In the heart of the Junon Area, a giant condor warming its
eggs high atop the Mako Reactor is the subject of a long-standing struggle between Shinra and the naturalists encamped at
Fort Condor. Shinra rushed troops to the area in a campaign to seize a type of special Materia alleged to be inside the reactor.
The residents of Fort Condor believe Shinra's designs threaten the survival of the extremely rare animal and its offspring.
If you wish to join the fight to save to condor and pick up some useful items in the process, head for the base of the mountain
and talk to the sentry outside to gain access to the fort. Talk to the old man sitting at the table to make your assistance
official and head for the lookout bunker at the top of the stairs in the upper-left corner. Talk to the old man's son and
he can explain the Fort Condor mini-game in abundant detail, telling you much much more than you need to know. If getting
the items is your primary interest over relishing the finer possibilities of this game-within-a-game, you may wish to forego
his briefing. It's unclear what if any benefit arises from contributing funds, so it's best to skip that as well and proceed
directly to the fight.
Your task is simple. Hire troops and position them [O] to
defend the shed at the top of the mountain. Advance on your enemies and defeat the enemy Commander to win the battle (you
can also win by wiping out the enemy force before the Commander arrives on the battlefield). For leading the mercenary army
to victory, the old man's son will present you with an item recovered from the battlefield. If any enemy reaches the shed,
your party will have to fight the Cmd. Grand Horn in person. In this scenario, you won't get an item from the old man's son;
however, you can get some rare items when you defeat the Cmd. Grand Horn.
Though the number of enemies increases with each battle, the
strategy remains the same. Place a line of Fighters and Attackers at the lower limit of friendly territory, adding one or
two Repairers if you'd like a little insurance. Start the battle [X] and decrease the battle speed [L1] to minimum while you
deploy your troops. Move all of your fighters down the mountain toward the two locations where enemies appear. Send any Repairers
close to the action, but keep them out of harms way in the beginning. When the soldiers have their orders, increase the battle
speed [R1] to maximum and watch the action unfold. Make sure your forces continue to push toward the base of the mountain
and you'll stifle the enemy's attack, getting the jump on enemies as they arrive on the field. If a soldier takes a lot of
damage, you may want to withdraw and send in a Repairer to administer first aid. When it's all over, you'll receive an amount
of Gil for each surviving ally. Keep in mind though, you'll spend less money if you hire fewer troops at the start. If you
underestimate the enemy, you can always slow down the battle and place new troops further up the mountain. New battles will
become available with almost every town you visit. The noteworthy items become available as you progress through the game
(about every other chance you have to fight). You'll receive them one after the other in a set order until you've found the
most-recently-available noteworthy item. Until the next noteworthy item becomes available, you'll receive a decent consolation
package of items. Your last chance to fight at Fort Condor will be before you head for the Crater early on Disc 2.
Yuffie can be found wandering around in any of the world's
forests. You'll encounter her as you would an enemy and she'll be identified as Mystery Ninja. Defeat her in battle and you'll
be taken to a field where Yuffie lies prostrate near a Save Point. DO NOT USE THE SAVE POINT or do anything else that will
cause you to leave the Field Screen and lose sight of Yuffie. If you do, she'll vanish and steal a fistful of Gil. If you
wish to convince her to join your party, you must talk to her and say all the right things during the ensuing conversation.
Listed below are the appropriate responses to Yuffie's comments. "One more time, let's go one more time!" [Not interested]
"You're pretty scared of me, huh!?" [...petrified]
"I'm really gonna leave! REALLY!" [Wait a second!]
"You want me to go with you?" [...That's right]
"All right! I'll go with you!" [...Let's hurry on]
The Gold Saucer is the mega amusement park proudly sprouting
from the heart of the Corel Desert. It's the home to endless hours of mini-game shenanigans to divert you from your search
for Sephiroth. It's also home to an enormous wealth of items and Materia you can't get anywhere else. The only way to reach
it is by tram from the Ropeway Station in North Corel. Listed below are the attractions that hold the majority of what the
Gold Saucer has to offer.
Wonder Square Speed Square Battle Square Chocobo
The Ropeway Station
You must purchase a pass from the hostess near the entrance
if you want to get in. If you intend to be a regular visitor to the Saucer, it's in your best interest to purchase a lifetime
pass, a.k.a. the GOLD TICKET, @ 30000 Gil as soon as you can afford it. Otherwise, each single admission will cost you 3000
Gil. Every time you enter the Station, there's a slim chance a person willing to exchange Gil for GP at a rate of 100 to 1
(to a maximum of 100 GP) will appear next to the house in the far-left corner. Early in the game, leaving and re-entering
the Saucer until he appears can be the least troublesome way to secure a decent amount of GP in a short amount of time. However,
keep in mind most of the games in Wonder Square have a comparable or better return ratio (providing, of course, you can master
them). Once you own a thoroughbred Class S Chocobo, the races will probably be the most reliable way to amass GP quickly.
The Gold Gate Your
link to the Gold Saucer's attractions. From here you can have a look at the Directory, visit the Ghost Hotel, or stop by Round
Square and take a gondola tour of the park @ 3 GP.
Wonder Square is a multi-level video game arcade. Most of
the games found here will pay out a small amount of GP if you win or achieve a high enough score. In addition, many will also
dispense an item the first time you do so. On the first floor, you'll find a hostess standing near the entrance. Talk to her
and you'll be able to exchange the Gold Saucer's proprietary currency for the following items:
-Potion @ 1 GP -Ether @ 20 GP -X-Potion @ 80 GP -Turbo
Ether @ 100 GP -Gold Ticket @ 300 GP -Carob Nut @ 500 GP -Gil Plus Materia* @ 1,000 GP -EXP Plus Materia* @ 2,000
*Disc 2 and later
Gil]: Arm wrestle your opponent by rapidly pressing [O]. Defeat the Sumo Wrestler and win 1 GP. Defeat the Wrestler
and win 2 GP.
Gil]: Insert coin, get shafted. Prizes include a small amount of GP, a POTION, and squat. You have a microscopic chance of
winning a decent amount of GP but, as you should when you see these things in bowling alleys and carnival midways in real
life, just say no.
Gil]: A basketball game. You'll win 1 GP for each basket scored. Every time you sink ten in a row, you'll get a chance to
double your GP (miss and you'll walk away with only 1 GP). If you can master the timing, this game has the potential to be
the fastest way to gather GP.
Gil]: Have your fortune told.
Gil]: Tussle with a holographic opponent Paper Scissors Rock style. The first fighter to score ten hits wins. The longer you
survive, the more GP you'll win.
Gil]: Mog is an adolescent Mog living in Mog Forest on Mt. Mog. It's time for Mog to find a mate and part of the mating ritual
demands he learns to fly. During his training, help him out by feeding him Kupo nuts [O]. You'll be able to judge how
many to feed him by his reactions. If he needs another nut, his tummy will rumble. When he's had enough (five to be exact),
he'll squeak and jump for joy. When a she-Mog shows up the next day, it's time for the real thing. Help him again (three Kupo
nuts this time) and everyone will live happily ever after. After your first win, talk to the stumped gamer nearby and he'll
give you 30 GP.
G-BIKE [200 Gil]:
The arcade version of your encounter with the Shinra Pursuit Troops during your escape from Midgar. Post an average score
and you'll win 2 GP. Score at least 10000 points and you'll receive 10 GP (and a SPEED SOURCE this first time you do so).
Gil]: This game won't be playable until after you make the descent from Icicle Inn to the Great Glacier. In the arcade version,
there are three courses: Beginner, Expert and Crazy. Complete each course as quickly as possible, avoiding obstacles and collecting
points for breaking balloons (red = 1 point, blue = 3 points, green = 5 points). It's probably best to edge [R1] most
of the time because it will increase your maneuverability. At the end, you'll be given an overall score: Technique (ability
to negotiate the course sans bail, out of 30), Time (out of 30) and Balloon (out of 40). Achieve a Good rating (70 or higher)
to open the next course. The first time you score 90 or better on a course you'll receive: Beginner = [30 GP + SAFETY BIT],
Expert = [100 GP + ALL MATERIA], Crazy = [300 GP + CRYSTAL BANGLE]. Achieve a Good rating on all three courses and a yellow
balloon will appear at the beginning of the run; grab it to enter Time Attack mode. All obstacles will disappear and your
objective will be to post the fastest time. The course record will be represented by a ghost moogle. Rumor has it achieving
a Super rating in Time Attack mode for all courses will unlock a new ghost to trace your personal best. |
| | |
You won't be able to play this game until after the submarine chase at the Underwater Reactor. In the arcade version, your
objective will be to destroy the entire enemy submarine fleet. You'll have five missions to choose from: the Undersea Mako
Reactor Battle and Levels 1 through 4. The basic strategy remains the same, however you'll probably need to check your long-range
sonar [R1] more often to locate the remaining subs. None of the missions are overly difficult. Complete the mission
and you'll receive 20 GP. The first time you do so you'll also receive: Undersea Mako Reactor Battle = INK, Level 1 = T/S
In essence this attraction is one huge psychedelic shooting gallery. From the
nauseating comfort of your lurching roller coaster, your objective will be to shoot down a dizzying array of objects of varying
point-value as they speed past. The first time you want to ride it, you'll have to talk to the hostess on the left and listen
to the rules. If you can decipher her flaky dialogue, you'll understand it's better to fire in short bursts. Your power gauge
won't drain as quickly and your shots will be stronger. Be persistent and memorize the order of the targets. There are several
special objects you should watch out for to help you increase your score: a yellow boulder high on a cliff is worth 200 points,
the large UFO is worth 1000 points, and an invisible target near the end of the course is worth another 200 points. Good luck.
Score at least 3000 points and you'll receive one of the following: 1/35 SOLDIER, SUPER SWEEPER, MASAMUNE BLADE. The first
time you score at least 5000 points on Disc 1, you'll receive the UMBRELLA, a powerful weapon for Aeris. On Disc 2 (and later)
repeat the task and you'll win the FLAYER, a weapon for Cid.
THE GOLD SAUCER: Battle Square
Battle Square is the pride and joy, the favorite attraction of the proprietor
of the Gold Saucer, Dio. You won't get to look around and try out the Battle Arena during your initial visit to the Saucer.
But it's definitely worth a return trip after you've won your freedom from Corel Prison for the chance to win some of the
best items in the game, including Cloud's awesome Level 4 Limit Break, OMNISLASH. The basic premise is simple: a lone warrior
will step into the Battle Arena, face a series of up to eight battles, and receive BP according to the difficulty of the fight.
Use the machine in the near-right corner to exchange your BP for the following items (Item @ [BP needed: Early Disc 1]/[Late
Disc 1]/[Disc 2 and later]):
-Potion @ [80]/[-]/[-] BP -Phoenix Down @ [160]/[100]/[-] BP -Shrapnel
@ [320]/[-]/[-] BP -Ether @ [640]/[-]/[-] BP -Remedy @ [-]/[200]/[100] BP -Mimmet Greens @ [1,280]/[400]/[-] BP -Fury
Ring @ [2,560]/[-]/[-] BP -Enemy Lure Materia @ [5,120]/[800]/[250] BP -Bird Wing @ [-]/[1,600]/[-] BP -S-mine @
[-]/[3,200]/[-] BP -Right Arm @ [-]/[-]/[500] BP -Pre-Emptive Materia @ [10,240]/[6,400]/[1,000] BP -Reagan Greens
@ [-]/[-]/[2,000] BP -Speed Plus Materia @ [20,480]/[12,800]/[4,000] BP -Stardust @ [-]/[-]/[8,000] BP -Champion
Belt @ [40,960]/[25,600]/[16,000] BP -Omnislash @ [-]/[51,200]/[32,000] BP -W-Summon Materia @ [-]/[-]/[64,000] BP
Talk to the hostess behind the counter on the far side of the room and, for
the low low price of 10 GP, you'll be allowed to enter the Arena. At the end of each round, you'll be presented with the option
to quit or to keep going to the next battle. If you quit, you'll walk away with the BP you've earned to that point. If you
proceed, you'll be forced to spin a slot machine to determine your handicap for the next round. Handicaps are cumulative and
range from mildly annoying but curable status effects to the potentially crippling loss of all your Materia. Since your main
objective is accumulating BP, it's in your best interest to try to put yourself at the greatest disadvantage, especially in
the final round (All Materia Broken and Magic Materia Broken seem to be worth the most). Keep in mind however, if you lose
or escape from any battle, you'll leave the Arena empty-handed. Almost. Win or lose, you'll always receive a TISSUE as consolation.
Since Materia doesn't grow in the Battle Arena, your only concern should be
equipping the best weapon and most-useful armor (with an adequate number of Materia slots). It's also a good idea to protect
yourself from negative status by equipping an accessory such as the Ribbon (or Materia linked to Added Effect if you have
the extra space). The best strategy is to diversify your equipment so you'll have plenty of options should an entire class
of abilities get wiped out. Excellent choices include [Hades]-[Added Effect] in your weapon, Mega All and a fully-loaded Enemy
Skill Materia. With this set-up, you'll be able to attack an entire group of enemies simultaneously, with a good chance of
causing some very useful status effects (if you're in rough enough shape, the ability to inflict Poison may be the only way
for you to cause damage). Plus Materia and several Counter Attack Materia are also sound choices. Make sure you cast Haste
(or use Big Guard) on yourself in the very first round as the effect will remain for the duration of your stay in the Arena
and you may not have the ability to do so later. You can accumulate a maximum of 65,000 BP. DO NOT leave the lobby, even to
go to the Museum, or you'll lose all your BP. Whatever you intend to do, you must do it in a single visit.
The woman at the foot of the steps outside the lobby, the one who likes fighters
but hates those who are all talk, will give you SPRINT SHOES when you talk to her after the first time you win a full series
of eight battles. After you retrieve Cloud from the Lifestream near Mideel, you'll be able to participate in the fabled 'special
battle' in the Battle Arena. But first you must meet a list of pre-requisites: purchase the Omnislash and the W-Summon Materia,
obtain the Ultima Weapon from Ultimate Weapon, and accumulate at least 64,000 BP; then talk to the hostess and Cloud will
be invited to participate. The special battles are extremely difficult. The first time you win a full series of eight, Dio
will give you the FINAL ATTACK MATERIA.
THE GOLD SAUCER: Chocobo Square
The first time you come to the Gold Saucer, the only thing you'll be able to
do at Chocobo Square is bet on the Class B or C Chocobo Races. If you're interested, talk to the receptionist behind the Bookmaker's
desk. Based solely on the raw attributes of the six competitors, your task will be to surmise which two Chocobos will finish
first and second and purchase the corresponding tickets. If you win, you can exchange your ticket for either an item or GP.
You won't be able to win any items of note until you can bet on Class A and S races, and you won't be able to do that until
you own a Class A or C Chocobo yourself. Unless there's fair dinkum working-class Australian blood coursing through your veins,
this probably isn't the best way to go about getting the items available here.
Visit Chocobo Square once you have a Chocobo of your own and you'll be able
to enter your mount in the Chocobo Races. Talk to Ester near the door to the Staff Room and she'll register you. All Chocobos
start out at Class C. When you win three races in your class, you'll move up to the next class. With the proper preparation,
most regular Chocobos should be capable of achieving Class S. However; due to their disadvantage on steep inclines, over water
and in other hazards; you may find it difficult to win there. More often than not, you'll be up against Joe and his Black
Chocobo, Teioh. Until you've bred a special Chocobo, he'll be nearly impossible to beat. With a Gold Chocobo, you'll almost
never lose.
Before the race begins, you'll probably want to press [SELECT] and take manual
control of your Chocobo.
During the race, holding [R1 + R2] to continually recover your stamina is absolutely
essential, especially in the higher classes. It's usually best to sprint [T] out of the gate to build up a decent lead, taking
care to keep your stamina gauge at least one-quarter full. Keep your speed at maximum [O] and use the middle portion
of the race to recover your stamina. Sprint again during the home stretch and you should be able to win. You may have to get
physical and block another Chocobo from passing you to preserve your lead. Win the race and you'll receive the item (or its
value in GP) indicated on the winning ticket. The first time you win ten Class S races, Ester will give you a prize package
as a Chocobo jockey include those found in Ester's prize package plus COUNTER MATERIA, ENEMY AWAY MATERIA, SNEAK ATTACK MATERIA
Fairy Tale X-Potion (2) Titan Materia Deathblow Materia White
Gongaga Village is conspicuously situated in the center of a roughly-circular
forest south of the Gold Saucer. If you undertake this quest before your first visit to Cosmo Canyon, you'll encounter the
Turks when you enter the jungle outskirts. RENO AND RUDE: Keep in mind as soon as you defeat either of them, both will pull
out of the battle. If you intend to claim both items, you'll have to defeat them simultaneously or find a way to keep the
survivor on the battlefield. Fortunately, both are quite vulnerable to Sleep; equip the [Seal]-[All] combination. Reno and
Rude employ some strong Fire-based attacks. Equip a Fire-element Materia (Fire or Ifrit) and Elemental Materia in linked slots
on the armor of one of the members of your party and the Fire Ring on a different character to reduce the effectiveness of
the Turks' attacks. Begin by putting both enemies to Sleep (Sleepel or Frog Song) and follow up by using Sense to monitor
their HP. Use magic and summon attacks to reduce their HP without waking them up. When Reno and Rude have around 100 HP remaining,
use any strong attack that targets all opponents to defeat both men at the same time. [FAIRY TALE + X-POTION] After the battle,
head down the far path to the core of the ruined reactor. Once Scarlet has completed her inspection, examine the spot where
she was standing and you'll find the TITAN MATERIA. Return to the fork in the jungle path, head left, and pick up the DEATHBLOW
MATERIA on the left path. Take the far path to reach Gongaga Village and go to the Weapon Store (the first building on the
left) for your earliest chance to acquire a FURY RING @ 5000 Gil, MYSTIFY MATERIA @ 6000 Gil and TIME MATERIA @ 6000 Gil.
Visit the Inn in the far-left corner of the village and open the chest in the first room to find an X-POTION. Stop by the
Mayor's Home in the far-right corner of the village and open the chest against the far wall to find the WHITE M-PHONE.
Cosmo Memory Basement Key Odin Materia
Vincent lies sleeping in a coffin behind a locked door in the basement of the
Shinra Mansion in Nibelheim. The letters lying on the floor in the near-left corner of the foyer mention a safe and contain
four hints regarding the combination. Listed below you'll find each clue followed by a description of its meaning:
1. [The lid of the box with the most oxygen.] Of the four rooms containing
chests, the one filled with plants is likely to be the most oxygen-rich. After you open the chest in the atrium on the second
floor, examine it and you'll find "Right 36" written on the back of the lid.
2. [Behind the Ivory's short of tea and ray.] 'The Ivories' is another
way to refer to a piano and Ti and Re are the names of musical notes, so it's a good bet you're looking for the large room
in the far-left corner of the first floor of the mansion. Examine the area behind the piano in the near-right corner of the
room and you'll find "Left 10" written on the floor.
3. [The creek in the floor near the chair on the second floor... then
to the left five steps, up nine steps, left two steps, and up six steps.] 'The chair on the second floor' refers to the chair
against the near wall in the room with the secret passage to the basement. Follow the instructions and you should end up in
the middle of the hall outside the far-right room. Examine that spot and you'll find "Right 59" written on the floor.
4. The fourth hint is written in invisible ink on the letter itself.
Position the cursor where the fourth hint should be and press [O] and you'll see the last number is Right 97.
With the combination in hand [Right 36-Left 10-Right 59-Right 97], head for
the only safe in the building, located in the far-left room on the second floor. Once you begin cracking the safe, you'll
have 20 seconds to enter the combination. It's much more difficult than it seems. The dial is very touchy and even the slightest
mistake will spoil the attempt. When you succeed, you'll be thrust into battle with Lost Number.
LOST NUMBER: It's important to attack as quickly as possible during this
battle; equip the [Time]-[All] combination. Lost Number is a strong beast with powerful attacks, both physical and magical.
Fortunately, it's vulnerable to Paralysis and Stop. Begin the battle by summoning Choco/Mog or use Aeris' Seal Evil Limit
Break as soon as it becomes available. Cast Haste on your entire party and hammer away with your strongest attacks. Once you've
caused significant damage, one half of the creature will die and the other half will take over. If the last hit before Lost
Number's transformation is a magic attack, the left side will survive and have a very high resistance to magic. If the last
hit is physical, the right side will survive and have a very high resistance to physical attacks. Use Choco/Mog or Seal Evil
again and exploit the mutant form's particular weakness. [COSMO MEMORY] With the safe open, examine it and you'll find the
BASEMENT KEY. Pick up the ODIN MATERIA and head for the basement. Just outside the library, you'll find Vincent's chamber.
Open the door and examine the coffin in the center of the room to speak with him. Talk to him about Sephiroth and he'll return
to the coffin. Talk to him a second time then leave the room. On your way out of the basement, Vincent will stop you and join
your party.
WUTAI: Materia Hunter
Magic Shuriken Hairpin MP Absorb Materia Swift Bolt Elixir Peace
If you've completed the Yuffie Kisaragi Optional Quest and she's in your party
when the Tiny Bronco splashes down during your flight from Rocket Town, she'll make a suspicious suggestion to head west.
If she's said enough to pique your curiosity and you're interested in picking up an unbelievable number of valuable items,
travel to the world's west-most island and disembark at its southern tip. Before you venture north into the mountains, consider
taking the time to explore the area. Track down a Razor Weed and learn its MAGIC HAMMER Enemy Skill. Comb the beach and fight
a few Adamantaimai to learn the DEATH FORCE Enemy Skill and steal a supply of ADAMAN BANGLES (you'll need them very soon).
When you're ready, begin the hike north.
Shortly after the start of your trek, Yuffie will stop you and caution you of
the dangers ahead. Before you can get to the bottom of her unusual behavior, you'll be accosted by Shinra soldiers. During
the battle, you'll be inexplicably limited to using normal attacks and items. After you defeat the Attack Squad, you'll discover
the reason: Yuffie has stolen all your Materia! You'll have little choice but to proceed north without it and hunt her down.
Before leaving the Wilderness, take the time to re-equip your party. As Materia slots and growth rates will be irrelevant
for the time being, equip your strongest weapons, don your set of Adaman Bangles, and get to Wutai on the opposite side of
the mountains as fast as you can.
When you arrive in Wutai, you'll catch a fleeting glimpse of the traitorous
pickpocket before she vanishes. Talk to the person wandering near the path in the far-left corner of town and you'll be told
to seek Lord Godo. Proceed to the next area and enter Lord Godo's house on the right. Use the guestroom to rest for free,
draw the curtain in the near-left corner, and open the chest at the opposite end of the secret passage to find the MAGIC SHURIKEN.
Take the hallway to the right, enter the near room, and examine the wall in the near-left corner. Open the chest at the opposite
end of the secret passage to find the HAIRPIN. Enter the far room and talk to Lord Godo until Yuffie shows up. After she runs
off, return to the town and head for Turtle's Paradise in the near-left corner (refer to the Turtle's Paradise Optional Quest
for further details about activities related to this fine drinking establishment). Talk to the Turks, go outside, and enter
the Item Store in the far-left corner. As soon as you open the chest and hold aloft the MP ABSORB MATERIA, Yuffie will appear
and snatch it away from you. Go to the Old Man's House in the near-right corner of town and pull back the dressing screen
to send the little hooligan scampering again. Find the quivering jar outside Turtle's Paradise and pound on it until Yuffie
pops out, captured at last, and leads you to her house to return the Materia. Follow her into the next room and pull the lever
on the far side of the room. Pull the lever again to release your teammates and head for the area outside Lord Godo's house.
Pass through the gate on the left and strike the gong to reveal a hidden door. Enter and you'll discover Yuffie and Elena
have been captured by Don Corneo. Open the chest on the right to find a SWIFT BOLT and the chest on the left to find an ELIXIR
and chase Corneo up the stairs. Defeat the Attack Squad, go outside and talk to Reno, and head for the Da-chao Statue located
down the path in the far-right corner of town. Take the path that leads over the center figure's left shoulder and cross to
the left behind its head. Take the near path to find Corneo and his captives, and defeat Rapps.
RAPPS: Rapps is a formidable
opponent. It can use strong physical attacks and Aero3, an extremely potent magic attack that can cause upwards of 1500 points
of damage to any single party member. Consider choosing the two characters with the most HP to join Cloud during this battle
and begin with everyone at full-strength. Equip their strongest weapons and armor with the highest Magic def. Equip the Fury
Ring on your strongest team member (most likely Cloud), in effect dedicating that person to attacking full-time. The primary
responsibility of the others will be counteracting Rapps' attacks with curative items. Each time you're hit with Aero3, respond
with an X-Potion (or a Phoenix Down + X-Potion one-two if the situation calls for it) immediately. However, it's a good idea
to completely fill the Limit gauge of one if not both 'healers' before the fight begins to give them a chance to lop off a
healthy chunk of HP if they get the chance. Use one Limit Break at a time. WAIT until the first character is ready to take
over medic duty before unleashing the second Limit Break. If you're willing to risk it, use any subsequent spare moments to
hurl strong attack items at the enemy. [PEACE RING]
After the battle, Yuffie will hand over the Materia and re-join the party. But
before you return to whatever mode of transport brought you to the island, consider heading back into Wutai for a second helping
of Optional Quest loveliness. Proceed to the Pagoda of the Five Mighty Gods Optional Quest...
WUTAI: Turtle's Paradise
Power Source Guard Source Magic Source Mind Source Speed Source Luck
Source Megalixir
Turtle's Paradise, Wutai's world-famous pub, is having a publicity flyer campaign.
The owner is offering a prize to anyone who can find and read all six flyers posted in various locations all over the world.
Listed below you'll find each numbered flyer and a detailed description of where it's located.
Turtles Paradise News No. 1 [Midgar Sector 5 Slum]: Enter the house
in the near-right corner of town and go upstairs to the boy's room. You'll find it posted on the wall to the left of the dresser.
Turtle's Paradise Newsletter No. 2 [Shinra Bldg 1f Lobby]: You'll
find it posted on the right side of the notice board in the far-right corner of the lobby. You MUST read this flyer during
one of your two visits to Shinra Headquarters.
Turtle's Paradise No. 3 [Gold Saucer Ghost Hotel]: You'll find it
posted on the wall to the left of the entrance to the Item Store.
Turtle Paradise Newsletter Number 4 [Cosmo Canyon]: You'll find it
posted between the staircase and the Weapon Shop.
Turtle's Paradise No. 5 [Cosmo Canyon]: Go to Pub Starlet and take
the stairs to reach the front desk for the Shildra Inn. You'll find it posted on the wall.
Turtle's Paradise No. 6 [Wutai (Yuffie's House)]: Go to the basement
of Yuffie's House. You'll find it posted on the wall outside the training hall.
Once you've read all six flyers, return to Turtle's Paradise in Wutai and talk
to the owner behind the bar. He'll congratulate you with a POWER SOURCE, a GUARD SOURCE, a MAGIC SOURCE, a MIND SOURCE, a
WUTAI: Pagoda of the Five Mighty Gods
HP Absorb Materia X-Potion Turbo Ether Ice Ring Elixir All Creation Leviathan
Materia On the distant side of Wutai, at the far end of the path outside Godo's House, stands the Pagoda of the Five Mighty
Gods. It's a rite of passage for local warriors who wish to prove their battle prowess to climb the Pagoda and challenge the
Gods of Power, Speed, Magic, War, and Omni in a series of one-on-one duels. Return to Wutai after completing the Wutai Materia
Hunter Optional Quest and Yuffie will be allowed to take the test*. Make sure she's in your party and properly prepared to
fight on her own, then head for the Pagoda and talk to the master of each floor to initiate combat. [*NOTE: You'll now be
able to climb the stairs in the Cat's House (located just below Yuffie's House) and open the chest at the near end of the
second floor hallway to find an HP ABSORB MATERIA. You'll also have the opportunity to patronize the Weapon Store (between
the Old Man's House and Turtle's Paradise) and purchase the MURASAME @ 6500 Gil, the DIAMOND KNUCKLE @ 5800 Gil, the CHAINSAW
@ 6300 Gil, the AURORA ROD @ 5800 Gil, the GOLD BARRETTE @ 6000 Gil, the SLASH LANCE @ 6500 Gil, the BLUE M-PHONE @ 5500 Gil
and the SHORTBARREL @ 6400 Gil. At the very least, consider purchasing the RAZOR RING @ 6000 Gil for Yuffie.] All five Gods
have the same status vulnerabilities and therefore can be approached with a more-or-less universal preparation and battle
strategy. The Gods are weak against Slow and Stop; equip [Time]-[Added Effect] in Yuffie's weapon. Since frozen opponents
cannot evade D.blow, you may wish to equip the Deathblow Materia. Equip at least one Counter Attack Materia and an Enemy Skill
Materia with Magic Hammer, White Wind and Big Guard (one without Trine if you intend to take advantage of Godo's ability to
use it). The Gods are also weak against Poison status, consider equipping Poison Materia. Fill any remaining slots with Plus
Begin each battle with the Big Guard Enemy Skill to endow yourself with Haste,
Barrier and MBarrier; then follow up by completely siphoning your opponent's MP with Magic Hammer. In the meantime, any attacks
against you will have a good chance of eliciting a counter attack that can cause Slow and, with luck, Stop. Poison your opponent
by casting Bio if you feel it's necessary and maintain your HP with White Wind or X-Potions (what a pleasant coincidence the
Bizarre Bugs in Wutai so readily drop them). If all goes well, you'll be facing a paralyzed sluggish adversary with steadily
waning HP as you turn to physical attacks for the remainder of the fight.
GORKII: Gorkii can cast Demi2;
you may wish to supplement your preparation with the [Gravity]-[Elemental] defensive combination. He also has the ability
to cast Reflect on himself. Should this happen, skip the MP-draining step and proceed directly to physical attacks. [X-POTION]
SHAKE: The first four Gods
have an additional weakness against Paralysis. You may wish to chuck a handful of Dazers at Shake for the sure-fire freeze
if his attacks start to get the better of you. [TURBO ETHER]
CHEKHOV: Chekhov will take
copious advantage of her ability to cause Paralysis unless you equip the Jem Ring before confronting her on the third floor.
Without the effects of Stare Down, she won't have a prayer against you. [ICE RING]
STANIV: Staniv's War Cry can
cause Sadness; equip the Peace Ring if you don't have any Hyper to cure yourself before the battle with Godo. [ELIXIR]
GODO: Godo is the only God
that puts up a respectable fight. It has three faces, each with a distinct fighting style and set of skills. The red face
can use the Trine Enemy Skill and wields the Beast Sword, capable of doing a decent amount damage. The white face can cast
Bio2, Demi3, and magic that severely drains your HP. The yellow face can cast Sleepel and Cure2 (most likely, it can do so
often enough to comfortably keep pace with the damage you incur). To prepare, outfit your armor to protect you from whichever
element you feel threatens you the most (probably Gravity) and equip the Headband to stay awake at the wheel. Godo has A LOT
of MP. The MP disposal phase of this battle will take a fair amount of time and require great discipline (but in the end it'll
prove well worth the effort). You'll probably want to maintain a Big Guard (to replace exhausted barriers), White Wind (to
restore HP or cure Poison) or X-Potion, Magic Hammer, rinse, repeat cycle. Use Limit Breaks at convenient moments whenever
they become available as your Limit gauge should fill repeatedly throughout the battle. When all your hard work is done, Godo
should be Slowed and incapable of anything but the Beast Sword, which won't be enough to stop you. When you win, you'll receive
Yuffie's Level 4 Limit Break. [ALL CREATION]
When you pass the test, Godo will give you the LEVIATHAN MATERIA and share a
private father-daughter Kodak moment with Yuffie.
WUTAI: Da-chao Statue Fire Cavern
Dragoon Lance Steal as well Materia Oritsuru
Once you've been to the Underwater Reactor in Junon and taken the Leviathan
Scales from the submarine dock, you'll be able to access a new area in Wutai where you'll find even more wonderful items.
Head for the Da-chao Statue and take the path that leads over the center figure's left shoulder and left behind its head.
A short distance up the far path and you'll see the entrance to the Fire Cavern. Go inside and open the first chest to find
the DRAGOON LANCE (NOTE: You may have grabbed this weapon the very first time you visit the Da-chao Statue, but it's listed
here for organizational purposes).
Deeper inside the cave, you'll see supernatural flames billowing out of the
rock. If you'd inadvertently gotten too close to them in the past, their intense heat would've blocked your access to the
rest of the Cavern. With the Leviathan Scales in hand, you'll be able to extinguish the flames and reach two chests containing
Bolt Ring Mythril Gold Armlet Great Gospel Once you've gotten the Buggy from Dio at the Gold Saucer, you'll be able
cross the river in the Junon Area and reach the cave at its northern perimeter. (NOTE: To get the Buggy across the inland
sea, you must drive it into Costa del Sol, head for the port, and stow away aboard the Cargo Ship. When you arrive in Junon,
the Buggy will be waiting for you when you leave the city. To return, drive into Under Junon and call Mr. Dolphin at the Dolphin
Offing to take you back aboard the Cargo Ship.) Inside the cave, you'll find an old man asleep on his bed. When you talk to
him, he'll randomly mumble either the number of battles you've fought, the number of times you've escaped, or something alluding
to the relationship of Huge Materia and Master Materia.
When the last two digits in the number of battles you've fought match, the old man will wake up when you talk to him and
give you an item. If the last two digits are even, he'll give you a BOLT RING. If the last two digits are odd, he'll give
you a piece of MYTHRIL (NOTE: You can get a second piece of Mythril from him if you've already given away the first.)
Once you've gotten the Tiny Bronco from Rocket Town, you'll find the Weapon Seller at his
home in the northeastern part of the Gongaga Area. Talk to him and change the subject and he'll tell you he's been having
trouble getting materials to make weapons. Give him a piece of Mythril and he'll let you open either the large chest near
the door or the safe on the upper floor. Open the chest and you'll find a GOLD ARMLET. Open the safe and you'll find the GREAT
GOSPEL, Aeris' Level 4 Limit Break.
After you've recovered Cloud from the Lifestream near Mideel, you'll find a man who's lost his key standing outside the
gate to Midgar. It's his sneaking suspicion he lost it while he was on an excavation tour. It's a good bet you're familiar
with the place he's talking about. Pilot the Highwind to the Icicle Area and head for Bone Village. Talk to the 'guy in the
tent' and start diggin' for 'Normal treasure'. There are at least three different places the KEY TO SECTOR 5 could be (near
the former location of the Lunar Harp, near the top of the ladder, near the nose of the crashed jet; there are probably more),
so it's a good idea to place all five staff members strategically covering the entire site. Relatively speaking, the margin
for error is much smaller than for the other items. (NOTE: You just have to dig in one of the correct locations, not necessarily
the one the workers are pointing to.)
When you have the Key, return to Midgar and let yourself into the Sector 5 Slum. If you haven't spotted the Turtle's Paradise
publicity flyer in the boy's room yet, no would be a good time to check it out. Make your way to Wall Market and enter the
Item Store. Examine the vending machine that was so hostile toward you during Disc 1 and you'll receive Tifa's best weapon,
the PREMIUM HEART. Visit the Weapon Store and talk to the man who sold you the Batteries and he'll sell you the SNEAK GLOVE
@ 129,000 Gil. If you're undertaking this quest at your earliest opportunity, it's likely you'll find this sum pretty steep.
However, you'll really appreciate this accessory when it comes time to steal those REALLY important items later in the game.
When you have the Key, return to Midgar and let yourself into the Sector 5 Slum. If you haven't spotted the Turtle's
Paradise publicity flyer in the boy's room yet, no would be a good time to check it out. Make your way to Wall Market and
enter the Item Store. Examine the vending machine that was so hostile toward you during Disc 1 and you'll receive Tifa's best
weapon, the PREMIUM HEART. Visit the Weapon Store and talk to the man who sold you the Batteries and he'll sell you the SNEAK
GLOVE @ 129,000 Gil. If you're undertaking this quest at your earliest opportunity, it's likely you'll find this sum pretty
steep. However, you'll really appreciate this accessory when it comes time to steal those REALLY important items later in
the game
Go to Tifa's house and examine the piano in her bedroom. Play the tune from the story Cloud told at the Kalm Inn: [X]-[S]-[T]-[L1/R1
+ T]-[L1/R1 + S]-[X]-[S]-[T]-[R1/L1 + X]-[O]-[X]-[S]-[X] and Tifa will
pick up the sheet music for it. (NOTE: It's the Highwind theme!) Inside, she'll find a letter from Zangan containing FINAL
HEAVEN, her Level 4 Limit Break.
Before you leave, consider visiting the library in the basement of the Shinra Mansion. You'll learn a lot more about the
relationship between Cloud and Zack in a flashback that illuminates the events between the Nibel Reactor incident and Tifa's
discovery of Cloud at the Midgar Sector 7 Train Station. In the far room, you'll also find a series of official Shinra reports
concerning the same events.
Chocobos have been a mainstay of the FINAL FANTASY series from the very early going. In addition to featuring their traditional
function as a mode of transport, "FINAL FANTASY VII" adds the elaborate element of breeding Chocobos with specialized skills
and attributes.
Catching Chocobos
After taking the Highwind from Junon on Disc 2, head for the Chocobo Farm to begin your career as a Chocobo breeder. You'll
find the front paddock empty and a CHOCOBO LURE MATERIA on the near-right corner. Head into the house and talk to Choco Bill.
He'll offer to rent out up to six Chocobo Stables @ 10,000 Gil. He'll also tell you about the Chocobo Sage, a being purported
to know the secret to breeding special Chocobos. Purchase at least four stables and head out to catch some Chocobos. Chocobos
can be found anywhere you see tracks on the World Map. Equip Chocobo Lure Materia (the more the better) and walk around near
the tracks until you encounter a Chocobo in battle. Feed it some greens if you're worried about it running away and defeat
the flanking enemies to capture the Chocobo. Dismount [X] and send the animal back to the stables. When you've sent
four Chocobos to the paddock, you'll have to return to the Chocobo Farm and decide which ones you want to keep. Head for the
barn, talk to Choco Billy, and select 'Moving Chocobos'. Use Billy's appraisal of the Chocobos to help you make your decision,
and move the keepers into the stable [O].
Chocobo Husbandry
If you intend to breed a special Chocobo, you'll want to train your Chocobos at the Chocobo Races. If you want to have
any hope of reaching Class S, you'll have to build up the vital statistics (Speed, Intelligence and Stamina) of your Chocobos
by feeding them greens. Different greens effect different attributes, and more costly greens have a greater effect. Talk to
Billy and select 'Feeding Chocobos' (you should be able to decipher his apparent accent and figure out which greens are which
with little difficulty). When feeding your Chocobo no longer has any effect, you've maxed out its statistics and you're ready
to head for Chocobo Square at the Gold Saucer.
Breeding Special Chocobos
Your first step should be a visit to the Chocobo Sage's House, nestled in a hidden valley west of the entrance to the Corral
Valley Cave in the Icicle Area. Talk to the Chocobo Sage and you'll begin the long and tedious process of drawing out the
details about the special breeds of Chocobo. You'll also want to purchase from him at least one of each of the best greens
(if you're unable or unwilling to use the W-Item cheat, you'll have to drop a small fortune on vegetables if you hope to get
the best breeds of Chocobo). On your way out, talk to his pet Chocobo and you'll receive an ENEMY SKILL MATERIA. Talk to Chole
in the stables and she'll record everything the Sage tells you. You'll learn about the Mountain Chocobo and the River Chocobo,
each with the ability to cross its namesake terrain. To breed these types of Chocobos, you'll need to mate two 'great' Chocobos
(or one 'great' and one 'good' Chocobo) with the Carob Nut. 'Great' Chocobos can be found near the tracks in the Rocket Launch
Pad and Mideel Areas and 'good' Chocobos can be found near the tracks in the Gold Saucer Area. The only way to acquire a Carob
Nut is by stealing one from the vicious Vlakorados in the Icicle Area. When you have an appropriate male and female Chocobo
and you've raced them both to Class S, talk to Choco Billy and select 'Mating Chocobos'. (NOTE: You'll be happy to know sex
isn't determined until you move your Chocobos into the stables. Save your game outside the farm and, if you don't get the
sex of Chocobo you're after, reset and try again.) Select the prospective parents and use the correct nut and you'll have
an excellent chance of breeding a special Chocobo.
The next time you visit the Chocobo Sage, you'll hear about the Mountain-River Chocobo. Race a Mountain and a River Chocobo
(one male, one female) to Class S and mate them using another Carob Nut and you'll have a great chance of breeding a Black
Chocobo. Eventually, you'll learn about the ultimate breed of Chocobo, the Gold Chocobo, which can take you ANYWHERE on the
planet. You'll need to mate a Black Chocobo and a 'wonderful' regular Chocobo (of opposite sexes) using a Zeio Nut. 'Wonderful'
Chocobos can only be found near the tracks in the Icicle Area southwest of Icicle Inn. The only way to acquire a Zeio Nut
is by stealing one from a Goblin, a creature that can be found in the forest on Goblin Island, located northeast of the Chocobo
Farm. You can also learn the GOBLIN PUNCH Enemy Skill from it. With a little luck, when you race the prospective parents to
Class S and mate them, they'll produce a Gold Chocobo.
Supershot ST Spring Gun Clip Slash-All Materia Minerva Band Typoon Materia Apocalypse Elixir
The Ancient Forest is located high on a plateau southeast of Cosmo Canyon and it cannot be reached without the help of
a Mountain Chocobo until after you've defeated Ultimate Weapon. Inside the forest, you'll find an elaborate puzzle filled
with powerful items and Materia. Your task will be to figure out how to use the things that can be found in the forest to
grab the treasure and make your way to the opposite side. The forest is inhabited by a wide variety of creatures. The tiny
jumping insects can be used to draw frogs out of holes in trees or to temporarily close pitcher plants. When a pitcher plant
is closed, Cloud will be able to stand on it until it digests the insect and opens again. Frogs can be used can be used to
close pitcher plants as well; however, as they cannot be digested, the plants will spit them out eventually. If Cloud is standing
on the pitcher plant when this happens, he will be thrown along with the frog. The giant flytraps will snap at Cloud if he
gets to close, damaging your entire party. The only way to safely pass is to pick up a wasp's nest and drop it into the flytrap,
permanently closing its jaws.
Pick up the insects in the first area one by one and gather them near the pitcher plants above the giant flytrap. Pick
up an insect, go to the highest ledge, and release it into the nearby pitcher plant. Quickly grab another insect, return to
the ledge and jump onto the first plant, and release the insect into the second plant. Go back and pick up the third insect
and throw it into the last pitcher plant and you'll be able to cross to the opposite side of the gorge. Approach the flytrap
from the right, gingerly inching your way toward its center, until you can pick up the SUPERSHOT ST. Head right, jump the
gorge, pick up the SPRING GUN CLIP and proceed to the next area. Pick up an insect and use the springy vine to jump to the
high ledge nearby. Stand as far to the right as possible and release the insect into the pitcher plant. Jump to the right
and you'll land safely on the other side of the giant flytrap. Head right, pick up a frog, and go to the ledge between two
pitcher plants. Release the frog into the left plant, jump on top of it, and wait to be thrown to the ledge above. Grab the
wasp's nest, jump down, and throw it into the flytrap on the left. Pick up the SLASH-ALL MATERIA, pick up the frog and return
to the ledge, and release it into the pitcher plant on the right. Wait to be thrown over the huge flytrap on the right and
proceed to the next area.
Put insects into the two pitcher plants and use the springy vine to catapult yourself into the canopy. Head down the tree
trunk to the left and pick up the MINERVA BAND you may have spotted earlier. Return to the canopy and make your way to the
tree to the right. Stand at the end of the broken branch in the foreground and use the vines to jump to the right. Pick up
the bag containing the TYPOON MATERIA and return to the broken branch. Head down the tree trunk and make your way to the right
along the vine to return to the forest floor. Pick up an insect and release it into the right-most pitcher plant. Jump to
the ledge above and grab the wasp's nest, jump down, and throw the nest into the giant flytrap. Pick up the other insect,
release it into the pitcher plant left of the flytrap, and jump to opposite side of the gorge. Head to the left and grab an
insect, release it in front of the hole in the nearby tree, and grab the frog when it jumps out. Head right and throw the
frog into the pitcher plant and wait for it and you to be spit to the right. Pick up the frog again and put it in the right-most
pitcher plant. Wait to be thrown over the gorge to the right and proceed to the next area.
Open the two chests to find the APOCALYPSE and an ELIXIR and exit the cave at the far end to leave the Ancient Forest.
HP<->MP Materia Mime Materia Quadra Magic Materia Knights of Round Materia
As you explore the world, you're likely to spot four mysterious caves in remote locations impossible to reach by ordinary
means. You won't be able to reach the Materia Caves without the help of the special breeds of Chocobo.
North Corel Area Materia Cave This cave is directly north of North Corel and it can only
be reached on the back of a River Chocobo. Ride the Chocobo into the Highwind, fly to grassy field near the Corel Area entrance
to Mt. Corel, and ride the Chocobo across the shallow river. Enter the cave and touch the glowing crystal to receive the HP<->MP
Wutai Area Materia Cave This cave is located at the end of a narrow peninsula in the
middle of the Wutai Area's east coast and can only be reached on the back of a Mountain Chocobo. Set down in the Wutai Area
and ride the Chocobo over the mountains to reach the cave. Examine the crystal to find the MIME MATERIA.
Mideel Area Materia Cave
This cave is located at the
northern tip of the smallest of the Mideel Area's three talons and can only be reach on the back of a River Chocobo. Land
the Highwind in the Mideel Area and use the shallows to reach the cave. Examine the glowing crystal inside and you'll receive
Round Island Materia Cave This is the most remote of the Materia Caves and it's located
on a tiny island that doesn't appear on any map and can only be reached on the back of a Gold Chocobo. Ride the Chocobo toward
the northeast corner of the map and dismount outside the cave. Enter the cave and touch the throbbing crystal to receive the
Heaven's Cloud Megalixir Escort Guard Conformer Double Cut Materia Touph Ring Ziedrich Megalixir Spirit
Lance Hades Materia Outsider Highwind
The Gelnika, a plane that crashed while transporting Shinra's best and most highly-classified weapons, lies entombed at
the bottom of the inland sea. Once you've acquired a Shinra Sub, you'll be able to dock with the wreckage and plunder its
secret cache. Take the Sub west from the submarine dock at Junon to the southern tip of the natural bay between the Gold Saucer
and Costa del Sol, dive to the ocean floor, and examine the plane to go aboard. Open the chest at the left end of the first
hallway to find the HEAVEN'S CLOUD. Take the far door to enter the Research Room, head for the far-right end of the catwalk,
and open the chest to find a MEGALIXIR. Open the chest at the top of the stairs to find and ESCORT GUARD and head for the
lower level. Open the chest obscured by the pipes in the far-left corner to find the CONFORMER, Yuffie's best weapon, and
pick up the DOUBLE CUT MATERIA in the far-right corner. Return to the hallway and head left. If you undertake this quest before
parachuting into Midgar to stop Hojo from firing the Sister Ray, you'll encounter the Turks.
RENO & RUDE: Equip yourself to absorb Fire, Ice and Lightning attacks
(Tetra Elemental, Minerva Band with [Lightning]-[Elemental], etc.) and to protect against Confusion (Ribbon or [Mystify]-[Added
Effect], especially on someone equipped with Slash-All or Double Cut) and you should be well protected against the Turks.
Equip Steal Materia and consider equipping the Sneak Glove (if you have it) to help you snare the TOUPH RING from Reno and
the ZIEDRICH from Rude. Begin with Big Guard and Regen on your party, then mug your opponents. When you have everything you
need, unload on the Turks to boot them off the plane. Take the far door to reach the Cargo Room and open the chest to find
a MEGALIXIR. Open the chest in the far right corner of the upper walkway to find the SPIRIT LANCE and head for the lower level.
Grab the HADES MATERIA near the helicopter and open the two chests on the near side of the hold to find the OUTSIDER and the
HIGHWIND, Cid's Level 4 Limit Break.
In the very center of the western continent, a waterfall pours itself into a circular lake completely surrounded by mountains.
Unless you have a Mountain Chocobo, the only way to reach this sanctuary is by submarine. Once you've acquired the Shinra
Sub, take it northwest from the dock at Junon to where the river between the Corel and North Corel Areas empties into the
inland sea. Dive and head south to the end of the long tunnel. Surface and dock at the rocky ledge on the western shore of
the lake.
Visit the Waterfall Cave with Vincent in your party during Disc 2 and you'll meet Lucrecia; formerly a Shinra scientist,
Vincent's beloved and the natural mother of Sephiroth. You'll learn about the love triangle between Vincent, Lucrecia and
Hojo; and the circumstances which led to the experimentation on and genetic alteration of Vincent. Return to this location
with Vincent in your party during Disc 3 and you find the DEATH PENALTY, Vincent's best weapon, and CHAOS, Vincent's Level
4 Limit Break.
After you face Diamond Weapon on the coast north of Midgar, you'll find Ultimate Weapon in a sulking hover over the lake
in the Junon Area. Even though it seems to have no interest in attacking you (or anyone for that matter), go ahead and ram
it with the Highwind to initiate combat. In addition to its previous repertoire of attacks, it can also use an unnamed Lightning-based
attack. For near-complete protection, equip the Tetra Elemental to absorb Lightning and Earth and the [non-elemental Materia]-[Elemental]
defensive combination to absorb the effects of the Ultima Beam. As it did during your previous encounter, Ultimate Weapon
will fly off after only a few rounds. When this happens, you'll have to chase it across the World Map and ram it repeatedly
until it settles on a new destination (you'll know you've sufficiently bashed it when it stops trying to evade you and makes
a bee-line for its next target). If you're lucky, you'll catch a glimpse of its course as it flees. If not, know that it could
be cruising around almost ANYWHERE in the world (and at times it may seem as though it's deliberately hiding from you). When
Ultimate Weapon comes to rest at last, ram it one more time to re-initiate combat. You'll have to act quickly if you want
to steal from it (either a CIRCLET or a REFLECT RING, depending on your location). Consider equipping [Steal]-[Sneak Attack]
and the Sneak Glove on your designated pickpocket to take care of business before the fight gets underway. Begin each battle
with Big Guard, then turn to your best attacks to whittle away at its HP. When you've caused a critical amount of damage and
Ultimate Weapon wearies of the pressures of conflict, it will head for its place of final repose, the plateaus east of Cosmo
Canyon. When you deliver the fatal blow, Ultimate Weapon will use the SHADOW FLARE Enemy Skill against its slayer, you'll
receive Cloud's best weapon, the ULTIMA WEAPON, and the beast will come crashing down to the earth below, altering the landscape
to allow you on-foot access to the Ancient Forest nearby.
After you lay Ultimate Weapon to rest, Ruby Weapon can be found with its head poking out of the sand somewhere in the desert
surrounding the Gold Saucer. You'll have to ram it in the melon with the Highwind to make it jump out of the sand and engage
you in combat. But before you do, make sure you've made the necessary preparations. Ruby Weapon seems extremely resistant
to physical attacks, so you'll need to plan a primarily magical assault. Ruby Weapon's Achilles' heel is its weakness against
Paralysis. You'll want to gather a healthy supply of at least 30 Dazers (if you don't have one or you're unwilling to use
the W-Item cheat, the best way to get them is by mugging, morphing or defeating Boundfats in the Corral Valley) and put them
at the top of your inventory. If you have Knights of Round or Master Summon, you'll be able to use an attack pattern similar
to the one described for Emerald Weapon. If you haven't the patience or the passion for breeding a Gold Chocobo, you'll have
to find another way. A powerful option (and thankfully one that takes a very short time to execute) is the highly-underrated
???? Enemy Skill. It always delivers damage equal to the difference between the users MaxHP and current HP. If you don't have
it on at least two Enemy Skill Materia, head for the Shinra Mansion and stand motionless in front of some Jerseys on the second
floor until you learn it.
The first thing you should know about the actual battle is that Ruby Weapon will be completely invulnerable until it sinks
its claws into the sand and its Tentacles appear behind your party. Before it does so, it's extremely like to use its Whirlsand
attack to eliminate one, probably two of your allies from the fight. To avoid this unsavory situation, nominate a point man
and start the battle with the other two party members knocked out. This will prompt Ruby to bury its claws immediately. Ruby
Weapon has a wide variety of very strong attacks in its arsenal; one of which is Fire-based, others can cause negative status.
It's a very good idea to equip yourself to absorb Fire and resist status effects (i.e. the Ribbon). Equip the Enemy Skill
Materia with ???? on the unconscious individuals and boost their MaxHP to 9999 by equipping HP Plus Materia. Equip your point
man with Time or a third Enemy Skill (with Big Guard) and consider equipping at least one Counter Attack Materia and [Time
or Hades]-[Added Effect] in his/her weapon on the off chance of inflicting Slow. You may also wish to add [Phoenix]-[Final
Attack] for the sake of safety. Fill any remaining slots with Plus Materia and you're ready to start the fight. Ruby will
open by burying its claws. Hit it with Dazers, cast Haste, and play it safe by waiting with a full ATB gauge until Ruby recovers.
Hit it with another Dazers and use a Phoenix Down to revive one of your fallen allies. Wait with a third Dazers at the
ready and skip to the ally who was resurrected first to use another Phoenix Down on the remaining party member. Throw the
third Dazers and use Big Guard to endow the rest of the party with Haste. At last it's time to begin the attack. Use the point
man to keep watch on Ruby Weapon while the others unload a relentless string of ????. They should both be in critical condition
and the attack should be quite effective. In between Dazers attacks, have the point man summon Hades or use normal attacks
to try to slow Ruby down (it's best to make only one attempt between shots of Dazers). There's a good chance your vigil will
slip at some point and Ruby will get the chance to attack. If it knocks out one of your attackers, simply paralyze Ruby and
use another Phoenix Down. On the other hand, you may wish to turn the situation to your advantage. If the Ruby Flame heals
one of your attackers enough to reduce the effectiveness of ????, you may wish to deliberately elicit a counterattack against
that character as it can rob that person of the majority (but only a percentage) of their HP. With persistence, your attack
should previal.
Defeat Ruby Weapon and you'll receive the DESERT ROSE. Take it to the Mourner of Kalm and he'll trade a GOLD CHOCOBO for
Earth Harp Master Magic Materia Master Command Materia Master Summon Materia
You may spot Emerald Weapon swimming around the inland sea after you acquire the Shinra Sub, but you'll want to avoid it
at all costs until you're properly prepared to fight it. Select three characters with strong multiple-strike Limit Breaks
(i.e. Cloud = Omnislash, Cid = Highwind, Barret = Ungarmax, etc.) to be in your attack party and equip their best weapons
(if you don't have them, consider getting them). It'll help you greatly if your party members are at relatively high Levels,
at least 60 or so. Equip your best armor; such as the Mystile, the Aegis Armlet, or the Ziedrich; and plan your attack.
Emerald Weapon is extremely fast and incredibly powerful.
In addition to its repertoire of devastating attacks, it has four Eyes that, when open, can attack repeatedly and drain
about 1/2 your HP or MP with EACH hit.
Emerald's signature skill and the attack that should have the greatest bearing on your preparation is Aire Tam Storm, which
deals 1111 points of damage for every Materia orb equipped. On top of all that, you'll have to face a 20-minute time limit
unless you have the Underwater Materia equipped. If you haven't done so already, your first order of business should be getting
it from the Mourner of Kalm (see the Underwater Reactor episode for details). Prepare your defense by equipping HP Plus and
MP Plus Materia to boost those statistics to the maximum and equip [Phoenix]-[Final Attack (mastered)] to rescue you in case
your entire party gets wiped out (which is almost a given).
The cornerstone of your attack will be [Knights of Round (Level 2 or higher) or Master Summon]-[MP Turbo], W-Summon and
Magic Plus Materia (mastered) equipped on the character with the highest natural Magic statistic.
Equip [Mime]-[Counter (mastered)] and another Magic Plus Materia (if you have one) on the character with the next highest
natural Magic statistic. Equip an identical set-up on the remaining character if you can manage it and, if you're extremely
well-outfitted, you'll want to add a third Mime (or a Master Magic) Materia to the first character's set-up. Consider giving
everyone an Enemy Skill Materia with Big Guard (and Angel Whisper if possible) and fill your remaining slots with Speed Plus
Materia, Mega All Materia or anything else you want to acquire the vast amount of AP you'll get from defeating Emerald Weapon.
You may want to limit yourself to eight Materia orbs for each party member to keep Aire Tam Storm from becoming an automatic
instant death for your entire party, especially if your Final Attack Materia isn't quite mastered yet.
Also, if you're using weapons with no Materia growth, make sure you arrange your Materia so those most in need of AP are
in your armor. Last but not least, consider heading into battle with everyone's Limit Break full. When you're ready to fight,
jump in the Shinra Sub and ram Emerald to initiate combat. Your very first move should be to use Big Guard to endow the party
with Haste and set up both Barriers. Already, Emerald Weapon will probably have clobbered someone; use an X-Potion for your
next move. If your Limit Break is available, now is the time to use it (if not, or if you want to avoid the hassle, skip directly
to the Knights of Round phase of the attack). For as long as you can sustain it, skip the other characters and mimic the Limit
Break. You should be able to Mime at least once (more if you successfully counter attack with it). Break off as soon as anyone
else with a full Limit gauge nears death, as you'll lose it if that person gets knocked out. When you've exhausted your Limit
Breaks, make sure the character with Knights of Round has at least 510 MP and use W-Summon to attack with Ultimate End twice
in a row. With MP Turbo and Magic Plus, each hit should cause close to 9999 points of damage to Emerald (and the Eyes if they're
open). Use Mime for your next move and you'll copy BOTH summons at no MP cost.
What's more, you'll also copy the MP Turbo boost. You should be able to Mime the double-summoned fully-boosted Knights
of Round a few times without the need to recover (again, even more if you manage to counter attack with it). Your allies'
ATB gauges should completely fill in the interim between the two summons.
Play it safe and keep at least one character at the ready for medic duty at all times. If your string of mimed Knights
comes to an end (due to a need to administer first aid or a surprise kill resulting in the Phoenix Final Attack) and Emerald
is still standing, use a Megalixir (or something less dramatic if you can get away with it) and start the whole process again.
If two per battle is your limit for Knights of Round, you'll have to move onto something else (fear not, Emerald should be
near the end). If you've kept everyone alive, there's a good chance someone's Limit gauge will be full. In that case, revisit
the Limit Break Miming strategy outlined above. If not and the Eyes are open, skip to a character with the Mega All Materia
and use Slash All in an effort to destroy them all at once. Mime the Slash All if the others don't have the innate ability.
If you simply cannot defeat Emerald Weapon at this time, try again when your Knights of Round Materia is at a higher level.
Defeat Emerald Weapon and you'll receive the EARTH HARP. Take it to the Mourner of Kalm and he'll trade a MASTER MAGIC