Chaos was threatening to destroy the world of Fa'Diel.
However, with the power of Mana at the God's disposal, Fa'Diel was eventually healed. With the slate wiped clean, the world
was ready to start again. You are a young man or a young women (your choice) and your on a magical quest to rebuild the world
of Fa'Diel. You will encounter lots of magical creatures such as a talking Cactus, a talking Rabbit and you will explore magical
lands such as the Underworld, the Jungle, Ancient Ruins, Deserts and also even a Bone Fortress. What will this magical adventure
hold for our hero, only time will be able to tell.
Legend of Mana Walkthrough/FAQ (North American version) v. 1.7 By Fred Delles
my website, "The Cool Nut Archives" at either of the following URLs: or
latest edition of this FAQ is under this URL. Or, check GameFAQs at:, under "Legend of Mana".
viewed under Wordpad under Windows 95/98
This is my SECOND FAQ (and my first console one) that I've ever done,
so, well, bear with me as I fire off! This FAQ is also unofficial, so do not harass Square or Electronic Arts about
it if there's a problem.
Contents: - Previous Updates - Quick FAQs (Updated) - Walkthrough (the order
I played 'em in): - The Start - Niccolo's Business Unusual
- The Wisdom of Gaeus - The Mana Orchards - The Lost Princess
- The Little Sorcerers - The Gorgon Eye - Monster Corral
- Faerie's Light - Huntin Du'Cate - The Flame of Hope -
The Murmuring Forest - Seeing Double - Reach for the Stars
- Summer Lovin' - Diddle's Letter - Niccolo's Business Unusual: Part 2
- The Infernal Doll - Professor Bomb's Lab - The Looking-Glass Tower
- Teatime of Danger - Can't Look Back - Drowned Dreams -
Daddy's Broom - Enchanted Instruments 101 - Gilbert: School Amour
- Golem Go Make 'Em - Li'l Cactus - Mine Your Own Business
- Where's Putty? - Watts Drops the Hammer - S.S. Buccaneer Sub-Quests:
- The Treasure Map - The Quiet Sea
- The Nordic Snowfield - Two Torches - The Blessed Elixir
- Cosmo - In Search of Faeries - Niccolo's Business Unusual: Part 3
- Niccolo's Business Unusual: Part 4 - Niccolo Calls it Quits? - Pokhiel: Dream
Teller - The Path of the Blacksmith - The Fallen Emperor
- Star-Crossed Lovers - Heaven's Gate - The Guardian of Winds
- The Field Trip - The Ghost of Nemesis - The Dragon Princess
- Diddle Had It! - The Crimson Dragon - The Cage of Dreams
- Catchin' Lilipeas - Two Pearls - Alexandrite - Fluorite
- Teardrop Crystal - The Seven Wisdoms - A Siren's Song
- Gilbert: Resume for Love - Dlddle Kidnapped? (NEW!) - Rachel (NEW!)
- Buried Treasure (NEW!) - Gilbert: Love is Blind (NEW!) (???) - The Wimpy Thugling
(NEW!) (???) - Pee-Wee Birdie (NEW!) (???) - The FINAL Quest - Legend of Mana!
- "Clear" Save (NEW!) - Weapon Types - Artifacts/Locations - Some Unanswered Questions - Top "Legend of Mana"
Quotes - Top Ten Signs You Know You Play Too Much Legend of Mana - The Song of Mana - Copyright Information
"???" after each section in the Walkthrough denotes that I was unable to complete that mission.
-----------------+ Previous
Updates | -----------------+
(The most recent update is on the bottom.)
Version 1.0 (6/13/00) "Forsake
the lake to see the sea. See?" Part of the walkthrough! Now to get the other quests, and in-game mechanics in, from
weapons to items. Someone help out? The walkthrough is a tad vague, but I'll give in more specifics as I play through
the game again.
Version 1.1 (6/14/00) "You're not feeling love, it's preliminary petrification!" Another part
of the walkthrough; this covers everything from Summer Lovin' all the way down to "Li'l Cactus". Plus Weapons (strengths
and weaknesses) and Top Ten Quotes of Legend of Mana.
Version 1.2 (6/16/00) "I'm so bloody well bleedin' lonely!
I'm gonna spill!" More walkthrough! I got through both troubled quests, thanks to the dozens of e-mails I got sent within
a couple of days. Plus a lot more. Including an "Unanswered Questions" section. Also fixed a couple of errors (i.e.
it's Kathinja, not Kathrinka. I should have been turned to stone for THAT glaring error 8-) )
Version 1.3 (6/17/00) "Shadoleebeez." Yet
more of the walkthrough. From "Niccolo Calls It Quits?" to the finished "The Mana Wisdoms". Some incomplete at the moment,
Version 1.4 (6/19/00) "We ain't alike, but we're alike." Yup. More of the walkthrough. When I beat the
game, I'll fill in the gaps when I start over again. Less than 10 quests to go! And I already know a couple of 'em,
too. Just need the time. And we got the lyrics to the "Song of Mana" theme! The original theme is in Swedish, and the
English translation is also added. Go to the bottom of this FAQ to view both.
Version 1.5 (6/20/00) "I want a
friend who guards the cactus pot." Finished the Teardrop Crystal quest. Apparently, just ten minutes after comple- ting
Version 1.4, I figured out how to finish the quest by myself. Sorry 'bout that. And added "Siren's Song", too. I was
too busy today to do anything else, but on Wednesday (6/21/00), I might take a crack at beating the game (finally!) Also
added "Top Ten Signs You Know You Play Too Much Legend of Mana" at the end. Just for a bit of humor that we all might need.
Version 1.6 (6/21/00) "A big big big big snake snake snake!" Okay, I finally beat the game! Pretty decent
ending, too. Walkthrough for the "Legend of Mana" quest is up. Also tossed in "Gilbert: Resume for Love" for good measure.
If my calculations are correct, there are six more Cactus Diaries to go.
Version 1.7 (6/24/00) "He got hard?" Thanks
to the lots of insiders (er, readers) who e-mailed me, I found out ex- actly what the six remaining quests are. Also, I
was able to get through "Diddle Kidnapped?", "Buried Treasure", and "Rachel". The other three are also posted, but these
are theoretical (i.e. two require specific mana levels to even perform), and was unable to do them myself.
------------+ Quick
FAQs: | ------------+
Q. How do I get the Golden Seed? A. Visit Trent (the talking tree at Home) a bunch of times,
and give him as many seeds as possible. Harvest after every few quests, and repeat. When the produce bin is filled quite
a ways, Trent will give you the Golden Seed arti- fact, something you can use to produce another orchard and even more
Q. About the "Song of Mana" ending theme on the music selection CD: What are the English translation lyrics?
What language is the song in? A. The lyrics to the song are in Swedish. Both Swedish and English versions of the lyrics
are shown in the "Song of Mana" section of this FAQ.
Q. How specifically do I beat the game? A. After lots of quests.
Either complete the world of the Jumi (completing Two Pearls, Alexandrite, Fluorite, and Teardrop Crystal), or the vignettes
of the Faerie World (ending with Star-Crossed Lovers and Heaven's Gate), or Larc's Dragon Quests (from the Fallen Emperor
to the Crimson Dragon). Once you com- plete any ONE of these story arcs (you could do 'em all, if you want to hear about
'em), then go back Home, talk to the Sproutlings, and begin "The Cage of Dreams". After doing this, use the Sword of
Mana on the World Map and climb the Mana Tree in the final subquest, aptly titled "Legend of Mana"!
-----------------------+ Walkthrough:
The Start | -----------------------+
After choosing your main character, name, weapon, and location, you are ready
to begin play after a Mana-and-mailbox motif of some sort, telling the story of the Mana World.
Note: I used
the female character (the male character looks a little too fruity, but the female is quite a hottie), the "Sword" option,
and dead center of the map for this walkthrough. I don't think that it really matters who or where you choose, except
for combat and locations.
After doing so, you wake up in a place called "Home". Yup, there's no place like home.
Lucre (filthy lucre!) is the currency of the world, and you'll find 100 of 'em in a chest downstairs to the left wing.
The right door is to a small study where you can get info on magic, techniques, artifacts, chara- cters, etc. The south
leads you outside.
Once you are outside, talk to the little sprout dude walking on the south- eastern road. Answer
"Yes, I already know", and you'll get the Colorblocks Artifact. There isn't much to do here, so head further southeast
and leave the place.
You're on the World Map. Select the Colorblocks, and place it in a location next to Home.
It will transform into a place called "Domina". Then, travel there. Odd, huh?
You're now in Domina. You'll
run into a mysterious guy just as you enter. Wanting to find out more about him, follow him north to the building. Sudden- ly,
you'll bump into a big rabbit merchant. Get out of his way, then enter the pub.
You'll see that mysterious guy ranting
toward a faerie girl. After an inter- ruption, he'll abruptly leave. Hmmm...
Note: If you want a bit of comic relief,
talk to the Sproutlings over and over.
Go north along the path. You'll meet up with the big rabbit merchant again. His
name is Niccolo. Talk to him, say "No", then "Yes", and then you'll begin the first Legend of Mana episode: "Niccolo's
Business Unusual"!
(Note: Conversely, you can go with the mysterious man from the bar (his name's Elazul), and do
his quest, "The Lost Princess".)
---------------------------+ Niccolo's Business Unusual | ---------------------------+
south, all the way back to the main entrance to the city. Go to the item shop, and go in the right back door inside. You'll
meet Teapo in the house of Mark, and you'll get the Wheel after some talk. I'm a poet and I didn't even know it. 8-)
and put the wheel on an empty spot on the map. Enter the Luon Highway. Just head south and east a few screens, and you'll
run into Gaeus, the Earth Guardian. He'll tell you about a similar Guardian at your Home.
Head back to the Highway.
Take the northernmost route instead. You'll run into a bunch of Chobins demainding money. Taunt them a bit and you'll face
the wrath of the Mantis Ant. (Remember him from Secret of Mana?)
BOSS: Mantis Ant This one isn't too tough.
Just hammer away with fast attacks. Long-range, like the bow and arrows, help a lot here. More or less a walk in the park,
or at least, to me...
Niccolo will give you the artifact Flame after you squash the bug.
Note: Return home
after each quest, and talk to that cactus dude on the second floor. He'll record your journey, and you can look at each
quest and your pro- gress as you go along.
-------------------+ The Wisdom of Gaeus| -------------------+
I was unable to do this quest in my first game, but did it on a separate save (early in the game).
Immediately after
you finish "Niccolo's Business Unusual", go to the inn in Do- mina, and find Daena in one of the rooms. She wants to meet
Gaeus, and asks you to go with her. Accept.
Go to Luon Highway, and take the eastern paths. YOu will meet Gaeus
at the end, and he'll talk to you a bit. Daena will give you the Forbidden Ring, which gives you some defense (and more
EXP for you helpers? I don't know about this, but a couple of e-mails I received said so).
Talk to Gaeus one more
time. He'll tell you about the tree near your house. Head back Home and start "The Mana Orchards" quest.
-----------------+ The
Mana Orchards| -----------------+
You can't do this until you met Gaeus on the Highway (in Niccolo's Business Unusual,
or The Wisdom of Gaeus).
Go back to Home, and explore the area. You'll run into a couple of weeds - just use regular
attacks to take 'em out. You'll wake the tree, and gain the ability to grow things with all those seeds you're gonna find.
When you do grow something (there'll be a shadow under it), toss it in the bin just west of the entrance/exit. Trenty!
An ally (Niccolo, if you didn't finish his subquest yet) will be more helpful in the fight!
------------------+ The
Lost Princess | ------------------+
Go back to the pub, and speak with that faerie girl again. You'll get the Jade
Egg. Leave the city. Place the egg on the map and enter the Mekiv Caverns.
You'll be inside the caverns. (Duh.)
Talk to the pumpkin dude for some battle techniques. You'll encounter a couple of battles (Elazul can take 'em out easily).
Reach the third level of the caverns. A woman will tell you about Pearl, and you'll go rescue her.
BOSS: Du'inke The
second boss is a damn hard-to-beat one if you don't know what you're doing. Your best bet is to stand behind him and strike
when you get the chance, and go postal when he gets dazed.
After an argument, Elazul and Pearl both leave, but
not before Pearl gives you the Stone Eye and Firefly Lamp artifacts.
(Note: The further you put an artifact from
Home, the stronger the enemies are. Be careful.)
IMPORTANT! If your character does get knocked out (and you have
an ally), there will be a green bar slowly rising instead of your health bar. Once this bar reaches its max, you will
be fully healed. However, if both characters are knocked out, the game is over.
--------------------+ The
Little Sorcerers| --------------------+
Note: You can't get this quest until you finish Niccolo's Business Unusual.
home, and go to the second floor. Talk to that cactus on the west wing. Go back downstairs. He'll record your progress.
Then, go outside. A pelican mail carrier will yell about something invading Domina. Head there ASAP!
At Domina,
go west. Go west at the park, then head north on the path between three houses. You'll run into a pumpkin patch and two
young children who have plans for taking over the world. 8-) Walk up to 'em, and you'll start a fight.
and Lisa Two enemies could be quite a threat. Just fight one at a time, and you should get the job done easily. If your
levels are too low, try another quest in- stead, and come back later. They have THREE life bars each! (Green, yellow, and
red). Hitting them with attacks will cancel their spells out.
When you win, they beg to be your apprentice. Agree and
they'll live in your house for a bit. You can take 'em along for the ride, and they'll be of great help in enemy battles.
---------------+ The
Gorgon Eye | ---------------+
Use the Stone Eye on the land, and it will turn into Lake Kilma. Nice.
A brief
trip to Lake Kilma will run you into a bunch of penguin troops. Talk to 'em, and say, "What?" as the password. Doesn't
that just beat all - they'll let you in.
Head west a couple of screens. You'll reach a location where you find that
a group of troops were turned into stone! Great Scott! Go northeast. You'll reach a path where you'll run into a tipped-over
turtle. Help him up, and you'll be able to visit a couple ethnocentric faeries. They'll tell you about the Gorgon Eye,
an item used by faeries to turn living things that look at it into stone. Go southeast, and walk until you see a bunch
of penguin troops and their captain, one of them telling how the other penguins got, well, "stoned"... 8-)
east. You'll find a gold statue of Popoie (the sprite from the Secret of Mana game for the Super Nintendo, remember?).
Save the game there. Head east (and north a bit) until you reach a set of half a dozen or so statues. Go north.
be at a cliff where the faeries toss the penguins down all the way to the bottom. Knowing to complete this quest, you follow
along with them, and so will the old turtle.
The group will all fall to a lower area on a part of Lake Kilma's shore.
The turtle suggests that the penguins all bait out the Gorgon's Eye and that you will fight it. By doing so, you will
prove false the faerie's myth that if the Gorgon's Eye dies, they will die.
BOSS: Gorgon's Eye The best thing
to do with him is to run around and use hit-and-run techniques. If your character is equipped with bow and arrows, this'll
be a cinch, but it might be harder with a sword or axe. Try to get your hits in when it charges, and watch when it does
its teleport skill. Stay low if it glows - it will fire a very deadly laser beam. Use fast attacks, and the Gorgon's Eye
will eventu- ally go down. If you turn to stone, you lose a lot of health, which isn't as bad as, say, losing the game
and having to restart.
Once you turn the Gorgon Eye to stone, you'll get the Medallion artifact for winning.
--------------+ Monster
Corral| --------------+
This ain't hard. Just bait the egg with something the pumpkin guy gives you, and it will
be taken to your Monster Corral back at Home. More info on Monsters will come in a future update.
--------------+ Faeries'
Light| --------------+
With the Firefly Lamp, "create" the town of Lumina. Enter the town.
Go north a few
screens to the lamp shop. After a brief story, a guy (Gilbert) walks in and tries to help sell off the remaining six lamps
of Monique. Follow him out and talk to him outside. You can help him sell off the lamps, either by playing door-to-door
salesman, or by buying them off yourself (Yeah right). Choose to help sell 'em.
The problem? The language. The denizens
of Lumina, the Dudbears, have a very strange language. The only one who can help you at this point is the guy on the
second floor of the tavern (Leave the main area, and go west on the mini- map of Lumina). Learn the language from him.
your job to be easier? Here's the simplest thing to do:
1. Talk to the guy that teaches you the Dub language. Tell
him, "Dub!" so that you understand. 2. Talk to the nearest Dudbear on that floor. Tell him "Dud!" (2nd choice) twice,
then "Dub!" (1st choice), then pick "Dada Dadda" (third choice). You'll sell a lamp. 3. Leave the tavern, and repeat
these steps a couple of times. Yeah, you'll sell all of the lamps to that same guy, but who cares?
Note: If you
screw up (they'll rant "Gak!" if you blow 'em off), just talk to the translator guy on the second floor of the tavern.
This will "reset" the Dubs' feelings toward you.
Go back to Gilbert, outside of the lamp shop. He'll get the money
and run into Monique's shop. Follow him inside. After some talk, follow the two outside. They'll be on the west balcony
next to the lamp shop. Listen to their conver- sation. After a seemingly-calm breakup of the two, follow Monique back inside. She'll
get the seal of approval of her lamps from a couple Dudbears, and you'll get the Trembling Spoon and the Sand Rose artifacts.
---------------+ Huntin'
Du'Cate| ---------------+
Using the Medallion, you'll get the Jungle. Enter it.
Right at the entrance, you'll
meet up with an Elmer Fudd-like guy named Sother- bee, and two hunters. They're here to hunt a ton of game to pay off a
multi- million lucre debt, searching for a rare animal called Du'Cate. Hey, it's that, or go on Regis Philibin's hit
game show. B-)
I haven't the slightest clue how I did this, but you have to find a path to where you find a Zombie
and two Spiny Cones. Fight them, and continue the path. One of the hunters will brag about a secret pathway, and will
soon run off. Take that western path, and you'll run into a strange wizard that will cast a spell on you so you won't
get lost. Go back east and north and you'll find the other hunter. Follow him east and north a bit and you'll run into the
hunters once again. Take the northwestern route. You'll run into someone like the hunter told you.
Note: If you
took Bud along for "The Seven Wisdoms" sub-quest, you'll also find Rosiotti, one of those wisdoms.
You'll find Roane,
who wants you to help him find his sister at the Courtyard of Rain later. Then go back and take the southwestern route.
The faeries will kick you all the way to the beginning. Just head northeast again and you'll run into the thin hunter
(Skippie) again. He wants you to help catch Du'Cate. Accept. Then go north and find the fat hunter (Hamson). Accept, too.
Then go back and talk to Skippie, and keep following him east. Hamson will follow along, too. Keep going east through
Du'Cate territory. Fight through the gauntlet of enemies and you'll run into the Spring of the Beasts (I think that's
the name).
BOSS: Du'Cate Du'Cate is a big friggin' beast. He'll fire down peaches at you and your buddy, dealing
mega-damage. He also fires cherries machine gun-style, too. Hit him just to the left or right of him. He has two and a
half life bars (at least, when I was playing), so be patient when you fight, like always. Bud's attacks will help out
A LOT. Even Lisa instead will help, too. If you are low on health, stay just below and just behind him. This is a semi-safe
Once you defeat Du'Cate, several smaller Du'Cates will take him away. The hunters compromise, and you will
get 500 Lucre from Sotherbee. Refuse it (say "Give to the others"), and he will give you Granz Steel (NOT an artifact).
-----------------+ The
Flame of Hope| -----------------+
The Flame will produce the Gato Grottos. Enter the town you "created", like always.
run into a complaining Sproutling, constantly yelling that his stomach hurts. Follow him by going northeast two screens.
You'll meet him again in the end of the path. But he'll wuss out from a possible operation, and run off scared. Follow
him by leaving, then taking the northwest path to the temple.
You'll find that dang Sproutling again, running around
scared and still com- plaining that his stomach hurts. He'll chicken out AGAIN. Run back to the pathways, and take
the northwest route again, back to the Sproutling's pre- vious spot. They'll try to remove that bug from the Sproutling
again, only to have Rubens (the guy with the spiky red hair) be afraid to help the Sprout- ling, who'll run off.
back to the temple. You'll find... a dead nun. A bulldog-like man by the name of Inspector Boyd will run in right after
you do, and start to search the body. Only, she is alive and well, and Inspector Boyd gets PO'ed about that Sproutling.
Follow him out and head back to the cliff terrace to the north- easternmost side again.
Rubens and a nun will be
there. After Rubens causes some disorderly conduct, there will be a small fight, and he will be knocked out. The monk will
steal the gem of Rubens, angry about how Rubens can't show feelings for anyone. The monk will disappear, and Inspector
Boyd comes too late. D'OH! He will tell that it was Sandra that did it, and runs to pursue her. When you examine Rubens,
he disappears. You'll be back at the temple. Agree to help Boyd out, and go to the Outskirts (go south until you are at
the bottom of the map of the Grottos, then head west)
You'll be in the Pathways of Ascetism. Take the westernmost
cave, then head east once inside. Continue on the path until you're outside, then go west. You should be on the map
of Gato again. Enter the Waterfall, and continue on the path. It's one-way.
You'll meet your good friend Mr. Sproutling
again at the end. You also find the Flame of Hope (Rubens' jewel). And Inspector Boyd tags behind you, too. The nun
morphs into Sandra, and she makes her great escape on a Cancun Bird. Boyd gives you the Ancient Tablet and the Touch of
Coral artifacts for helping out.
--------------------+ The Murmuring Forest| --------------------+
You can't do this quest until you complete "Huntin' Du'Cate" and "The Flame of Hope".
There will be a teleport service
back at the Jungle on the first screen. Use it, and choose the Forested Ruins. Talk to Selkie there, and she'll allow you
to begin the quest.
Go back to the fork and go southwest. The faeries were looking for humans to somehow, be their
queen (oddly enough). The human they found from Irwin is 26 years old, yet, to them, looks old. The last queen died at
28,732. And they think that humans live to be 500. Yeah, I wish.
Suddenly, a mysterious long-haired warrior runs
in and chops down all of the faeries in that area, allowing the nun to escape. He tells that you should leave and avoid
any conflicts with the faeries. Ignore him and go west.
After a couple of battles, you'll run into a green lizard-demon
of some sort. Talk to him a bit and he'll fight.
BOSS: Punkmaster Just pound him. Your helper should help out
a bit, too. Special Techniques deal massive damage, and Iai Strike will knock him back quite a ways. Watch out for his
spin - it will knock you back.
Selkie keeps musing about the conflict between faerie and human, and it looks that
Rosiotti is asleep. And... I guess that's it.
-------------+ Seeing Double| -------------+
Note: You can't do this quest until after you did all of the
following ones above.
IMPORTANT Note: Also I think this quest will not occur until Shade is at level 3 (full
dark sphere) on the World Map on Domina. Use abutting locations to raise it to 3. If you can't... you can't do this sub-quest.
Go to Domina. You'll run into your exact twin of some sort. Twin... WHAT!? I guess it's the imposter
plot, folks. Follow him/her east, going in a counter- clockwise path on the map, walking past the church into the rear
end of town. You'll meet the double again, picking leaves off Sproutlings and making you the scapegoat. I hate it when
it happens.
Go south to the main part od Domina. Talk to the Sproutling, and he'll blow you off. Follow him west
to the park. Talk to the guy with the music box. Nervously, he'll run off and go northwest. You can check, but he's long
Return to the center of Domina, and enter Mark's house to the southwest. The pumpkin dude, Duelle, will be
ranting at Teapo and accusing him of stealing pumpkins. Duelle will take all of Teapo's pumpkins and run off.
you'll see your double again, stealing sap. Follow her west, then north, to the outskirts again. Go to the dead end, and
the double will tell his/her devious plan. Apparently, the double is your dark side. The double will morph into some
kind of little tar-like dude.
BOSS: Shadow Zero-One Remember the Shadow Zero from Seiken Densetsu 2 and 3? (Secret
of Mana 1 and 2)? He's BACK! Just wail on him with strong attacks, and watch for his jump kick. He's a little difficult,
but it should be much easier if Bud is with you.
Back at the house, Mark will tell Teapo about the Shadow Zero and
its crazed ability to morph into evil twins and pull lots of pranks. Teapo ends up complaining and complaining.
-------------------+ Reach
For the Stars| -------------------+
With the Sand Rose, you will get the Duma Desert. Enter. Duh.
At the
start, you see a small band of pugilistic mage-like girls and their leader, Kathinja. She's looking for Mephianse, who
stole a spell book and might be using it for evil. Offer to help.
The trick of this sub-quest is to find who are
the students of Kathinja (ones who tell the truth) and who are the ones sided with Mephianse (ones who always lie).
I just went north and east, though, and at two "road closings", I just plowed my way through.
Eventually, you'll
find your way to Mephinase. Kathinja will come along, and you'll find that Mephinase will use the book and a cannon to
create stars, and control them.
SUB-BOSS: Axebeak (2) The Axebeaks have a LOT of HP, so hit hard. As with all
multiple bosses, take one out at a time. Their offense is weak if you're well-prepared, so this is not a tough fight.
and Kathinja will run back to the cannon... only to see Mephinase fire it. You'll see a mere fireworks show, and Kathinja
will give you the Ishe Platinum. That's all, folks!
-------------+ Summer Lovin'| -------------+
Touch of Coral produces Madora Beach. I don't have to tell you anything more, do I? Though the Touch of Coral can only
be placed next to a lake.
You find David and Valerie talking to one another, David telling her about the life of
a pirate over true love. Angered, Valerie runs east. Follow her.
You'll reach some caves. Go northeast through the
caves a bit. Then take a west path to the Queen's Caves, and go to a T-junction in the west. Here, north- west will
take you to a place with an angered crab (which will tell you how many innocent crabs you killed). Southeast will take
you to a big, ugly boss: the Full Metal Haggar.
BOSS: Full Metal Haggar (don't they mean "Hugger"?) Your safe
bet is, yes again, attack in the back. Special Techniques help a lot, as always, as is an ally and/or a monster pet you
breeded. As it gets injured, it loses its eyes, and gets angrier, doing a "crush" attack that takes a lot of health
In the end, David will apologize to Valerie for being a pirate too long. But, it seems, Valerie wants David
to continue being a pirate and following his dream to see the world. Valerie gives you the Lorant Silver.
My directions in the caves are a little too vague - I got lost for a while and I got out somehow, making it to the boss.
I'll give more specific directions in a future update.
---------------+ Diddle's Letter| ---------------+
Domina, and go to the inn. The monkey (Capella) you saw in the park was there, angered that his friend Diddle has been
taken away by some kind of bird. Hmmm... Follow him outside, and run to the Domina Outskirts to the west. Then Capella
will talk about how Diddle might have been kidnapped, and after putting a stamp on his own noggin, gets bagged by the pelican...
Doesn't that just beat all? Search Domina a bit, and return. The pelican will say that she took Capella all the way
to the Luon Highway. Go there.
Once there, talk to Boink right at the entrance. He'll teleport you to a fork, where
you'll have a reunion with Capella. Read the letter, and then go south and west until you reach a cave.
Diddle will
be there, and Capella will follow not too far behind. The two are reunited. Claim that Capella didn't read the letter,
and return to the start. There, Diddle will be disappointed at Capella for reading the letter and not telling, and will
walk back to the cave. Use Boink for a shortcut, and head west to the cave.
Enter the cave. The Cave of Chobin Hoods
isn't very long - just take the south and west routes. Capella will tell that Diddle's in trouble because of a large monster.
Giga Rex If you didn't level up (fighting Chobin Hoods is a good thing to do), you might be in some serious trouble.
His attacks are short-ranged, but nasty. A helper will be quite useful (er, vital) in thsi fight.
Apparently, Diddle
was not in the cave; he was searching for Capella himself. The two return to Domina after forgiving one another. Diddle
gives you the Gator Skin as thanks.
----------------------------------+ Niccolo's Business Unusual: Part
2| ----------------------------------+
Go to the Gato Grottos. Enter the item shop (just north of the entrance).
You will see Niccolo, and he plans to search for Greenballs to sell for mad money. Join him, then go west straight to
the waterfall. Wait for the faerie to appear, then talk a bit. Niccolo will finish and give you a Greenball Bun and the
Broken Doll artifact. Plus 500 Lucre.
Yes, there are no battles here! 8-)
-----------------+ The Infernal
Doll| -----------------+
The Broken Doll will produce the Junkyard. Enter it. Watch out - this level is a huge
PITA. (Pain in the @$$) 8-) The place is kinda like a stereotype of a five-year-old's closet. Talk to the toy horses,
dolls, and jack-in-the-boxes, and learn their sad fates Take the path that will pass a jack-in-the-box, teddy bear, doll,
another jack-in-the- box, and a rocking horse. You'll reach the Acropolis of Trash. From there, head east in a "hidden"
path to "Louie's Room".
From the mummy doll, you learn more about the war between man and faerie, and the "toys",
and much more. Return to the Acropolis of Trash, and now go south at the teddy bear, and follow a clockwise path, passing
a jack-in-the-box and a doll. You should be at the Acropolis of Trash again.
Now, the north path is knocked out.
Take the northwestern path, and keep on that one-way path to the west, then north a bit and to the east. Keep going until
you reach the end, where you fight a boss.
BOSS: 2 Cursed Dolls, 1 Chess Knight, 1 Polter Box Woo! FOUR enemies
at one time, for once! Just thrash 'em. If the enemies in the Junkyard are no problem, neither are these pieces of junk.
get the Tome of Magic Artifact and the Moon Mirror Artifact for winning. You'll be back at Louie's house. He will tell
you that he's grateful that you destroyed the toys and let them lose, so their souls can rest.
--------------------+ Professor
Bomb's Lab| --------------------+
Head northeast two screens from the start of the Junkyard. You are now in Bomb's
place. That big ball of hair is Professor Bomb, and he created all of the artifact creatures of the Junkyard.
to find Pavlov for Professor Bomb. Go to Lake Kilma and go left. You'll run into a laughing golem. Follow him north. After
passing some garbage, you learn that the golem plans to use the toys to destroy everyone and take over the WORLD! Use
your strongest weapons and skills to quickly dispatch the Golem. Watch out for that laser.
You'll return to Professor
Bomb's Lab. He plans to reprogram the golem. And... I guess that's it.
-----------------------+ The Looking-Glass
Tower| -----------------------+
Using the Moon's Mirror, create, then enter, the Tower of Leires.
At the
start, the clueless Pearl is slowly walking up to the tower. Let her go with you. Note that Pearl has under 100 HP, so
keep an eye on her when fight- ing. (My character had about 250 HP at this point.)
Enter the tower. Go east and
follow the path to the second floor. Go outside and follow the stairs to get to the third floor. Keep going on the straight east/west
paths and keep going outside when a door allows you to. You'll eventually reach the fifth floor this way. Then go south
(west takes you to a Save point), and follow west and continue the path to the eighth floor. Find the double doors south
and a ways a bit. Use the teleporter there and go to the tenth floor. The eleventh floor has the "Door of Fate" that Pearl
was looking for.
Note: Alternate paths lead to treasure chests. I'll add what they contain in a future update.
you find the door, enter it. Don't be scared... Inside, Pearl will ask about her past, but will get knocked back as a reply.
There's a strange guy who turns into the boss.
SUB-BOSS: Iron Centaur This is practically one-on-one; Pearl has
no fighting power of any sort. Watch his jumps and time your movements accordingly. Attack him from the rear end, especially
with a 2-hand sword (I got one after a battle in the tower). If you want my opinion, he's the second real tough boss I
faced (behind Du'Cate). Oddly enough, one Lunging Arc killed the Centaur, even with 1 1/4 of his life bar left.
he is defeated, Elazul will enter. He tries to confort Pearl, but to no avail - Pearl still cannot remember her past. Just
walk outside and take the long trek down, following Elazul.
Want to make your job easier? Fall off the ruined part
of the balcony at the top end of the llth floor. You'll fall to the fifth floor. Just trek down.
At the first floor,
you'll run into the Jewel Thief again. She'll demand Pearl's jewel, and will sic the Jewel Beast after you.
Jewel Beast Just like the Iron Centaur. Hmmm... the Lunging Arc with a 2-handed Sword knocked 50%(!) of his life right
off. If you don't have that luxury, just use the same strategy of fighting the Iron Centaur by hitting in the back. If
you can't, aim for his head instead.
After the battle, the Jewel Thief jumps off, and escapes. Pearl is worried
that if Elazul doesn't get help soon, he might be killed in some way. Before leaving, Pearl gives you the Frozen Heart
-----------------+ Teatime of Danger| -----------------+
The Ancient Tablet produces the
Mindas Ruins. Enter it. Right at the start, you see a concerned Duelle looking around for Teapo, who entered the ruins
looking for leaves and never returned.
Go northwest a bit and you'll find three female Flowerings. Talk to the upper and
lower ones, and they'll change position. Talk to the center one, and she'll "activate" a gate. (Nothing will happen in
your area - she will move a bit and stay in her position when you talk to the center flower).
Then take the eastern
path (which turns westward) a bit until you find some gates. Go west a couple of screens, and you'll find three old Flowerings.
Have one (the top one?) move by talking to him, and then talk to the center one. Return and go northwest. The gate should
be open. (If not, talk to the other Flowering instead, and have the top one return to his position).
You'll enter
some large ruins. Talk to the female Flowering. She should say, "I feel it! I feel it!" and she'll open the center floor
panel for you. Go inside.
You're under the structure. Take the one-way path westward. You'll find Teapo, angered
and scared that no one has come. Talk to Teapo, and she'll be relieved. Then, the boss appears. He'll complain about getting
the lack of dove's blood.
BOSS: Count Dovula Some pun! Try to use Light/Gold spells (with those instruments you
equipped), and use a Power Attack if possible. Watch out for those Shade spells.
After winning, you'll get some
Wendel Silver and be back at the entrance with Duelle and Teapo. Well, that's finally over...
---------------+ Can't
Look Back| ---------------+
The Frozen Heart will produce the Fieg Snowfields. Enter it.
Inside, you will
learn about Faerie treasure. Head west and north several screens, and you'll reach the Field of Innocence (a Save Point
is there). Save if you want, and then take the northeastern route.
You'll reach Mephinase's Camp. Learn more about
this Faerie treasure, and also abotu ice witches. Talk to Mephinase. He'll run off. Follow him back to the Field of
Innocence. Take the southwestern route. Go southeast on the next screen. Then follow the path.
At the end of the
path, there's Mephinase... and an Ice Witch. She tells that Mephinase's brother is alive, but as a beast, and must be slain
for his soul to rest in the underworld. Do what she says and take the path to defeat the beast. Go east and north a
bit until you come to a fork in the road. East takes you to the Field of Altena (Altena from Seiken Densetsu 3). West takes
you to the boss.
BOSS: Du'Mere Like all other bosses, fight him by sneaking up from behind, smacking away. Use
those techniques (one Lunging Arc here also did 60% damage!) when the tech meter is full.
Mephinase will be thankful
after you win. You will also get the Rusty Anchor artifact.
--------------+ Drowned Dreams| --------------+
the Rusty Anchor on the land and you'll get the Polpota Harbor, another town. Enter it, and zoom on over to the Seaside
Inn. Talk to the desk clerk on the right, and he'll tell you about the ghosts in the inn. Accept to help him.
outside, and go to the market on the west section of the map. Talk to the people there. Flameshe, a mermaid, will materialize
on the screen. Talk to her. She'll tell that it was just a prank.
Go northwest to Polpota Bay. Meet up with Thoma,
the knight. Talk to him a bit about the ghost and the ship. Return to the hotel, and talk to the angry fish dude at
the entrance. He'll run off. The fish dude will even rent out a part of the hotel for 50,000 Lucre! Ignore that for now
and head down the stairs (The stairs is obscured by the massive conch shell to the lower right.)
You are at the
harber. Talk to Boyd and give him the news. After some chatting, he'll tell about the Jewel Thief again, and her "blue
eyes". The soldier you saw at the bay looked suspicious - have Boyd check him out.
Go southwest to the restaurant.
You will find Thoma asking about the shipwreck, and he will leave. Follow him outside. Boyd will catch him, and the two
will be in the lounge inside the hotel (the left door).
Inside, Thoma will explain the whole story, telling that
a sea hag sank the ship. The Basket Fish will also show how he became rich: the Blue Jewel. At that point, the Jewel
Thief will run in and steal it from the fish. At that point, the mystery is solved, though the Jewel Thief got away...
will get the Pirate's Hook and the Bottled Spirit Artifacts as thanks from the hotel managers.
-------------+ Daddy's
Broom| -------------+
Note: You cannot do this quest until you find out that L'il Cactus is not in his pot on
the second floor of your house (possibly after "The Infernal Doll").
Go back home. You'll find that Lisa has lost
her broom, and you must go on a search to find it. L'il Cactus will return as you talk to the two. Walk up- stairs and
talk to the cactus dude. He tells that he threw the broom away in the Junkyard. When you come downstairs, Bud will tell
you that Lisa has run away. Help him out, and go to the Junkyard.
Do the junkyard in the same way as "The Infernal
Doll". Go east to the Acropolis of Trash. Go south past the teddy bear, and take a clockwise turn around a couple of
screens, to the east end of the Acropolis again. Go north- west, and take the path east.
Lisa will be there, and
she found her broom... and trouble. Bud will run right in and help. After a talk about their cowardly father (There may
be many heroes of the world, but only one father of Bud and Lisa), you will charge in and fight of a small, but nasty,
BOSS: Gremlin The Gremlin is kinda like those other monsters you fought in the junkyard, but far tougher.
In any case, treat the fight as if you are fighting a minor enemy, only longer. Bud is here to help, too, so watch for
After the battle, you return home. However, the broom is busted. Bud fixes it, though.
-------------------------+ Enchanted
Instruments 101| -------------------------+
Go to the workshop in your Home (northwest path). A young mage will
tell about instruments and Mana power, and wants you to help him. Accept.
You'll be at a place with some Wisp spirits.
Use the Dark Harp (found at the Polpota Harbor?). Play a soft tune, and play the main part. The spirits should come
closer. When one is almost (but not quite) touching the instrument, talk to them as quickly as possible. He'll give you
some Wisp silvers.
You'll be back at the workshop, and the mage will explain how to make musical instruments. The
mage will give you a couple of other silvers and Menos Bronze for helping him out (plus two Wisp Silvers).
---------------------+ Gilbert:
School Amour| ---------------------+
Note: Take Bud or Lisa along when you do this quest.
The Tome of Magic
will produce Geo. Enter.
You'll find your pals Hamson, Skippie, and Sotherbee in the northern palace. The palace
has a basement where you can fight your own partner, either computer controlled, or with another player. Fun, but sadly,
it ain't Soul Calibur. Talk to 'em a bit, but you should be at the Mall Avenue.
The students are, for some reason,
boycotting school. Presumably, they think magic is only for war, so they don't need no education and they don't need no thought
control. Buy some powerful equipment here, and then go to the west section of the city (it is just north of the city entrance).
will be Gilbert, trying to put some moves on Kathinja, almost becoming stoned by her (Kathinja is half-basilisk. Does that
mean her parents are a human and a basilisk? I don't even want to THINK of this one. 8-) )
Note: There is a lot
of humorous dialogue in this town. Talk to everyone, es- pecially with Bud. By the way, all of the students are named after
various spices: Rosemary, Thyme, Sage, Saffron, and Mint, to name a few.
The way out? Persuasion. Go to the Academy
of Magic and down to the library in the basement. Talk to the guy in the lower half (he has "The Green Wiggly"), and
tell that you see it, then 50,000 ants, and seen clearly. He'll get his mind cleared and return to studying.
the same with the other student in the library. In a similar manner, talk to every student in the same fashion. Trial and
error will work perfectly in choice-picking. Remember to do this for every magic student in the school, along with the
buildings in Mall Square, and the cafe north of the stairs (where you saw Gilbert and Kathinja speaking).
If you
did everything successfully, your character will say something about getting all of the students in class, then there will
be a humorous bit where Kathinja turns the pestering Gilbert into stone outside.
-----------------+ Golem Go Make 'Em| -----------------+
Go to your workshop at Home. Professor Bomb will
tell about golem-making, and its uses. He'll tell you about logic blocks and lifeballs, necessary for pro- ducing artifical
life. The professor will also show you a book on golem making. Take a look at it and study! Yeah, it's summer, but you're
in a wacky world...
Professor Bomb will then give you a quiz. Answer the questions (they're fairly easy - a golem
is comprised of mostly weapons and armor, and function due to them). To make it easy, 99% of the time, don't pick the bottom
After the quiz, Professor Bomb will give you three Lifeballs, plus a Logic Block Jar, plus a couple of minerals.
He will also tell you to continue his research. This concludes this chapter.
-----------+ Li'l Cactus| -----------+
back home. Bud will tell that he's very tired, but Lisa believes that Bud is just sick. Go to Domina, and talk to the fortune
teller in a fruit basket (she is in the southeast part of the Marketplace). She'll tell that cactus juice will cure
Bud. Return Home and Lisa will tell that that wimp Li'l Cactus wussed out. Have her join, and go upstairs. Search Li'l
Cactus's empty pot. He told that he ran off to see Gaeus. Off to the Luon Highway!
Go due east and south a tad,
toward Gaeus. Once you reach him, he'll tell that Li'l Cactus ran to see Selkie to help make the potion. You must go to
Brownie. Off to Geo!
Enter Geo. You can take a look at Kathrinka's handiwork, but it won't help a lot with your
quest. Enter the city. Brownie will be at the post at the front of the school entrance. Talk to him and he'll tell you
that a pirate named David know about ilnesses and potions. Leave the city.
With the Pirate's Hook, you'll create
the S.S. Buccaneer. Enter it. This ship is a bit simple. Go down to the second basement of the ship (the lower hold). Talk
to the penguins. One of them should be David (the other should say, "A pirate shouldn't fall in love, buddy.") He'll tell
you to go see Amalette. Leave by entering the captain's room (main deck, in the center of the ship). Talk to him, and
more or less, say that his ship sucks. He'll toss you out and you're on the World Map again!
Go to Domina, and go
to the west section, a screen west of the park. Amalette is the mail carrier! Talk to her, and she said that she hated
his prickles, so she sent him back... Home!
Go to Home. As the folks at America Online would say, "You have mail!"
Check the mailbox, and you'll see your buddy Li'l Cactus once again. Talk to him, and he'll say, "I got potion!" Gee,
AOL should use this message on online prescription mailings...
----------------------+ Mine Your Own Business| ----------------------+
If you're going to do "The Seven Wisdoms" quest, it is imperative that you take Bud with you on this one.
With the
Bottled Spirit, the Ulkan Mines will appear. Enter.
Enter the cave. The second screen inside, immediately take the
first northeast route you find (NOT at the end of the cave section). You'll run into Pokiel, another of the Wisdoms.
If Bud is with you, there will be a short conversation, like all of the other Wisdoms. And, there will be a quest to find
Watts, who is digging deep underground.
Note: If you go too far, Duelle will be in the screen, telling you that
you missed Watts' shop.
Take the path downward and west until you reach a Save Point. Then go south- west. Go
along the path that takes you past a Dudbear, plus a couple of stairs that take you up, then some stairs that take you
Once the music changes, you'll find Watts. Walk west, and talk to him in the end of the cavern. Keep bugging
him and the boss will appear from the ceiling.
BOSS: Labanne Since he's on the ceiling, he's gonna be REAL tough.
If you hit him, he loses a bit of life (like all enemies). However, a piece falls from the ceiling, and you'll have
to beat that little piece (treat it like a regular enemy) before you can whack the boss again. This'll take a while, so
be patient. Use your Special Techniques on the piece with the larger amount of HP (there are two of 'em on the screen
at once). They also throw spells like there's no tomorrow. He's easily the toughest foe I've ever tackled in the game
so far.
After winning, tell the angery Watts that you defeated the monster. You'll be back in his part of the cave
with Pokiel. Pokiel will tell you about Watts a bit, and you'll get the Ishe Platinum. That's ALL!?
--------------+ Where's
Putty?| --------------+
Enter the Ulkan Mines again. This time, look at the sign, and a Dudbear will pop up and
suddenly take you away.
You'll overhear two penguins planning an underground invasion. They take away a leader,
named Putty. You arrive at the scene too late. Where else are the penguin pirates? The S.S. Buccaneer!
Head there.
I forgot the specific directions, but it's down and to the left door of the room with David inside. Enter and go down the
stairs. Search the strange barrel, and you'll free Putty. Leave.
Run to the Polpota Harbor, and to to the western
cliff. Talk to Putty. The gang of Dudbears and their leader will come, and be grateful.
----------------------+ Watts
Drops the Hammer| ----------------------+
Another cinch. Talk to Watts after completing "Mine Your Own Business".
Then take the Dudbear Express down to the Dudbear caves, and search the ground behind the chief. That's Watts' Hammer.
Go upstairs and return it to him. That's it. He'll teach you blacksmitihing in another chapter.
-------------------------+ S.S.
Buccaneer Sub-Quests| -------------------------+
There are three quests when you talk to Ramtiger at the main wheel
of the ship. The X's are the quests you can go to, and each of the quotes below tell what Ramtiger says at each stop.
Note: You might run into a couple of battles as you are sailing. Just whup 'em and take names later.
12345Y 1----- 2X---- 3--X-- 4----X 5----- X
X-Y: 1-1: The sea knows everything, okay? 2-1:
It's makin' me feel all philosophical about life! 3-1: Ancient history's under there! 4-1: There's so much freedom! 5-1:
You've fallen in love before, right?
1-2: The sea makes your dreams come true! 2-2: All creatures were born here!! 3-2:
Fresh fish just jumpin' around! 4-2: Seagulls be a-flyin'! 5-2: The sea makes you forget bad things!
1-3: I wonder
how far the sea goes? 2-3: Woka'woka tasts as good as caviar! 3-3: Of course it tastes great! 4-3: The wind gives
you a good feeling! 5-3: I have some really good memories here!
1-4: Crab legs are great, too! 2-4: The sea lets
you eat all you want! 3-4: Ding ding ding! Di-di-di ding! 4-4: Tezzle-Mozzles and Kassapans! 5-4: The rockin' won't
make me seasick!
1-5: Ain't it... oh, I said that already. 2-5: I can keep on going like this! 3-5: Hellooo there,
miss mermaid! 4-5: Even the salty sea air smells good! 5-5: Sea serpents and sea urchins...
----------------+ The
Treasure Map| ----------------+
This is Subquest #1 of the S.S. Buccaneer.
A penguin will run in after you
stop at part 4-5 on the map. Agree to help the Captain in search of buried treasure! You'll be in the Mekiv Caverns, oddly (or
not-too-oddly) enough...
Follow them in the caverns. After some searching (it might be completely random), you'll
come across a map. However, eight Dudbears will snag it, and all of them will tear off a piece. You'll have to find all
eight of 'em in the cave (AAARGH!)
Search the cave, and keep bugging the running Dudbears you find until they surrender
a piece each. Once you get all eight, you'll be back at the ship, and the Captain will give you... a crab.
-------------+ The
Quiet Sea| -------------+
This is Subquest #2 of the S.S. Buccaneer.
Ramtiger will tell you that the wind
has stopped. Exit and go all the way to the front of the ship (the starting point). You'll see a penguin fishing. Talk, leave,
and come right back. Talk to him again, and he'll open the bottle. A ghost pops out. The penguin'll wuss out and the ghost
haunts the ship.
Go down to the hold (the same place with David). Talk to the guy in the barrel. He'll be too scared
to even come out. Go upstairs and go to the captain's quarters (adjacent from Ramtiger's place), and talk to the Captain.
He will tell you to get the bottle. Return to the hold. Talk to the guy in the barrel again, and persuade him to come
out. You'll get the bottle, and he'll run up to the top. Follow him. Once on the deck, you'll fight the ghost.
Gova He's gonna be very tough. With spells extraordinare and the ability to make himself invincible from your attacks
for a while, he might take a couple of tries to beat. Try to hit with a Special Technique as often as you can, and use
Power Attacks.
Once you win, the Captain will give you... another crab. And some Wendel Silver.
--------------------+ The
Nordic Snowfield| --------------------+
This is Subquest #3 of the S.S. Buccaneer.
Once you hit dead center
of the map, you'll be in the Fieg Snowfalls. Help the captain in search of treasure. Again.
You enter the Fieg Snowfalls,
only to find that it's damn cold out there. Now wait a minute... I thought penguins lived in Antarctica... and yet, they actually
FREEZE out here!? Doesn't that just beat all...
Anywho, take the one-way path all the way to the Field of Innocence.
You'll see a "Class 1" faerie, who can make you see "Class 2" faeries.
The big two are Tilda and Lakeshmi (sp?).
They can give you level 6 and 7 eyesight, respectively. Lakeshmi is with Alcione and some other faerie in the northwest
corner of the maze.
Note: Some faeries will actully LOWER your Faerie eyesight level. Watch out. The best thing
to do is save at the Save Point in the Field of Innocence. If you get a higher level, save, but if you blow it, restore
and try again.
The faerie Erhlang should be northeast of the Field of Innocence. If you miss, your level decreases.
Just go to Lakeshmi and she'll raise your level again. If you do find her, you'll get the treasure.
You'll also
get ANOTHER crab from the Captain.
-----------+ Two Torches| -----------+
Go to the Gato Grottos.
Enter the Temple of Healing to the northwest edge of town, and go to the back. Daena (the cat-woman) will let you in.
see Escad and Matilda. Listen to their story, and learn more about the group from Daena. Exit, and you'll find that someone's
doing a break-in. You arrive too late - the fake nun kidnaps Matilda. Leave the place and run to the cliffs. The path
is too complex for me to give specific directions (it took about 30 minutes of dungeon-searching for me), but after a long search,
you'll find the Meditation Room. Inside, the boss.
BOSS: Spriggan He's a flier, so this might be a bit tough. He
can summon Skeletons and other weaker enemies, plus throw the carpet at you! (Yes, really). Just be patient and hammer
the enemy with strong attacks and/or magic (Earth spells will work quite well here). If a weaker enemy appears, get rid
of it (so the auto- targeting for your partner will go for only the Boss).
Even after Spriggan is dead, there will
still be arguments between Escad and Matilda about evidence of Irwin's demonic powers. Matilda will rest, and you will
gain some Granz Steel.
------------------+ The Blessed Elixir| ------------------+
One of the caves
in the dungeon of the Gato Grottos leads you to two nuns that tell that some rabbit drank all of their ritual Elixir. They
can make another one with Oasis water, though.
Outside, you'll see Niccolo. Yup, he drank the elixir, and got drunk
off his rear end. In a drunken rage, he'll attack you.
SUB-BOSS: Niccolo Wail on him. That's practically it.
A helper will help a bit, but Niccolo shouldn't deal very much damage at you.
Go back inside. The nuns want you
to get some water from the Oasis to make more of the Blessed Elixir.
Head to Geo. Talk to the guy in the back of
the bar (the same one where Kathinja relaxes in), and
Go to Lumina. Talk to the bartender (west section of the
city). Say "yes" twice and and you will suddenly have a "barrel in your soul". Weird.
Now head to the Duma Desert
and go to the East Side. On the west end, there is an obscured place up north. You'll find the Oasis there. The barrel
will fill itself up, and you'll find yourself back in the Gato Grottos.
The Blessed Elixir can be made again. The
world is saved! Or, maybe not.
----------------+ The Lucky Clover| ----------------+
Alone (that means
without Bud or Lisa), go to Domina. Enter the pub, and talk to Elazul in the east end. Have him join you.
bump into Pearl as you try to leave. After some talk, go to Geo on a Gnome Day.
Enter the city. You should run into
Esmeralda. If not, leave the city and come right back. Now, go to the inn, and wait for Jinn Day. Go to the school, and
then to the classroom. Talk to Esmeralda. Elazul will find out that she is a Jumi, and she'll tell more on an Undine or
Gnome Day. So, leave (or use the "Sorry, Carl!" cafe for a couple of days), and come back in the city on one of those
two days. Head to the school again, and to the library in the basement.
Talk to Esmeralda again. The group will
talk about the Jumi a little more, and you'll officially begin your quest. Now, leave a bit and come back on a school
day. Talk to Esmeralda in the classroom. Then, wait 'til Undine or Gnome Day and come back in the library, talking to her
again. After more on the Jumi and their customs, accept knighthood. Esmeralda will join you. You have to talk with Mephinase
- he teaches classes on Dryad Day. Go to the inn a couple of times, 'till Dryad Day appears. Go into the principal's office (above
the classroom), and Esmeralda will search the place for a jewel, and steal it. Leave, and go to the inn. The innkeeper
will deny having a jewel core, so go to the palace. Search it for a jewel core, then return to the inn, and search it
for the third jewel. It's not here, so leave the section of the town. Esmeralda will ask you to return and check the inn
again. Do so, and now, you got all three jewels! Unfortunately, the teapot ain't happy. So, Esmeralda tells her sad,
sad story...
...and the teapot will be rainin' all over the place in angst. And the jewel thief is watching...
note will be outside. You'll read it, and you'll find out that the jewel thief Sandra will nab Esmeralda's jewels. But
Esmeralda will leave to the academy, and get kidnapped (Inspector Boyd will be at the academy, totally PO'ed). Head
back to Elazul after you see the Inspector and then go to the palace. Enter, and go to the basement. Talk to the statue.
You'll be trans- ported to the battle area.
BOSS: Jewel Beast A lot more difficult than the first Jewel Beast
in the Tower of Leires. But attacking in the back should help, and Elazul's a pretty good fighter.
You arrive too
late. Sandra, the jewel thief, will steal Esmeralda's core, and she disappears from the face of the planet. Diana (the
statue) will give you Vizel's Gold. You will be back at home, and Elazul will try to tell about Esmeralda and Diana
to Pearl... but he just cannot.
-----+ Cosmo| -----+
Walk outside from after "The Lucky Clover". You'll
find Elazul outside. He tells that Pearl has been kidnapped! Help him out.
Outside, a letter will fly to a certain
location (I had the Mekiv Caverns). Enter that place. You should see a duck smoking a joint. B-) Talk to him. Go northeast,
and take everyone's advice as you follow the path. You should find Pearl and Sandra after a bit.
After quite a bit
of talk about the Jumi and their inability to shed tears, Sandra will scratch Elazul's jewel core, crippling him. And Pearl,
the most useless character in RPG history in the Tower of Leires, suddenly becomes the most powerful fighter you've
ever seen. No, really.
BOSS: Jewel Beast Another one! You've got Pearl (er, Lady Blackpearl) here, so it ain't gonna
be too hard. His level was actually quite low (21 in my game). Just watch out for his charging attack.
When you
finish, Sandra and Lady Blackpearl will leave, and Elazul will be sent back to your house. You can't recruit him for a
while, though.
--------------------+ In Search of Faeries| --------------------+
Go to the Gato Grottos.
Head north to the Temple of Healing. Go to the back room with Matilda. Talk to her and she'll ask you to find Daena. Based
on the chapter, head for the Forest!
Go to the Forested Ruins, and take the northwest route. Talk to Rosiotti, and he
will tell that Daena is at Lake Kilma with Tote. Leave, and head straight for Lake Kilma.
Take the north and west
paths to see Tote. He'll tell that Daena wanted to jump into a circle of faeries to become a Faerie (or something like
that). Leave and go back a couple of screens. You'll run into Daena again. You will talk a bit, then she will leave.
Follow her by going southwest, then south on the screen with two faeries.
There will be some talk with Daena and
Irwin, then they leave. Irwin seems to be invincible. Go southwest a bit more, and you'll find that Daena is kid- napped
by the faeries. Go to the faeries' previous position, and a monster will come crashing down at ya.
BOSS: Boreal
Hound Nyaaah! His lightning attack is nearly impossible to avoid without going to the other side of the screen. When
he seems to be charging up, stand back, and after the lightning shot, charge in and wail on him.
After winning,
you will see Matilda. Give her the bad news about Daena, and leave. Silva of the Four Winds will return and have a talk
with Matilda after you leave. This is very pertinent to the story, though I won't say much more.
----------------------------------+ Niccolo's
Business Unusual: Part 3| ----------------------------------+
Geez, these sequels of Niccolo are popping up faster
than the "Rocky" movies!
Go to Lumina. Go north to the store, and talk to Niccolo. He'll want to see the psychokinetic
Flowering in the Mindas Ruins. Go there. Take the same dir- ection to the monolithic structure you entered in the "Teatime
of Danger". Only, go past it.
Go west. Talk to the bottom Flowering, then the center Flowering. Take the southwest
route a bit. You'll meet up with a Flowering that Niccolo wants to steal, and make tons of mad money by putting him up
on display. However, the Flowering escapes, and Niccolo declares it a fake. Leave the place. Sadly, you don't get jack
for helping him.
----------------------------------+ Niccolo's Business Unusual: Part 4| ----------------------------------+
to Geo. Go to the bar (the one with Kathinja), and talk to Niccolo. He'll want to go to Watts' shop. Head to the Ulkan
Mines and enter Watts' place. Niccolo will try to con Watts out of some lucre. Go in and out of the cave, and eventually
give one of those Gator Skins you've been collecting throughout your adventures. Nothing much will happen, though Niccolo
will run off with some of Watts' merchandise.
-----------------------+ Niccolo Calls it Quits?| -----------------------+
to Geo. Head due north to the Palace of Arts. They're in trouble - it is found that they're bankrupt. They owe ten BILLION
Lucre to Niccolo for some kind of medicine to cure Kristie. Hamson and Skippie ain't too happy about that, either.
for Polpota. You'll find Niccolo on the west end of the city, on the shore on the screen's right side. Talk to him. Apparently,
he seems to have amnesia, and can't remember anything. He SHOULD be able to join you if you do not have a partner with
you. If not, do a couple of quests, then return. If he does join you, you will be able to continue on. Go to Geo.
at Geo, head for the Palace of the Arts and enter the main palace, past the screen with Hamson and Skippie. Once inside,
Niccolo will give the cure to Kristie... for free! Now we don't have to stick up Bill Gates to get the dough to pay
for it.
Head to Domina. Niccolo will say, "Something's calling me..." and run off. Now, go back to Polpota and pick
him up at the western shore. Then head to Gato and go all the way west and north to the Cancun Bird's Nest. Niccolo will
now get the cure. Leave and return to Geo, and back to Kristie again! After giving more of the cure, Kristie will send
Sotherbee to follow you. But, he wost you! 8-)
Now go back to Gato and the Cancun Bird's Nest again. This time,
Niccolo will get thrown out after he got the last leaf, and he'll fall way, way, way down. How far? Go to Polpota. You'll
find him in his usual location... back in his capitalistic self again.
You'll be sent to Geo and in the Palace of
the Arts. There's NO WAY Kristie and Sotherbee can ever pay ten billion lucre, so Niccolo takes over the entire palace,
and Kristie and Sotherbee become managers of the place. It's finally over.
---------------------+ Pokhiel:
Dream Teller| ---------------------+
Enter the Ulkan Mines. Listen to Pokhiel's story, and learn about Escad's past from
some kind of "flashback".
Follow him. Talk to Pokhiel, and learn more on Irwin and Matilda after each stop. (Tell,
"Yes" when you meet him the second time). Follow the path a bit more, and watch and learn.
You'll regain consciousness
by Escad. Tell that you're on his side (for now), and that's about it.
--------------------------+ The Path
of the Blacksmith| --------------------------+
Go back Home and go to the Workshops. If you completed the quests
of Watts, he should be inside. After some talk, you'll be practicing forging weapons.
It'll take about three weeks'
worth (according to my calculations) of constant hitting for one million strikes, so just ask a bunch of questions, and
even- tually, he'll be off, after giving you some Lorant Silver.
------------------+ The Fallen Emperor| ------------------+
the Trembling Spoon, create the Underworld. Go there.
Note: You must be doing this alone. You can't have a partner
for this.
A spirit will be there. Go to the macabre tomb and a voice will say that he'll test your strength. When
you awake, you'll see Larc, the Dragoon of Drakonis. Agree to take the "test". You'll have to follow along a path 'til
Larc tells you to meet Olbohn, a Wisdom and the keeper of the undead. He'll give you permission to be baptised with
the Baptism of Flames. Talk to the ghost dude that pops up, and go to the Baptismal Chamber. Talk to the ghosts and get baptised
by thousand-degree heat. It ain't THAT bad - you're dead already! Well, sort of.
Go down a couple of screens (there
is a purpleish glow to the southwest corner - that is a door). Then enter another purplish cave, and keep descending a couple
of floors. There should be a one-way path all the way to the bottom, and Larc will ask if you are ready to serve his master.
Tell that you are ready, and face combat...
BOSS: Hitodama He's tricky. When he materializes as a ghost, bash
away. When he disappears and enters the faces, he's gonna fire away with his dark magic. Stay at the corners to avoid
his shots.
Once you win, you'll be at the Pulpit of Eternal Flame. Dragonis will appear, and ask you to defeat three
dragons for him. Accept. Larc will also give you the Skull Lantern artifact. Finally! Another artifact. You know what to
do with it, right...?
-------------------+ Star-Crossed Lovers| -------------------+
Go to the
Gato Grottos. Enter the back room of the Temple of Healing. Daena will suggest that Matilda go to the Land of Faeries to
prolong her life. You'll be sucked away by Matilda's spell, all the way to the Mindas Ruins.
You will be sucked
underground by the Faeries. Just go east several screens to leave.
I HATE these Flowerkey puzzles. You'll have to
go west, solve a Flowerkey puz- zle that will take you southwest, and find a confounded Niccolo that will take you to
the Temple of Wind. Save the game (if you want), and go upstairs.
You'll find Escad and Daena about to duke it out.
Regardless of what you do, you'll enter battle.
BOSS: Daena (Note: I think the exact battle depends on who you
side with. Does anyone know about this?) She's quite simple. Just watch out for her speedy attacks. Escad's around to help,
After you take out Daena, you'll be with Matilda, who will tell about the end of the world and the ancient
war told on the tablet on the top floor...
-------------+ Heaven's Gate| -------------+
Return to
Gato after completing "Star-Crossed Lovers". Go back to the back room of the Temple of Healing. You'll hear a story of
how the world came to an end, and how Irwin attempts to make it happen once again. Escad stomps out, deter- mined to
stop Irwin. He'll stomp out of the room, and Matilda will give you the Brooch of Love artifact.
Note: At this point,
take Bud with you, if you want to complete "The Seven Wisdoms" quest.
The Brooch of Love will produce Lucemia. Enter.
You'll hop a bird onto the massive snake corpse. Take the long path all the way to the top, then enter a perforation
in the snake's skin. Use the east fork inside the Avenue of Deterioration to get out.
Outside, you should meet Selva.
After some talk, keep on climbin'. You'll soon reach another perforation, a cave to the "Embracement of the Ancients".
take the path all the way to a fork, then go northeast. Take the second exit tou see (the first is a dead end). Ignore
ALL of Selva's comments, and keep going on.
The third route is one-way. It's LONG, but that's about it. You'll enter
the "Destiny's Decay" section. Just tread through it.
By the end, you will see Escad (or Daena?) fall and vanish.
Go all the way westward up to Irwin, and talk to him. He will change into a huge demon and fight you.
BOSS: Irwin This
one is about medium to difficult on the scale. He can throw fireblasts, charge at you, and make himself temporarily impervious
to your attacks. Special Techniques and/or magic is a must.
Lucemia will crumble and collapse after the fight. The
Cancun Bird will take you back safely. Sadly, Matilda passed away while you were gone. You will get a long story with
Irwin and Matilda in the Underworld, and a bit of comic relief with the Shadoles.
---------------------+ The
Guardian of Winds| ---------------------+
Note: Larc must be with you for this quest.
The Skull Lantern will
produce Norn Peaks. Enter.
Inside, Larc will suddenly notice a female dragoon attack. Her name is Sierra, and after
telling that Dragonis is tricking you, she'll leave. Follow her through the peaks.
You'll be at the Village of the
Wind after taking her path. There are many bird-like dragoons of Akravator here. Talk to the group at the upper-right path,
and Larc will scare 'em all off. Continue on.
Go north and east two screens. You'll come across a boss.
The Windcallers Pretty darn simple. Watch out for his Wind spells. Counter with powerful strikes, or Earth magic.
climbing upward until you reach the top. Do not take a path blocked by a statue or you'll have to start the climb over
SUB-BOSS: The Windcallers Just like the first! I don't have to say much more, do I?
Now go west and
fight a third Windcaller on the other side. Beat him, and then go back northeast. Now, look at the statue. This time, it
should disappear. Continue up the path until you find a gang of Windcallers. But Larc will mow all of 'em down with
one shot. Go west and upward until you run into the Wind Dragon, Akravator.
BOSS: Akravator Depending on the
level of your character, he's probably gonna be the hardest boss you have ever faced. He's got real nasty spells, and can
block and avoid a lot of your attacks. Throw Power Attacks, and if possible, connect with a Special Technique or two.
will give you the Dragonbone artifact after winning.
--------------+ The Field Trip| --------------+
hetay Orldway Apmay, hetay Ragonboneday illway roducepay hetay Onebay Ortressfay. I don't have to say it in another language!
In the Bone Fortress, you'll hear about some kind of field trip from the Magic Academy. You need to get three
ingredients for one of the students. I deduced it to be some Fairy Scales, Star Sprinkles, and a Silver Mushroom. Make
some and you'll get some wacko drug. Then again, you can't use it; you'll get a seed instead.
--------------------+ The
Ghost of Nemesis| --------------------+
Note: Larc must be with you for this quest.
Go to Polpota. Go to
the western inlet (past all the shops). You'll see Thoma grieve someone lost. A void suddenly appears and an undead knight
named Thona comes to the scene. He will talk about some kind of deed, taking out a creature called a "Bone Dragon".
You know where to go, right?
To the Bone Fortress! Go east after a couple of students tell about some kind of roaring
in the main part of the fortress. Once you do, Thona will be angered at the fact that a dragoon is with you, and coerces
you to leave. Refuse and a fight begins.
SUB-BOSS: Skeletal Soldier This is practically a break after the battle
against Akravator. Just attack with your strongest attacks, and a couple of Wisp spells (if possible).
At this point,
you'll need a third member, either a monster or Golem. Go back Home and get either one. Now, go to the Bone Fortress. Search
the massive skull's mouth to the east a couple of screens. Enter.
Now hit the center button in the Bone Fortress.
It's found to be a trap! You are separated from your golem/monster and Larc.
Walk around a couple of screens. You
can't get out! Now, go to the Hallway of Vertabrae (?) and talk to the flame (or skull) there. They'll help you. Go inside
the secret room, and talk to the warrior statue. He'll open another door and you got your golem/monster back! Now get out,
and go to the main part of the fortress. Hit the two remaining switches, and the north door opens. Enter.
in the elevator, ask to go to the third floor. You get there to find the uncompromising Sierra.
SUB-BOSS: Sierra She's
fast and powerful, especially if your golem/monster is weak. Use fast attacks, and take her out quickly. She has a LOT
of life bars, so be careful about that.
Leave, and she'll leave behind a key. Take it and return to the elevator.
Go to the second floor. Head west a couple of screens, and you'll find Larc. Talk to him a couple of times to wake him.
return to the elevator and pick the third floor. Go west until you come to a massive staircase. Climb it. You will now
be on a bridge. A being named Deathbringer will be coming down shortly...
SUB-BOSS: The Deathbringer He has "The"
in his name... must mean that he ain't no walk in the park. How- ever, I though otherwise. Nail him with powerful attacks.
There are three allies in this fight, so it might make the going a bit easier.
Yes, I said "Sub-Boss". You're not
done yet! You've still got a Dragon to destroy! Go east another screen, and you'll encounter a fight with Jajara.
Jajara While he gets my vote for being the coolest-looking boss in Legend of Mana, his power doesn't match up. He was
only Level 16 in my game! Just torch this bag of bones.
That is still not a typo. That is STILL not the final boss...
Jajara (2) Kinda like the first Jajara, except he puts those two 20-foot-tall busts on his back, and uses them to attack!
Be careful of his ceiling-crashing attack when you throw your shots.
That's all! Whew! After more Larc talk, you
get the Green Cane artifact for completing the quest.
-------------------+ The Dragon Princess| -------------------+
Larc must be with you for this quest.
The Green Cane is a cane tat is green. It also can be used to create the White Forest.
Enter. You will now be searching for Vadise, the White Dragon. As you walk along, trust Larc's instincts - you're on the
right path.
You'll be at the Ancient Tree... and so will Sierra. Vadise will also appear, and just give Larc the
Mana Stone, hoping he will soon see the error of his ways. You also get some Ishe Platinum from Larc. Vadise also has other
plans for you - and wants you to test your strength!
BOSS: Vadise and Sierra Eek eek. One, you are alone (unless
you brought a Golem or monster), and two, you have to fight TWO toughies. The bottom life bar belongs to Vadise. Sierra has
far more life than you think, so watch out. No real tips - just be careful of Sierra's combos and Vadise's fire breath.
winning, Vadise will ask you to go after Larc. No, she doesn't die At least, not yet...
--------------+ Diddle
Had It!| --------------+
Oh, and he had the shot that would have won the game and the... Okay, that's not it.
Go to Lumina after your Dragon-bashing with Larc. Enter the pub, and Diddle will suddenly stop with the music
and drive off in that machine. Talk to Capella. Then, leave Lumina for the World Map, and you'll see four Shadoles run right
in. Go to the pub again, and Capella will run off. Go to the... yep, the Underworld.
Once there, you have the option
for Sierra to join you. Take her if you want (or, if you want to complete "The Seven Wisdoms", take Bud instead). Examine the
tombstone to enter.
Go down all the way to the bottom again. Actually, a Shadole will suck you to the bottom.
This quest will be a LOT easier to do after you finish "The Crimson Dragon" first. After you finish "The Crimson Dragon"
(see below), just go back to the Underworld and a Shadole will help with this quest, sucking you all the way down to
the bottom of the Underworld!
The trick here is to get to the top without getting caught. If one of the Shadoles
tags you, you'll be sucked down to the bottom and you have to try again. Try to hug the bottom and top walls as you
pass massive groups of Shad- oles, and find patterns in their movements.
Note: The more determined you are, the
fewer Shadoles there will be. In other words, if you keep getting sucked down to the bottom of the Underworld again and
again, the path will get easier.
Once you get through the long march up, you will run into a depressed Diddle and
an ecstatic Capella. Capella will try to comfort Diddle, with some limited success. Then, you are told to have to fight
to escape the Underworld, and the boss appears.
BOSS: Ape Mummy Not too difficult. Has a few damaging punches
and throws, but that's about it. Keep moving and hitting.
Once you win, you're back on the surface! Diddle and Capella
are best buds again, and that's the end of this little vignette.
------------------+ The Crimson Dragon| ------------------+
Go to the Underworld. On the surface, Sierra
plans to look for Larc, her brother. Let her join.
Underground, a gang of monsters will attack Sierra, but she nukes
'em all. Continue to go as deep underground as possible. If you didn't complete "Diddle Had It!" yet, a Shadole could
help you get to the bottom much faster.
You will see Drakonis and Larc. After Larc knew that he was tricked, he chall- enges
Drakonis to a duel, but it doesn't happen. Drakonis changes Larc into a super-being and he attacks you.
Larc the Centaur I don't know why, but I found this battle to be a cinch. Just watch your health, and attack from behind.
winning, you'll be in the Entrance of the Flames (or something like that).
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ WARNING!
| Once inside, you CANNOT leave until you complete the quest (and possibly, the| game?). I HIGHLY recommend that you
write a new save game for this file if | you're gonna do this quest!
| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Go inside the infernal place. I
have NO CLUE how I did this (apparently, you have to do something with those lights in the vertical hallways), but I somehow
reached the boss after much trial and error.
SUB-BOSS: Zenoa Fight him like you did against Larc earlier. Not too
difficult, unlike this PITA maze you're going through.
Once he falls, the Blue Crystal will shatter, and that will
open some of the vertical hallways. If at least half of the crystals are blackened, you can pass the hall without falling.
That's all I can really say. 8-)
Later on, I met the Sky Dragon.
SUB-BOSS 2: Sky Dragon
He's hard to
hit, but that's about it.
Many more paths will open up. Go to one of the basements and you'll find the third sub-boss.
3: Land Dragon
Another wimp. Just hammer away. 'Nuff said.
After defeating him, all of the paths should be open.
Go to the fourth floor and go through the large double doors guarded by two spirits. Cross the path and you should find
Drakonis. After your usual vengance speech straight from Sierra, you end up fighting Drakonis.
BOSS: Drakonis This
one's the hardest foe you've faced in the whole game! Okay, he might be a little too easy, but don't understimate him.
you win... lots will happen. The Dragons and the Mana energy will return to the earth, and everything's back to normal.
But, BUT, the game isn't over yet! (The quest is, though...)
And, the Underworld will be back to its normal self.
------------------+ The
Cage of Dreams| ------------------+
Go back Home (presumably after completing all of the above tasks). There will be
MORE Sproutlings loitering in front of your house! Now, go to your Work- shops (that's where the leaves are leading to),
and you'll see Nunuzac and Belle. In order to prevent the Tree of Mana from appearing, Nunuzac sent the Sproutling to
another dimension, not wanting Mana wars anymore.
Go outside. Pokhiel will be there. He'll persuade Nunuzac to free
the Sprout- ling. After Pokhiel leaves, talk to Nunuzac, and you'll be teleported to an alternate dimension.
there, go southwest, and take eastern paths until you reach the Sprout- ling. You'll get the Sword of Mana (!) artifact
from him. A pink bush will then grow out of his head.
-----------------+ Catchin' Lilipeas| -----------------+
to the White Forest. The trio of Sotherbee, Hamson, and Skippie are all here, and they must catch a ton of rare creatures
called Lilipeas to pay off their debts. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to rescue the Lilipeas from
the two hunters. When you find a barrel, or a hunter, examine them, and you should free the Lilipeas. There are five of
'em (three barrels, and two chased by Hamson and Skippie).
Note: Sierra is several screens south and east of the
entrance. You can have her join you, if you need a partner.
At one point, you will be at a path with Reverend Nouvelle
(the elk-eared pas- tor of the church at Domina). You're also at the entrance to the Lilipeas' village. If he says he
isn't allowed to come in the village of Lilipeas, you still have more to catch! But if he isn't around, and Hamson and
Skippie are, you will start TWO more quests. They are...
----------------+ Legend of Hamson| ----------------+ -----------------+ Legend
of Skippie| -----------------+
...Just kidding! (Well, the game had me for a sec. 8-) ) Enter the village, and
talk to the Lilipeas and Reverend Nouvelle. As you talk to both, Nouvelle will walk west a bit, until he comes up to the
village elder (the guy with a bird on his head). He tells you to go kill a monster, and you must do so.
BOSS: Hegs
Ant He's strong, but a tad slow. Hit him in the back with Power Attacks, and always stand behind him when he throws
his attacks.
After winning, the village elder will give you some Ishe Platinum, and you will head to Sotherbee,
who's clueless where the hunter duo is.
----------+ Two Pearls| ----------+
Off to the Tower of Leires!
Elazul will be there. He's off to find Pearl in the tower. Agree to help him.
Like before, the path up the tower
is very difficult. Take stairways all the way to the seventh floor. Take the double doors somewhere in there, and use the
transportation crystal to the tenth floor. Take the stairs and one-way path to the eleventh floor. Go to the Door of Fate.
will try to open the Door of Fate, but is unable to do so. Open the door yourself, I guess. Inside, you see... TWO Pearls:
Pearl herself and Lady Black- pearl. Lady Blackpearl wants Pearl to sacrifice her life to save the Jumi, but Pearl refuses.
Elazul will intervene, and Lady Blackpearl will duke it out.
BOSS: Lady Blackpearl She wields a mean hammer, so
watch it. Still, she isn't overly difficult, es- pecially with two characters (and a possible Golem/monster).
you win, Lady Blackpearl will say that she will leave Pearl alone... for now. You are told to no longer intervene, but
nothing SHOULD keep you away...
-----------+ Alexandrite| -----------+
After the "Two Pearls" subquest,
go to Domina. Elazul and Pearl will be there. Elazul will go to Geo, so you're stuck with Pearl. Go to Geo.
there, head to the Palace of Arts, and go to the basement. Examine the statue of Diana with Pearl, and say that you have
a plan. Then talk to Kristina and Sotherbee, and you will learn that you have to unlock Diana's heart in order to free
her from stone.
You need three keys to do this. Head to the Instrument Shop, and search the circular table on the
first floor. You'll find a key. Then search the prin- cipal's office in the Academy of Magic. Mephinase'll let you have
it if he's there. It is on the right side of his desk. The final key is at the exit, below the Save Point, just on the
top of the stairs.
Now, head to the Palace of the Arts and go all the way to the Battle Arena in the second basement.
Examine the statue, and Diana will turn back to flesh and blood. She'll explain the tale of the Jumi race, and more on
the Jumi and their tears. Suddenly, Sandra, the damned jewel thief, comes in and "assassinates" Diana, stealing her
jewel. After a little more talk, the quest ends.
--------+ Fluorite| --------+
Go back to Geo. Enter
the jewelry shop. Suddenly, you'll be teleported to an- other dimension!
You will meet Florina, the only Jumi who
can cry tears of healing. Belle will appear after Florina states her case. Give them your name when they tell you to,
and you will be asked to go on a quest to free Florina of her bad dreams. Accept.
You are now in some kinda black-and-white
reality this side of the hit movie "The Matrix". Talk to Niccolo, and allow him to guide you to the next section of
the dream world.
At this point, you are in a crowd of a bazillion fish dudes and one fish-human. Just walk and talk
around, and back to Niccolo. Have him take you to the next part, with Li'l Cactus. Talk to the cactus dude for a bit, then
talk to Nic- colo. He'll take you to Lady Blackpearl and Elazul. Talk to Niccolo twice (once to go to the Dudbear, and
again to see Elazul and Lady Blackpearl again).
Note: At this point in the game, you should have so much Lucre that
you can waste it on Niccolo without having to get lost in the desert lands.
Go west a couple of screens after the
part with Elazul and Blackpearl. Go west, after the flowing sands have extinguished. Now you'll see Sandra (a vengeful Jumi!)
and Blackpearl. They'll have another talk about the Jumi, and Black- pearl now wants to take down Sandra. But, Sandra leaves,
and leaves you to deal with...
BOSS: Jewel Beast Yup, this quest is like The Matrix. You can get wiped out in
virtual reality. Anyway, just watch out for his super-attacks and hit him on the backside, where he cannot attack you.
winning, Elazul will find only Pearl, and you are teleported back to reality. Florina can sleep peacefully, and this sub-quest
----------------+ Teardrop Crystal| ----------------+
Return to Domina after finishing "Alexandrite"
and "Fluorite". Go to the north- east end of town, and you'll meet up with the heavily pro-Jumi Inspector Boyd. Tell
him about Elazul and Pearl, and agree to help him search an abandoned jewelry shop in Geo, as it seems highly suspicious,
and could easily smell of the jewel thief Sandra.
Once in Geo, bust down the door to the abandoned shop, and search
it. You'll find nothing, but as you leave, you bump into Elazul and Pearl. Talk to them, and they'll help with the search.
Search the bright chest on the lower-right of the store, and you'll be time-warped into Florina's room. Florina will open Pearl
to the dark side, and she becomes Lady Blackpearl again. After more talk about their past, and Pearl's tragic past (and
how she lost her memory), you will get the Jumi's Staff artifact. Florina then dies, and you must go to the Bejeweled
City with either Elazul or Pearl. I chose Pearl, but I THINK that the character doesn't really matter.
Leave Geo.
With the Jumi's Staff, create the Bejeweled City. Enter.
Inside, walk around the circular path, starting north. Enter
each building, collecting a sapphire, topaz, emerald, and ruby from each pedestal. When you reach the double doors with
two pedestals, a sub-boss will appear.
SUB-BOSS: Jewel Beast AGAIN! Fight this one like the one in the previous
quest. Hit from behind. Your partner is also a big help against him. Note when fighting bosses: When you run into a
boss, Pearl will transform into Lady Blackpearl, so it should facilitate the fights.
After winning, put the sapphire
and topaz on the pedestals, and open the door. Go through to the next part.
Go around the corridors on the next
part. You should get an amethyst and an aquamarine. You also learn more on the Jumi's past. Then go to the door and try
to enter; another sub-boss will attack.
SUB-BOSS: Jewel Beast Easier than the first, so I don't really have to say
anything, do I?
Before continuing, go back to the first floor and re-enter all four doors, and if there are any
jewels, take 'em. You should have SIX jewels by now. Go up to the doors. Use, from left to right, red, green, and blue.
The door will open. Before you enter the door, go back down to the first floor and get the red, green, and blue gems
Go to the third floor. Enter the white door, and fight the golem. Take the white diamond. Now, go to the
door, and fight another Jewel Beast.
SUB-BOSS: Jewel Beast Slightly stronger than the first two. That's all you
really need to know.
At the door, the jewels are (from left to right): Green, dark blue, white, and light blue.
Enter the door.
Go up to the third floor. There's Florina and the jeweler Alex. Pearl and Alex transform to their
original selves, Blackpearl and Alexandra. Well, it seems that Alex (jeweler) + Sandra (jewel thief) = Alexandra. Doesn't
that just beat all? Also, you find that Elazul (or Pearl, depending on who you picked) will be the Lord of Jewels' 999th
core. It takes a thousand to save Florina. So, now you know why Sandra's been stealing Jewels!
SUB-BOSS: Lord of
Jewels 999 Yup, that's his name. At least it's a break from the Jewel Beast. And, he's damn harder than the Jewel Beasts,
too! With Elazul, this might be a real challenge. But with Lady Blackpearl's synchro ability (INSTANT Special Tech- nique!),
he might be easier. At least you're invincible as you are tossing a Special Technique at an enemy. His attack power is
VERY strong, so watch out! Yes, Sub-Boss.
Alex(andra) will sacrifice her jewel to make it an even 1000 for the Lord
of Jewels. Now, the cycle is complete...
You're at the Sparkling Vortex. The Lord of Jewels will make his final
attack at you.
BOSS: Lord of Jewels 1000 Just as hard as LoJ999. Special Technique him if you're using Blackpearl,
but play it safe while using Elazul.
After you win, the Jumi are tragically sent to die out, according to Florina. Your
character cries over this, turning him/her to stone. But the Jumi are revived because your character cried. They all make
a teardrop crystal to save your character, and you eventually return home after a long cut scene with Bud and Lisa.
-----------------+ The
Seven Wisdoms| -----------------+
You take Bud along to find the seven Mana priests (Wisdoms) of some sort. Here are
the locations of some of them:
Rosiotti: Go to the Jungle, and get teleported to the Forested Ruins. Go northwest,
and ckeck the dude on the throne.
Tote: Go to Lake Kilma. I have no real clue how to get there (just go as far north
as possible, I guess), but you will find him at the precipice before you fought the boss there at "The Gorgon Eye".
Go east a bit on the Luon Highway. Yup, the big rock dude stuck in the ground.
Pokiel: Enter the Ulkan Mines. The
second screen inside, immediately take the first northeast route you find (NOT at the end of the cave section). You'll run
into Pokiel, another of the Wisdoms.
Selva: After getting through "In Search of Faeries", you should find Silva in the
Gato Grottos. You'll find him again on Lucemia, after leaving the Avenue of Deterioration.
Olbohn: You can go back
to the Underworld after you complete "The Fallen Emperor". Take the same path to reach him. You can't do this until you
complete Larc's quests to defeat the three Dragons, though.
There is no seventh Wisdom; he's dead. B-)
when you are searching for the Wisdoms, Bud has to be WITH you! And, you have to talk to all of them. Return Home once
you talk to all of the Wisdoms, and Bud will be quite excited.
--------------+ A Siren's Song| --------------+
to Polpota after doing all the above. If you see Thoma, there will be a lit- tle scenario with him, and he'll leave. If
you don't see him, then skip this and go to the next steps below.
Head to Lumina. Enter the tavern and go all the
way west, and turn north at the weapons shop. You should see Thoma and his knights looking for the lamp shop. Go there.
She's apparently gone.
Return to Polpota. Go north to the hotel, then down the stairs to the east. You'll find Monique...
and the soldiers after her like the police in the Blues Brothers movie. But they find ANOTHER siren, and bag her instead,
leaving Mon- ique alone. Leave the hotel and go to the west beach. Three soldiers will plan to wipe out the sirens as
soon as they can. Talk a little, and leave.
Go to Madora Beach. This time, take the west route, going a tad north after
you reach the caves. You will make it to the lighthouse. After hearing more on the sirens and the sinking ships, go
up to Flameshe, the mermaid. Talk to her, and Flameshe will be angry at ya. The trick here is to sneak in when Flameshe leaves
her post. How? Go to the right end of the screen WITHOUT leaving it. Flameshe will blow a bubble and disappear. Right after
she does, run right in the door and open it. If you blow it, try again.
You will fight the second line of defense
of Elle and the lighthouse right after you come right in.
BOSS: Tropicallo (remember him in Secret of Mana?) Another
damn hard-to-beat boss. Aim at the parts connected to the ceiling, and then defeat the parts after you chop 'em down. If
you are having difficulty fighting, take Lady Blackpearl (return to the now-Jumi-populated Bejeweled City, and go to
the third floor palace), and stay next to her at all times. You will get unlimited Special Techniques, giving mega-damage
and temporary invincibility as you throw 'em. When you "kill" a part (it is on the ground and not moving), STAY AWAY
FROM IT. It will throw a shock wave that will deal insane damage to anything next to that defunct piece of plant.
you win, Elle will be free to roam around and sing... and that's all, folks! No, not the end of the game yet!
------------------------+ Gilbert:
Resume for Love| ------------------------+
Head to Geo. Go to the Palace of the Arts and go to the basement (one
floor down). You should see that statue of Gilbert in the basement by now. Examine it. He will soliloquize about Monique,
even as a piece of rock.
Head upstairs and talk to Sotherbee. He can't find a buyer for the statue of Gilbert. Too
bad eBay doesn't exist in Fa'Diel, so head for the Ulkan Mines. Take the Dudbear Express at the entrance once there.
the cavern where the Dudbear drops you off, there will be a book of poems in the upper right-hand table in that room. Read
it. Roger will run right in the room and snatch the book right out of your hands. Then the cavern will start to collapse,
and Roger throws you out. Go back inside. Go down the stairs on the far end of the top, and go down them. Go west a bit,
and go north at a doorway. You'll be in an abandoned room, with the statue of Gilbert again. Examine it, and he tells
of his love for lots of women, mostly for Monique. Leave the place and back to the World Map.
Now go to Lumina and
go to Monique's lamp shop. Talk to her, and she'll have nothing to do with Gilbert; she will leave for the beach. Off to
Madora Beach!
Once at the beach, use Boink to go straight to the lighthouse. Inside, there will be Monique and Elle,
and Flameshe will appear and help, giving a magic spell that could lift Kathrinja's stone spell off Gilbert. Listen to
ALL of Flameshe's words in her spell? You'll need 'em!
Now return to the Ulkan Mines and go back to Gilbert's statue
downstairs in the abandoned room. Monique will be there, too. She will ask you to help her with the spell. The answers
are: 1. earth with life... 2. The ancient memories 3. Of Mother Earth fill 4. The truth that 5. Of energy for
Once you finish, Gilbert will be back to normal, and both he and Monique are happy.
------------------+ Diddle
Kidnapped!?| ------------------+
Head to Domina, and to northeast to the St. Mana Church. You will find that Roger
and his Dudbears took over the entire place. Head for the Park in the same city. Diddle will act depressed again, and the
Dudbears suddenly take him away. They forgot his Weinermobile (whatver Diddle plays music on), so a second Dudbear runs
back and takes it.
Go to the White Forest. Take the west and north paths. Make sure to clock EVERY Dudbear you find
(just "talk" to 'em). Otherwise, they'll kick you out. There are about six or seven Dudbears to take out.
you finish your bear bashing, you will reach Roger and Diddle. Capella will be there, too. The Dudbears dug up some kind
of monster, and you must fight it.
BOSS: Chimera Lord Do NOT stand in frony of him when attacking. He has a laser
beam that can turn you to stone, and deal lots of damage. Hit from behind (Special Techniques do the trick here, as
always). Partners (you can get Sierra after a bit of searching) will help a lot in the fight!
In the end, Diddle
will tell that it was fun being kidnapped, surprising the overly ecstatic Capella.
------+ Rachel| ------+
At one point late in the game, go to Domina, and go to Mark's house to the southwest
part of the entrance. Go upstairs. If you see Rachel and Mark talking to one another, you can begin this quest. After talking
to them, leave and go back to the Weapons Shop (Knight of Jema) on a day Rachel's mother is working there (i.e. Gnome
Day). Then head upstairs and you'll find Mark, afraid that Rachel's run away. Didn't she mention something about magic?
I don't know why, but Teapo is very hilarious in this sub-quest.
Go to Geo. On Salamander's Day (use the cafe in
town to manipulate the days), go to the Academy of Magic and to the basement library. You'll see the lab of Thesenis
explode with a mighty crash. Talk to the group, and leave, heading back to Domina.
Rachel will be back... sort of.
She seems to be in a completely different, more interested and cheerful. Talk to Rachel's mother in the shop next to the
for- tune teller. Then leave, and come back on a day where she runs the Weapons Shop. Go upstairs, and you'll find Mark
and Rachel again. Talk to them. Leave, and go to the marketplace next to the fortune teller again. If you see Rachel's mom
there, talk to her. Otherwise, leave the city and return on a different day. After Mom's rant about Mark, go to the Weapons
Shop, and you'll see... Duelle!? The onion dude!?
Go upstairs. After some talk (and ANOTHER reference to a green
wiggly) about some kind of ultra-convoluted story about an illusionary Rachel and much on telepathy, the quest will
---------------+ Buried Treasure| ---------------+
It's the "fourth" sub-quest of the S.S. Buccaneer,
but you have to do some stuff first.
Go to Madora Beach, and go crab-stomping. Smash as many crabs (just touch 'em), and
try to get at least 20 within a path east, then north and west through a bunch of screens. The lone crab will insult you
and crumble himself. You will then leave and go to the World Map.
Head for the S.S. Buccaneer. Go to Ramtiger again,
and go west, then north, then west. You will be summoned to the Captain's quarters. Agree to help him. He'll give you
15 Halo Coins to help sway away the Dudbears.
You'll be on Madora Beach. The Dudbears are at it again. You'll have
to do a bit of trading to get through this one. Give a Halo Coin to the middle Dudbear on the east end of the screen,
and the gang'll leave. Go east a few screens, and enter the cave. Go to the closest Dudbear and give him a total of three Halo
Coins. You'll get three Li'l Bottles from him. On the lower-right end of the screen, give a Li'l Bottle to him, and he'll
leave. Take the one-way path a couple of screens east to meet even more Dudbears. Go to the one closest to the large
circle of white light, and give him both Li'l Bottles. He'll give you two Pucashells. Go to the exit up north. Give a Pucashell
to that Dudbear, and he'll leave.
You're now outside. Head west, and enter the next cave. Continue the path, and go
to the Dudbear on the northwest exit. Give him the other Pucashell, and he will leave. You will then run into the treasure...
but Roger will catch you. He will use his Dudbears to take you out. Bribe 'em with a Halo Coin and they will take Roger
You are now back in the ship. The Captain will thank you, and he will end up giving you, yep, ANOTHER CRAB.
Plus some Wendel Silver. The sub-quest is at an end.
----------------------+ Gilbert: Love Is Blind| ----------------------+
for Polpota again. Take Boink, and you'll be one screen east of the light- house. Go to the lighthouse and enter. Talk
to Elle, and have her join your party.
Okay, everyone mentioned that I will find Gilbert at Polpota Harbor at the
res- taurant, but I could never find him there. I wonder why?
--------------------------------+ The Wimpy
Thugling (theoretical)| --------------------------------+
(??? - I THINK that's the name of the quest.)
need certain mana levels for the Duma Desert. (Put the Mana Tree next to it when you get the Sword of Mana). Then... I
don't know at the moment. Some- thing to do with fishes and the Oasis, as far as I know from putting together dozens
of e-mails.
----------------------------+ Pee-Wee Birdie (theoretical)| ----------------------------+
I was unable to do this quest as of this update.
You need Domina's Wisp and Salamander (?) levels at 3. (Place the
Mana tree next to Domina.) Inside the Domina Inn, Miss Yuka will need a bunch of items from you for some- thing.
I don't know what they are; like I said, I was unable to do this quest.
This quest shouldn't be difficult, especially
at the late game, where you have loads of stuff. The problem is, this quest is incredibly obscure.
---------------------------------+ The
FINAL Quest - Legend of Mana!| ---------------------------------+
Using the Sword of Mana, create the Mana Tree.
Enter. The wind you hear is from the intro of Secret of Mana for the Super Nintendo, in case you didn't know.
Pokhiel will greet you. Talk to him, and then start your climbin'. I think this is a one-way path up the tree, many screens
to the Sanctuary of Mana. Fight all of the enemies inside, taking paths to meet 'em all. Defeat them, and you will be
transported to the final boss.
BOSS: Goddess of Mana Pretty difficult, but she should go the way of all the other
bosses - toasted with Special Techniques quickly. Hit from behind.
A sweet FMV and credits will roll at the end
of the game. Watch it, and feel amazed...
--------------------------------- THE END ------------------------------------
I'm not done, and you shouldn't be, either. New stuff (and all of the Cactus Diaries) should be your quest in
the "Clear Save" (the save has a music note next to it). You start at the beginning, but get your level, Workshops, and Cactus
----------+ Clear Save| ----------+
Not a quest per se, but something to do when you run
through Fa'Diel again. After beginning a new game with your "Clear Save" (it has a musical note on it), head down the
stairs of your Home and go right, into your library. There should be a new book there, the Forbidden Tome. Examine it,
and it will ask the following questions:
"Do you want peace?" Yes: Nothing happens and you put the book away
for now. No: Go to the next question.
"Do you want a nightmare?" Yes: Wham! All of the enemies will become 30+
levels stronger, thus increasing the difficulty level of the game. Nice if you think Legend of Mana was too friggin'
easy the first time. No: Go to the next question.
"Do you want a future?" No: It's like the "Universe" level
of Star Ocean, or the "Nightmare" level for DOOM (for the PC). This game will suddenly become harder than a titanium crow- bar
- ALL of the enemies will get bumped up to Level 99! Even a Rabite is far stronger than the Mana Goddess! If you think
the Nightmare mode is too easy, or if you want a real challenge, go for it! "..." I think you put the book away. Nothing
By the way, you get lots of extra experience (up to 54 EXP/crystal) for harder difficulties. So... choose
Oh yeah, you keep all of your Cactus Diaries and other stuff (level, items, etc.) from your previous game,
though your helpers will get bumped way back to their early levels.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The
Other Stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------+ Weapon
Types| ------------+
This section will tell about weapon types, and their advantages and disadvan- tages. (Weapon
power and names will come in a future update).
Sword A long one-handed weapon. Strengths: Can use a shield, and
quite powerful and fast. Quite well-rounded. Weaknesses: None really, except that it might not be too powerful in the late game.
Knife Equipped
in each hand, and used for close combat. Strengths: Very speedy and quite powerful. Weaknesses: Can't use shields. Not
as strong as the Sword.
Axe A one-handed weapon used by swinging down. Strengths: Powerful, though not as much
as two-handed weapons. You can equip a shield with this, though. Weaknesses: Feels slower than the Sword.
Sword A two-handed weapon capable of great destructive power. Strengths: VERY powerful. Screw speed - one Power Attack
will clock the enemies for quite a bit. And a Special Technique can drain 60 (yes, SIXTY) percent of health from a boss! Weaknesses:
Other than the fact that you can't use shields? Nothing.
Two-Handed Axe A two-handed weapon ust to attack by swinging
down. Strengths: Powerful as a Two-Handed Sword. The Special Techniques are quite deadly! Weaknesses: Slow, and can't
use shields.
Hammer A two-handed weapon used to attack by pounding. Strengths: Strong as the two-handed sword
and axe. Weaknesses: VERY slow. Makes me feel defenseless when I make an attack.
Spear A two-handed piercing
weapon. Strengths: Multi-hit attacks and distance. You can hit with a four-hit combo (other weapons can go for only
three) if you're close enough. Power Attacks are so you don't have to be point-blank range to wallop your foe. Weaknesses:
Need to be in point-blank range to use the four-hit combo.
Staff A two-handed weapon with a long reach. Strengths:
Long reach. Weaknesses: VERY weak. I never used this piece of junk in my life!
Glove Two-handed pounding weapon
used in close combat. Strengths: Fast attacking, and can allow you to throw speed combos, without the "recoil" of many
other weapons. Weaknesses: Shorter than even the Knife! Weak, too.
Flail Two-handed weapon capable of various
attacks. Strengths: Easy to hit enemies, and can throw combos quite easily. Fast, too. Weaknesses: Fairly weak. Two-handed,
so you can't use a shield.
Bow and Arrow A two-handed weapon capable of long-range attacks. Strengths: Distance.
Unlike Secret of Mana, these arrows can go the entire distance of the screen! The Power Attacks can hit multiple enemies,
too. Weaknesses: Not very powerful. Special Techniques aren't very strong.
-------------------+ Artifacts/Locations| -------------------+
guide will tell what location each artifact will "produce".
Location ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mailbox
Home Colorblocks
Domina (town) Wheel
Luon Highway Jade Egg
Mekiv Caverns Stone Eye
Lake Kilma Firefly Lamp
Lumina (town) Medallion
Jungle Flame
Gato Grottos (town) Sand Rose
Duma Desert Ancient Tablet
Mindas Ruins Torch of Coral
Madora Beach Broken Doll
Junkyard Moon's Mirror
Tower of Leires Frozen Heart
Feig Snowfields Rusty Anchor
Polpota Harbor (town) Tome of Magic
Geo (town) Pirate's Hook
S.S. Buccaneer (ONLY in water) Bottled Spirit
Ulkan Mines Trembling Spoon
The Underworld Skull Lantern
Norn Peaks Brooch of Love
Lucemia Dragonsbone
The Bone Fortress Green Cane
The White Forest Sword of Mana
Tree of Mana Golden Seed
The Orchards (You need to harvest a LOT of
fruit from Trent at Home to get this.) Jumi's Staff
Bejeweled City
-------------------------+ Some Unanswered Questions| -------------------------+
will happen if Li'l Cactus completes all of his diaries?
Do the mana levels (seen on the lower left-hand corner of
the screen) do any- thing? If so, what exactly do they do?
What the heck is that Sproutling doing all day in front
of your house? Why can't I boot him out for loitering? 8-) I KNOW it's for a quest later on, but why is he ALWAYS there
every single friggin' day, saying "People with pure hearts can go to a whone new world"!?
And, why does Li'l Cactus
talk as if he is a three-year-old, yet, writes in his Cactus Diaries like he's someone at least ten years older than himself?
finally, this is only a rumor: If you played other Square games (like FF7, FF8, Xenogears, etc.), and have saves on the
same memory card as your LoM game, some little things will open up in the Legend of Mana game. Can anyone confirm this?
-------------------------------------------+ Top
"Legend of Mana" Quotes (in my opinion)| -------------------------------------------+
"I'm Bud the Malignant! Son
of Master Magician Heim!" - Bud "You're not feeling love, it's preliminary petrification!" - Kathinja "Yeah, baby, I'm
getting hard! So hard for you, baby!" - Gilbert (in a poor Austin Powers rip-off) "Forsake the lake to see the sea.
See?" - Penguin Pirate "My handle is, 'The Green Wiggly'" Magic Student "I'm so bloody well bleedin' lonely! I'm gonna
spill!" - Teapo "There he goes again! This is starting to look like Bad Humor 101." -Magic Student "The cow isn't
anywhere. He's inside my mind." - Sproutling "Shadoleebeez." - Li'l Cactus "We ain't alike, but we're alike." - Hamson,
to Skippie in the White Forest "He says if he closes his eyes, he sees a green wiggly." - Reverend Nouvelle (in the
White Forest) "A big big big big snake snake snake!" - Li'l Cactus (on Lucemia, in a Cactus Diary) "He got hard?"
- Li'l Cactus, commenting on Gilbert being turned to stone by Kathrinja (Submitted by Steven Seeger (
other interesting quotes, e-mail me!
-------------------------------------------------------+ Top Ten Signs
You Know You Play Too Much Legend of Mana| -------------------------------------------------------+
10. You have
a half-basilisk girlfriend (or boyfriend). 9. You loiter in front of a house only to give a super-artifact at the end. 8.
You think "The Matrix" was a rip-off of this game structure. (I almost did.) 7. You break into a jewelry shop only to steal
just one Jumi core. 6. You've been to Hell and back just to tell that the head demon does jack. 5. You want a flying
rug as a teacher, like Nunuzac. 4. You have a gang of joking penguins terrorizing your neighborhood. 3. You have a barrel
in your soul. 2. You write an entire diary of someone else's (epic) adventures. 1. If you close your eyes, you see a
green wiggly.
----------------+ The Song of Mana| ----------------+
Apparently, the Song of Mana is
in Swedish. The original lyrics and the English translation (courtesy of Tim Siren) are both below:
hörde en nostalgisk sång Någonstans långt bort Den rörde djupt i mitt hjärta En ung styrka talade om livets sång Jag
är född av dig Och jag kom tillbaks i en sång Både vänlig och grym Mitt liv tog en vändning Jag är född på nytt
skyndar mig för att få vara dig nära Om och om igen längtar jag efter dig Jag skyndar mig för att få vara dig nära Om
och om igen längtar jag efter dig Min längtan är ej nån diamant, bara en liten kristall En likhet med ett sandkorn i
öknen, en droppe i havet Men i högmod kommer jag
Årstider kommer och går Och jag följer samma spår Allt jag
vill är att sova Omfamnad i min sång Allt jag vill är att vänta Kura ihop i en dröm Följer min längtan Till
Satt ridande på en vind Ekar långt din sång Kastad av vågor svallar jag mot dig Ung energi, en nostalgisk
sång Ditt leende jag håller så nära i mitt hjärta Och jag fortsätter min färd
Det är ont om tid och jag måste
skynda mig Trodde att jag var fri, fri från att vara i flyktnad Men mångfärgade minnen Blommar djup i mig Äntligen,
äntligen Ååh, ja vi hör min sanning Och ser min dröm, min vackra dröm
Årstider kommer och går och jag följer
samma spår Trodde att jag var fri, fri från att vara i flyktnad Men mångfärgade minnen Blommar djupt i mig Äntligen,
äntligen når vi han
I heard a nostalgic song Somewhere far away It touched deep in my heart A
young strenght speaked of the song of life I am born of you And i came back in a song Both kind and cruel My life
took a turn I am born again
I hurry to be close to you Again and again i long for you I hurry to be close
to you Again and again i long for you My longing is no diamond, just a small crystal Like a grain of sand in the
desert, a drop in the ocean But in vain i come
Seasons come and go And i follow the same track All i want
is to sleep Embraced in my song All i want is yo wait Cuddle up in a dream Follow my longing For you
riding on a wind Echoing your song far Thrown by waves i surge towards you Young energy, a nostalgic song Your
smile i keep close to my heart And i continue my journey
There's little time left and i have to hurry Thought
i was free, free from fleeing But colorfull memories Bloom deep in my heart Finally, finally Ooh, yes we hear
my truth And see my dream, my beautiful dream
Seasons come and go And i follow the same track Thought i was
free, free from fleeing But colorfull memories Bloom deep in my heart Finally, finally we reach him
---------------------+ Copyright
Information| ---------------------+
Copyright 2000 Fred Delles. All rights reserved. This FAQ is not in any way licensed
by Square, Squaresoft, or Electronic Arts. You are allowed to pub- lish this FAQ on any website, provided that (1) it is
not altered in ANY way, (2) that I am given credit for this work, and (3) that you do not make ANY money off this FAQ
in any way, shape, or form. Other than that, go nuts! 8-)
Thanks to the folks (70+ e-mails!) who helped me solve the
Li'l Cactus, the Teatime of Danger, and the "Nic Calls it Quits?" scenarios. Also for info on the unsolved quests I
have yet to complete so far. I got bombarded by so many e-mails regarding these subjects, I can't really credit one specific
person. But you all are a great help. I appreciate it.
Thanks to Dave Munro ( for the "Golden
Seed" artifact.
Thanks to Javier Alicea ( for more on the "Heaven's Gate" quest.
to Sean Kelson ( for information on some of the ob- scure quests (the rare Duma Desert one, etc.)
to Matt Nelson ( and Simon Chung ( for info on the Forbidden Tome. If I missed someone
who mentioned the same subject, well, I thank you for it, too. B-)
Thanks to C. J. Chappell (
for a specific walkthrough for the "Buried Treasure" subquest.
And thanks to Aphel Aura (
for the info on the Forbidden Ring in "The Wisdom of Gaeus" subquest.
MANY thanks to Tim Siren (
for the lyrics to the "Song of Mana" theme (both Swedish and English).
Legend of Mana is a trademark of Square,
Co. Ltd. Legend of Mana is copyright 1999, 2000 Square Co, Ltd.