%], [MP +20%] or [MP +30%] 74.
Silver Armlet; [Defense +10%] or [Defense +20%] 75. Onyx Armlet; [Magic Defense +10%] or [Magic Defense +20%] 76. Sorcery
Armlet; [MP +20%] or [MP +30%] 77. Warrior's Armlet; [HP +20%] or [HP +30%] 78. Glorious Armlet; All empty slots on
a 3-slotted armor 79. Metal Armlet; [Defense +3%] or [Defense +5%] 80. Pearl Armlet; [Magic Defense +3%] or [Magic Defense
+5%] 81. Magic Armlet; [MP +5%] or [MP +10%] 82. Seeker's Armlet; [HP +5%] or [HP +10%] 83. Guardian Armlet; Both
empty slots on a 2-slotted armor 84. Armlet; Starting armor
Auron's Blades -
1: Wide forked katana with gold, fucshia, and red embellishment on the blade, and a red
braided hilt. 3, 5-14, 17, 21: Bronze double-edged katana with a stylized lion's head above the green
braided hilt. (Matches his jade green Bracer quite nicely!) 4, 15, 18-20, 22, 39, 40, 50-55, 57-60: Dark silver katana
that's a lighter silver along the cutting edge, and widens substantially at the tip. 16, 23, 31-37, 41-48:
Dark silver katana with red and orage embellishments along the blade and at the tip, and has a hook shaped
cutting edge at the tip. 24-30, 38, 49, 56, 61-64: Plain straight katana that comes to a point at the
tip, with a green braided hilt.
Equipment name and auto-abilities:
1. Masamune; Celestial Weapon - cannot be
made through Customizing! 2. N/A 3. Beastmaster; [Capture] 4. Conquerer; [Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike] + [Waterstrike]
+ [Icestrike] 5. Heaven's Cloud; [Break Damage Limit] 6. Muramasa; [Triple AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive] 7.
Alkaid; [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive] 8. Peacemaker; [Double AP] + [Double
9. Genji Blade; [Triple Overdrive] 10. Dragon Killer; [Double Overdrive] 11. Painkiller; [Triple AP] 12. Divider;
[Double AP] 13. The Nameless; [Overdrive -> AP] 14. Ogrekiller; [SOS Overdrive] 15. Murasame; [One MP Cost] 16.
Riot Blade; Any 4 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike],
[Slowstrike], or [Zombiestrike] 17. Master Ogre; [Attack +x%] in 4 slots 18. Master Djinn; [Magic Attack +x%] in 4 slots 19.
Matoya's Blade; [Magic Booster] + [Magic Attack +x%] in the other 3 slots 20. Inducer; [Half MP Cost] 21. Gilmonger;
[Gillionaire] 22. Ichimonji; Any 3 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or [Icestrike] 23.
Corruptor; Any 3 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Zombiestrike], [Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike],
[Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike] 24. Ashura; [Magic Counter] + [Counter] or [Evade & Counter] 25. Kotetsu;
[Counter] or [Evade & Counter] 26. Prism Blade; [Magic Counter] 27. Mirage Blade; [Magic Booster] 28. Lifegiver;
[Alchemy] 29. Sonic Blade; [First Strike] 30. Sentry; [Initiative] 31. Assassin Blade; [Deathstrike] 32. Blockade;
[Slowstrike] 33. Still Blade; [Stonestrike] 34. Venomous Blade; [Poisonstrike] 35. Dozing Blade; [Sleepstrike] 36.
Tacit Blade; [Silencestrike] 37. Dark Blade; [Darkstrike] 38. Ogre Blade; [Attack +x%] in 3 slots 39. Djinn Blade;
[Magic Attack +x%] in 3 slots 40. Dual Blade; Any 2 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
[Icestrike] 41. Chaos Blade; Any 2 of: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch], [Poisontouch],
[Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch] or [Slowtouch] 42. Critical Blade; [Deathtouch] 43. Stunner; [Slowtouch] 44.
Gorgon Gaze; [Stonetouch] 45. Spider's Kiss; [Poisontouch] 46. Peaceful Slumber; [Sleeptouch] 47. Soundless Scream;
[Silencetouch] 48. Blurry Moon; [Darktouch] 49. Hunter's Blade; [Sensor] 50. Fire Blade; [Firestrike] 51. Frost
Blade; [Icestrike] 52. Thunder Blade; [Thunderstrike] 53. Water Blade; [Waterstrike] 54. Shiranui; All empty slots
on a 4-slotted weapon 55. Basara Blade; [Attack +x%] + [Magic Attack +x%] 56. Shimmering Blade; 2 or 3 empty slots on
a 2 or 3-slotted weapon 57. Spiritual Blade; [Magic +10%] or [Magic +20%] 58. Nodachi; [Str +10%] or [Str +20%] 59.
Rune Blade; [Magic +5%] 60. Magic Blade; [Magic +3%] 61. War Blade; [Str +5%] 62. Knight Blade; [Str +3%] 63.
Katana; [Piercing] 64. Blade; Starting weapon
Auron's Bracers -
Equipment Appearance:
6-8, 10-17, 19-22: Gold lion-headed bracer with red and blue banded trim. 4, 5, 18, 23, 28, 41, 43-46,
58-65: Gold and dark green striped bracer with a dark blue fleur-de-lis patch on it, and light blue feathering
below that. 9, 24, 25, 29-36, 42, 47-57: Jade green bracer with a round teal gem on either end. 37-40,
66-83: Dark blue bracer with copper trim around either end, and an intricate raised silver design in the middle.
name and auto-abilities:
1. Overlord; [Break HP Limit] + [Break MP Limit] 2. Solidity; [Ribbon] 3. Genji Bracer;
[Break HP Limit] 4. Dragon Lord; [Break MP Limit] 5. Glutton; [Fire Eater] + [Water Eater] + [Lightning Eater] + [Ice
Eater] 6. Resistant; [Fireproof] + [Waterproof] + [Lightningproof] + [Iceproof] 7. Warder; [Auto Shell] + [Auto Protect]
+ [Auto Reflect] + [Auto Regen] 8. Immortal; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med] + [Auto Phoenix] 9. Healer; [Auto Potion] +
[Auto Med] 10. Undefeated; Any 4 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof], [Poisonproof], [Stoneproof],
[Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof], [Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] 11. Diamond Bracer;
[Defense +x%] in 4 slots 12. Ruby Bracer; [Magic Defense +x%] in 4 slots 13. Battle Bracer; [HP +x%] in 4 slots 14.
Magical Bracer; [MP +x%] in 4 slots 15. Collector Bracer; [Master Thief] 16. Treasure Bracer; [Pickpocket] 17. Bracer
of Hope; [HP Stroll] + [MP Stroll] 18. Assault Bracer; [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect], [Auto Regen],
[Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 19. Phantom Bracer;
[Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice Eater] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 20.
Recovery Bracer; [HP Stroll] 21. Spiritual Bracer; [MP Stroll] 22. Phoenix Bracer; [Auto Phoenix] 23. Curative Bracer;
[Auto Med] 24. Rainbow Bracer; [SOS NulBlaze] + [SOS NulTide] + [SOS NulShock] + [SOS NulFrost] 25.
Shining Bracer; Any 4 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste], or [SOS Regen] 26.
Faerie Bracer; Any 3 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof], [Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof],
[Zombieproof], [Slowproof], [Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] in a 3 or 4-slotted armor 27. Peaceful
Bracer; [No Encounters] 28. Shaman Bracer; [Auto Potion] 29. Barrier Bracer; [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof],
or [Iceproof] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 30. Star Bracer; [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect],
[SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste], or [SOS Regen] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 31. Marching Bracer;
Any 2 of: [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect], [Auto Regen], [Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or
[Auto Phoenix] 32. Moon Bracer; Any 2 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste],
or [SOS Regen] 33. Regen Bracer; [Auto Regen] or [SOS Regen] 34. Haste Bracer; [Auto Haste] or [SOS Haste] 35. Reflect
Bracer; [Auto Reflect] or [SOS Reflect] 36. Shell Bracer; [Auto Shell] or [SOS Shell] 37. Protect Bracer; [Auto Protect]
or [SOS Protect] 38. Platinum Bracer; [Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 39. Sapphire Bracer; [Magic
Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 40. Warrior's Bracer; [HP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 41.
Wizard Bracer; [MP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 42. Elemental Bracer; Any 2 of: [Fireproof], [Waterproof],
[Lightningproof], [Iceproof], [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice Eater] 43.
Defending Bracer; Any 2 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof], [Poisonproof], [Stoneproof],
[Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof], [Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] 44. Crimson Bracer;
[Fire Eater] 45. Snow Bracer; [Ice Eater] 46. Ochre Bracer; [Lightning Eater] 47. Cerulean Bracer; [Water Eater] 48.
Medical Bracer; [Curseproof] 49. Lucid Bracer; [Confuseproof] or [Confuse Ward] 50. Serene Bracer; [Berserkproof] or
[Berserk Ward] 51. Light Bracer; [Slowproof] or [Slow Ward] 52. Soul Bracer; [Deathproof] or [Death Ward] 53. Blessed
Bracer; [Zombieproof] or [Zombie Ward] 54. Soft Bracer; [Stoneproof] or [Stone Ward] 55. Serum Bracer; [Poisonproof]
or [Poison Ward] 56. Alert Bracer; [Sleepproof] or [Sleep Ward] 57. Echo Bracer; [Silenceproof] or [Silence Ward] 58.
Bright Bracer; [Darkproof] or [Dark Ward] 59. Red Bracer; [Fire Ward] or [Fireproof] 60. White Bracer; [Ice Ward] or
[Iceproof] 61. Yellow Bracer; [Lightning Ward] or [Lightningproof] 62. Blue Bracer; [Water Ward] or [Waterproof] 63.
NulBlaze Bracer; [SOS NulBlaze] 64. NulFrost Bracer; [SOS NulFrost] 65. NulShock Bracer; [SOS NulShock] 66. NulTide
Bracer; [SOS NulTide] 67. Adept's Bracer; Any 2 of: [HP +x%] and [MP +x%] 68. Tetra Bracer; All empty slots on a 4-slotted
armor 69. Mythril Bracer; [Defense +x%] + [Magic Defense +x%] 70. Gold Bracer; Any 2 of: [Defense +3%], [Defense +5%],
[Defense +10%], or [Defense +20%] 71. Emerald Bracer; Any 2 of: [Magic Defense +3%], [Magic Defense
+5%], [Magic Defense +10%], or [Magic Defense +20%] 72. Soldier's Bracer; Any 2 of: [HP +5%], [HP
+10%], [HP +20%] or [HP +30%] 73. Mage's Bracer; Any 2 of: [MP +5%], [MP +10%], [MP +20%] or [MP +30%] 74. Silver Bracer;
[Defense +10%] or [Defense +20%] 75. Onyx Bracer; [Magic Defense +10%] or [Magic Defense +20%] 76. Sorcery Bracer; [MP
+20%] or [MP +30%] 77. Warrior's Bracer; [HP +20%] or [HP +30%] 78. Glorious Bracer; All empty slots on a 3-slotted
armor 79. Metal Bracer; [Defense +3%] or [Defense +5%] 80. Pearl Bracer; [Magic Defense +3%] or [Magic Defense +5%] 81.
Magic Bracer; [MP +5%] or [MP +10%] 82. Seeker's Bracer; [HP +5%] or [HP +10%] 83. Guardian Bracer; Both empty slots
on a 2-slotted armor 84. Bracer; Starting armor
. Rikku's Claws -
Equipment Appearance:
Oversized red and black boxy forked claw with numerous iron blades. 3-16, 20, 21, 24-27: Teal claw with a large blade on
either side, that covers most of Rikku's forearm. 17-19, 38, 39, 55-64: Small iron claw with a small iron
blade on either side, that covers up to Rikku's elbow with an orange and navy blue sleeve. 22, 28-30, 40,
49-54: A standard "spiked knuckle" with four silver spines that go over Rikku's actual knuckles, and a tan
leather sleeve that covers up to her elbow. 23, 31-37, 41-48: A knuckle with nine navy blue blunt spikes
along the cutting surface, with armor-like iron "scales" that cover most of Rikku's forearm.
name and auto-abilities:
1. Godhand; Celestial Weapon - cannot be made through Customizing! 2. N/A 3. Iron Grip;
[Capture] 4. Deus Ex Machina; [Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike] + [Waterstrike] + [Icestrike] 5.
Kaiser Knuckles; [Break Damage Limit] 6. Victorix; [Triple AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive] 7. Unlimited;
[Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive] 8. Warmonger; [Double AP] + [Double Overdrive] 9. Overload; [Triple Overdrive] 10.
Override; [Double Overdrive] 11. Golden Arm; [Triple AP] 12. Golden Hand; [Double AP] 13. Ironside; [Overdrive ->
AP] 14. Battle Freak; [SOS Overdrive] 15. Infinity; [One MP Cost] 16. Tempest Claw; Any 4 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike],
[Always Sleeptouch], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike],
or [Zombiestrike] 17. Spartan; [Attack +x%] in 4 slots 18. Brunhilde; [Magic Attack +x%] in 4 slots 19. Valkyrie;
[Magic Booster] + [Magic Attack +x%] in the other 3 slots 20. Magical Rave; [Half MP Cost] 21. Stickyfingers; [Gillionaire] 22.
Rising Sun; Any 3 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or [Icestrike] 23. Typhoon Claw;
Any 3 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Zombiestrike], [Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike],
[Deathstrike], [Slowstrike] 24. Untouchable; [Magic Counter] + [Counter] or [Evade & Counter] 25. Tit-for-Tat; [Counter]
or [Evade & Counter] 26. Prism Claw; [Magic Counter] 27. Mirage Claw; [Magic Booster] 28. Survivor; [Alchemy] 29.
Vanguard; [First Strike] 30. Sonar; [Initiative] 31. Executioner; [Deathstrike] 32. Clockwork; [Slowstrike] 33.
Colossus; [Stonestrike] 34. Manticore Claw; [Poisonstrike] 35. Lights Out; [Sleepstrike] 36. Mage Husher; [Silencestrike] 37.
Jammer; [Darkstrike] 38. Iron Claw; [Attack +x%] in 3 slots 39. The Ogre; [Magic Attack +x%] in 3 slots 40. Dual
Claw; Any 2 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or [Icestrike] 41. Hurricane Claw;
Any 2 of: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch], [Poisontouch], [Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch]
or [Slowtouch] 42. Ninja Claw; [Deathtouch] 43. Clock Hand; [Slowtouch] 44. Break Knuckles; [Stonetouch] 45. Poison
Claw; [Poisontouch] 46. Daydreamer; [Sleeptouch] 47. Tongue Holder; [Silencetouch] 48. Eye Poker; [Darktouch] 49.
Hawkeye; [Sensor] 50. Hot Knuckles; [Firestrike] 51. Ice Claw; [Icestrike] 52. Shocking Fist; [Thunderstrike] 53.
Tidal Knuckles; [Waterstrike] 54. Flexible Arm; All empty slots on a 4-slotted weapon 55. Force Knuckles; [Attack +x%]
+ [Magic Attack +x%] 56. Devastator; 2 or 3 empty slots on a 2 or 3-slotted weapon 57. Magic Knuckles; [Magic +10%]
or [Magic +20%] 58. Buster Knuckles; [Str +10%] or [Str +20%] 59. Magic Claw; [Magic +5%] 60. Magic Glove; [Magic
+3%] 61. Buster Claw; [Str +5%] 62. Buster Glove; [Str +3%] 63. Barbed Knuckles; [Piercing] 64. Claw; Starting
Rikku's Targes -
Equipment Appearance:
1-9, 14-16: Black and iron
shield with intricate copper reinforcing in a star pattern, and five large blades and five small spikes protruding
from each point of the star. 10-13, 18, 23, 26, 28, 41, 43-46, 58-65: Green pentagonal shield with silver
trim. 17, 19-22, 24, 25, 27, 29-36, 42, 47-57: Red, black, silver, and gold starburst shield with five
small blades at the silver points, and a gold star in the middle. 37-40, 66-83: Black and iron circular
shield with a single thick gold stripe from the center outwards.
Equipment name and auto-abilities:
Dreadnought; [Break HP Limit] + [Break MP Limit] 2. Impervious; [Ribbon] 3. Atlas; [Break HP Limit] 4. Celestial;
[Break MP Limit] 5. Invincible; [Fire Eater] + [Water Eater] + [Lightning Eater] + [Ice Eater] 6. Armada; [Fireproof]
+ [Waterproof] + [Lightningproof] + [Iceproof] 7. Triumph; [Auto Shell] + [Auto Protect] + [Auto Reflect] + [Auto Regen] 8.
Intrepid; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med] + [Auto Phoenix] 9. Golaith; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med] 10. Argonaut; Any 4 of:
[Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof], [Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof],
[Slowproof], [Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] 11. Diamond Targe; [Defense +x%] in 4 slots 12.
Ruby Targe; [Magic Defense +x%] in 4 slots 13. Warlord; [HP +x%] in 4 slots 14. Dominator; [MP +x%] in 4 slots 15.
Buccaneer; [Master Thief] 16. Corsair; [Pickpocket] 17. Targe of Hope; [HP Stroll] + [MP Stroll] 18. Assault Targe;
[Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect], [Auto Regen], [Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix]
in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 19. Phantom Targe; [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater],
or [Ice Eater] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 20. Recovery Targe; [HP Stroll] 21. Spiritual
Targe; [MP Stroll] 22. Phoenix Targe; [Auto Phoenix] 23. Curative Targe; [Auto Med] 24. Phalanx; [SOS NulBlaze] +
[SOS NulTide] + [SOS NulShock] + [SOS NulFrost] 25. Tercio; Any 4 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste],
or [SOS Regen] 26. Talisman; Any 3 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof], [Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof]
in a 3 or 4-slotted armor 27. Peaceful Targe; [No Encounters] 28. Shaman Targe; [Auto Potion] 29. Victorious; [Fireproof],
[Waterproof], [Lightningproof], or [Iceproof] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 30. Star Targe;
[SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste], or [SOS Regen] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted
armor 31. Marching Targe; Any 2 of: [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect], [Auto Regen], [Auto
Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix] 32. Moon Targe; Any 2 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS
Haste], or [SOS Regen] 33. Regen Targe; [Auto Regen] or [SOS Regen] 34. Haste Targe; [Auto Haste] or [SOS Haste] 35.
Reflect Targe; [Auto Reflect] or [SOS Reflect] 36. Shell Targe; [Auto Shell] or [SOS Shell] 37. Protect Targe; [Auto
Protect] or [SOS Protect] 38. Centurion; [Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 39. Echelon; [Magic Defense
+x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 40. Knight's Targe; [HP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 41. Wizard
Targe; [MP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor 42. Elemental Targe; Any 2 of: [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof],
[Iceproof], [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice Eater] 43. Reliant; Any 2 of:
[Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof], [Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof],
[Slowproof], [Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] 44. Crimson Targe; [Fire Eater] 45. Snow Targe;
[Ice Eater] 46. Ochre Targe; [Lightning Eater] 47. Cerulean Targe; [Water Eater] 48. Medical Targe; [Curseproof] 49.
Lucid Targe; [Confuseproof] or [Confuse Ward] 50. Dauntless; [Berserkproof] or [Berserk Ward] 51. Light Targe; [Slowproof]
or [Slow Ward] 52. Soul Targe; [Deathproof] or [Death Ward] 53. Blessed Targe; [Zombieproof] or [Zombie Ward] 54.
Soft Targe; [Stoneproof] or [Stone Ward] 55. Serum Targe; [Poisonproof] or [Poison Ward] 56. Alert Targe; [Sleepproof]
or [Sleep Ward] 57. Echo Targe; [Silenceproof] or [Silence Ward] 58. Bright Targe; [Darkproof] or [Dark Ward] 59.
Red Targe; [Fire Ward] or [Fireproof] 60. White Targe; [Ice Ward] or [Iceproof] 61. Yellow Targe; [Lightning Ward] or
[Lightningproof] 62. Blue Targe; [Water Ward] or [Waterproof] 63. NulTide Targe; [SOS NulTide] 64. NulBlaze Targe;
[SOS NulBlaze] 65. NulShock Targe; [SOS NulShock] 66. NulFrost Targe; [SOS NulFrost] 67. Adept's Targe; Any 2 of:
[HP +x%] and [MP +x%] 68. Tetra Targe; All empty slots on a 4-slotted armor 69. Mythril Targe; [Defense +x%] + [Magic
Defense +x%] 70. Gold Targe; Any 2 of: [Defense +3%], [Defense +5%], [Defense +10%], or [Defense
+20%] 71. Emerald Targe; Any 2 of: [Magic Defense +3%], [Magic Defense +5%], [Magic Defense +10%],
or [Magic Defense +20%] 72. Soldier's Targe; Any 2 of: [HP +5%], [HP +10%], [HP +20%] or [HP +30%] 73. Mage's Targe;
Any 2 of: [MP +5%], [MP +10%], [MP +20%] or [MP +30%] 74. Silver Targe; [Defense +10%] or [Defense +20%] 75. Onyx Targe;
[Magic Defense +10%] or [Magic Defense +20%] 76. Sorcery Targe; [MP +20%] or [MP +30%] 77. Warrior's Targe; [HP +20%]
or [HP +30%] 78. Glorious Targe; All empty slots on a 3-slotted armor 79. Metal Targe; [Defense +3%] or [Defense +5%] 80.
Pearl Targe; [Magic Defense +3%] or [Magic Defense +5%] 81. Magic Targe; [MP +5%] or [MP +10%] 82. Seeker's Targe; [HP
+5%] or [HP +10%] 83. Guardian Targe; Both empty slots on a 2-slotted armor 84. Targe; Starting armor